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James Sirius was usually a completely relaxed and laid back character, so it was a surprise for everyone around him as he slowly started to fade into nervous jitters and silence as the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff approached in a weeks time

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James Sirius was usually a completely relaxed and laid back character, so it was a surprise for everyone around him as he slowly started to fade into nervous jitters and silence as the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff approached in a weeks time.

Alya first noticed as the two of them were laid around the common room.

James would usually be all for chatting and cracking jokes but that particular Sunday afternoon he was deadly silent. Staring into space, his knee bouncing up and down.

She'd ask if he was okay, but all he'd ever respond with was, "fine Lya" or "you worry too much"

Maybe Alya did worry too much. But she missed James.

He was always there, the two were never really apart, but he was just so preoccupied by everything else that it seemed to dim his light a little.

She wanted James back. Her James.

Yeah he was annoying but she couldn't deny that she missed his gross compliments and unfunny jokes.

She'd tried reassuring James a million times. He was great at Quidditch, the best in the school by a far. He had plenty of offers from various teams outside of Hogwarts waiting for him after their graduation. But none of it seemed to help him snap out of his ever growing stress.

Both Viola and Harry had become so concerned for their son that they'd called a family meeting and were thoroughly relieved when they found out the source of James' quietness was merely Quidditch stress and not some major incident.

And so as Alya and James sat surrounded around their friends at the back of the history of magic classroom, Alya didn't really pay attention to what was happening around her as she tried to help come up with ideas to take James' mind off the stress.

Alya classes and grades were important to her, especially because of their ever impending newts, but James had become her new priority.

"Hey" she leaned over, whispering into James' ear

"Hey" he whispered back with a tired smile

"This class is boring don't you think?"

"History of magic is always boring love" James replied

"You wanna head out?" Alya suggested with a smile

"What?" James asked blankly as if he'd heard her wrong

"You know? Sneak out"

James carried on looking at her blankly before putting a hand to her forehead, "are you feeling well? Do you need escorting to madam Pomfrey?"

"I'm fine" Alya shrugged, "I want you to teach me how to fly"

"Fly?" James asked, a glint appearing in his eyes

"Yeah. I know you've been wanting to teach me for ages and for some reason I have a sudden urge to be good at Quidditch, so why not. Come on James, let's skip"

"Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?" James laughed quietly, careful not to draw attention to them

"Come on" Alya said, grasping his hand tightly, and sliding out from her desk in the back corner of the room by the door

James glanced between Alya stood out in the corridor waiting for him and Professor Binns drawling on about goblin rebellions, considering his options.

It didn't take long.

Who would James to be to deny himself of the pretty girl waiting for him in the corridor, her hand out stretched for him to take.

The pair of them ran through the corridors, hand in hand, laughing and shushing each other, not wanting to capture any Professors attention.

Bursting out into the warm air the two of them breathed in the sweet scent of the flowers and grass that grew beneath their feet.

"Ready to fly then Lya?" James asked, an excited grin on his face as he flung Alya over his shoulder

"Ready as I'll ever be" Alya laughed back, not even fighting James' grasp.

She'd missed him too much to be mad at him.

"Would now be a bad time to tell you I'm terrified of heights" Alya spoke up, a spare broom inbetween her legs, James beside her on his own broom, her voice slightly high pitched

"Probably" James chuckled, "don't worry Alya. I've got you"

Alya nodded and kicked off as James had showed her previously, wobbling slightly in the air.

James stayed close to her for comfort.

There was a reason Alya hated flying. Actually, there were several.

She hated heights, she was horribly coordinated and hated the churning feeling that always seemed to appear in the bottom of her stomach when she ever set foot onto the Quidditch pitch.

"You've got it" James smiled encouragingly, sending her a cheesy thumbs up

Alya shot him a weak smile back as she swallowed thickly, looking to the ground below.

She was doing this for James

That what she told herself anyway

"Come on. We can go a little further" James said speeding past Alya

She nodded apprehensively before leaning forwards making the broom jerk suddenly, lurching her forwards. Just as she let out a squeal she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist and pull her over.

James had quickly flown beside her, pulling her onto his broom behind him, "you're fine Lya" he soothed, "a few more lessons and you'll be a pro in no time"

Alya only buried her head into the crook of James neck and wound her arms around his waist tightly.

Her grip on him didn't let up until her feet were safely planted on the floor.

The two of them sat shoulder to shoulder, James' arm around Alya and Alyas head on his shoulder as they watched the sun disappeared behind the mountains from the Quidditch stands

"Thank you Alya" James said breaking their comfortable silence

"What for?"

"You know what" James replied kissing her head

"I don't"

"You do. You've never had any urge to ever go anywhere within 10 metres of a broom before, never mind learn to ride one. Thank you for sacrificing your precious lesson time and putting up with your fear of flying for me. It helped to take my mind off the stress a lot"

"You're welcome James. Of course I'd do that for you. You'd do it for me one hundred times over"

"You're too good for me honestly Lya"

"No. You're more than enough James" Alya smiled back, pulling James forwards into a kiss, slow and loving. His hands cupping her face, "just don't ever make me fly again"

Addictive Attraction 3 ~ J.S.P Where stories live. Discover now