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4 years later

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4 years later

"Lya where're you going?" James groaned from his place on the sofa as Alya tried to get up and pad into the kitchen

"To get a glass of water. What do you think?" She asked sarcastically

"But the sink doesn't work you know this-"

James was cut off as the sound of gushing water filled the air, water running from the tap and out into her cup.

"You fixed it. You actually fixed it!" James laughed, jumping up in happiness and running over to her, heaving her up and spinning her around in the kitchen.

"Careful James!" She scolded, "well, I thought it'd be a nice gesture. I'm sure this little one will break many things that can later be fixed by generations to come" Alya smiled placing her hand on her stomach

James lowered down to her stomach, placing his hand on her before shouting, "hello baby!"

"James, what the fuck?!" Alya exclaimed covering her ears

"What?" James asked shrugging his shoulders, "lots of insulation in there"

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard" 

A knock sounded on the door making the couple turn around.

Lily Rosa and Nico walked in easily.

"Evening" Nico nodded to the pair as Lily kissed Alya on the cheek and flipped off James before flopping into a chair in the Lupin Cottage kitchen.

"What're you two doing here together?" James asked raising an eyebrow

"Oh er-" Nico stuttered

"Just bumped into each other on the way here" Lily waved, "we both wanted to wish you all good look. Alya with the gallery opening and James with your match this weekend"

"Yeah. You'll both do great" Nico nodded

"Now how's my little niece or nephew" Lily cooed bending down to Alya's stomach

"Probably deafened" Alya replied sending James a look who only smirked

Lily looked at them confusedly before walking into the living room and flopping down into the sofa.

"I'm glad you've both moved in here" she said looking around the room and out of the window at the sea, "it always seemed so empty before. It's nice to see it homely and warm. You've breathed life back into it"

"Mum came here the other day" James said taking a seat along with Lily and Nico

"Oh I know. She seemed a little shaken afterwards" Lily nodded, "but I think she's glad she came"

"So am I" James nodded

"So Alya, how's the pottery shop coming along?" Nico asked sitting closely beside Lily what made James raise an eyebrow.

"Amazing actually!" She beamed, "I was worried I wasn't going to find a career I love but I've really been enjoying it"

"You're quite literally a Potter now" James smirked

"Not until a few month" She smiled waggling her ring finger, decorated with a dainty engagement ring at James.

"Please Can we bring the wedding closer?" James begged taking both Alya's hands

"Nope. James we've been over this. We've got to give people time to prepare"

"Fine" James rolled his eyes shaking his head, "hey Nic how's the job at Hogwarts going? Replacing madam Hooch means you have some big shoes to fill"

Alya watched Lilly and Nico glance to each other briefly, "yeah it's going good. Interesting to say the least. Never a dull moment" he said

Lily Rosa let out a chuckle that she tried to cover with a cough.

"What about you Lils? How's you're seventh year going?"

"Great" Lily waved, "completely relaxed, Quidditchs going pretty well, newts are coming up so I'm busy with them but yeah there's never a dull moment" she said once again glancing to Nico

"Well I'm glad you're both enjoying your time there" Alya said as James tried to pile another blanket over her, the fifth one yet.

"Well" Nico started, "we never wanted to stay long, just to wish you both good luck. See you later mate at the three broomsticks?" he said turning to James, slapping him on the shoulder, "and Alya, I'll see you when I see you" he said giving her a quick hug

"Take care!" She waved as she watched Nico apparate away

"I best be going too" Lily announced, "see you later idiot" she waved to James, "and you Alya, just twat him one if he steps out of line"

"Of course" Alya laughed, "wait lil before you go, can I talk to you?"


James sulked off upstairs while Alya gestured Lily to sit.

"Tell me what's going on" Alya demanded

"You're smarter than your fiancé" Lily laughed

"It's james. Not difficult"

"I'm brushing off on you" Lily sniffed, "I'm so proud"

Alya only shook her head with a smile, "seriously"

"Can't you work it out for yourself Alys?"

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