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"Before you all go!" Percy Weasley called out, "I would like you all to complete an essay with your desk partner about the effects and uses of the patronus charm"

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"Before you all go!" Percy Weasley called out, "I would like you all to complete an essay with your desk partner about the effects and uses of the patronus charm"

Alya rested her head in her hands trying to compose herself.

"Oi Hill, how about we study in my dorm" James winked suggestively as he walked beside her while Alya tried to walk away quicker, just for James to match her pace.

"Try again Potter" she spoke cooly trying to loose him.

"Fine, how about the library?"

"Can you do Wednesday evening?" Alya asked

"I've got quidditch practise"

"Thursday lunch?"

"Also quidditch practice" he replied

"You know what, I'll just do it myself" Alya said rounding the corner

"But I want to help you-"

"Potter! Just let me do it alone" she cut off reaching the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room, answering the riddle and leaving James outside in the corridor.

Sighing James flopped down into the sofa in the Gryffindor common room.

"What's up with you?" Lily Rosa asked as she and Rose sat down across from him

"I'm supposed to do an essay with Hill" he replied

"I thought you'd be happy about that" Rose said looking at him confused

"I am. But she doesn't want me to help her"

"Understandable" Lily hummed "you can be very stupid. And annoying for that matter"

"Shut up Lily" James scoffed

"Do you want a rematch on that fight? Because I'll win"

"She will" Rose nodded in agreement as James rolled his eyes.

"I think she got angry when I kept saying I couldn't make it because of quidditch practice"

"Well did you say you could reschedule Quidditch for her?" Lily asked

"No. Should I of?" James questioned

"Yes!" Rose exclaimed "that way you'll be showing her that you care and are willing to make time to complete the essay"

"I don't think she wants me there anyway" James sighed messing his hair

"No one wants to complete a two person essay on their own" Lily sympathised "I'm sure Alya would appreciate a bit of help. Just... maybe don't be a prick"

"Just be yourself" Rose agreed

"But himself is a prick though" Lily counted

"Cheers Lils" James grumbled sarcastically

"Hey! It's not my fault! You know I'm not good at advice. That's Rems job not mine. He's the smart sibling, because it's definitely not you"

"Alright, alright" James whined rolling off the sofa and walking out into the corridors

"Where are you going?" Rose called

"To play some quidditch" he hollered back making the two younger girls face palm.

Alya and Roxanne walked across the Hogwarts grounds to the quidditch pitch. Roxanne was on the Ravenclaw team as a beater and wanted to get in some extra training. Alya had decided that she would accompany Roxanne while she took a few books and magazines with her to keeps her amused while she waited in the stands.

Taking her blanket out of her bag and bringing out a copy of witches weekly she flicked through the pages.
She landed on one specific article that covered the most famous models of the 70s. Looking over the beautiful women her eyes became suck on a certain one. A tall woman with long blond flowing hair, smiling dazzlingly at the Camera. She seemed young, perhaps only 17. She looked so familiar to Alya, like she'd met her before or atleast recognised her features before. Shrugging she moved on from the page and looked through the rest of the magazine.

She looked up to see Roxanne playing Quidditch with someone in the distance. With their Gryffindor jumper and black messy hair it was only one person it could be.

Alya didn't mind that James was friends with her friend, just as long as he kept well away from her.

Her prayers, however, weren't answered as Roxanne and James came flying over.

"Hill!" James beamed "it's lovely to see you again! You look different" he hummed

"You saw me 30 minutes ago" Alya stated blankly

"Wow, I guess time really does move slowly when you're not around me" James grinned leaning back on his broom.

The surrounding girls sat in the stands, watching James train, practically melted. All swooning at his actions. Still, James paid no attention to them. His mischievous, loving eyes trained on Alya's face; flitting over her eyes, her nose, her lips, her cheeks, her hair. He couldn't help it she was just too alluring, too gorgeous for him to ignore. But her looks wasn't what he supposedly 'loved' about her. Alya didn't care that James was a Potter. She didn't care about his looks or his popularity.

She simply didn't care.

And that was the thing.

The thing James hated most about Alya Hill. There wasn't one thing he could really hate about her, she was perfect in his eyes. But he did hate that she didn't care.

Everyone else loves him, so why couldn't she?

That was the million dollar question James would ask himself every night.

Why didn't Alya Hill like him like everyone else?

Why did she hate him?


James ily, you can be my boyfriend. It's okay

Addictive Attraction 3 ~ J.S.P Where stories live. Discover now