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Alya had lost all her patience

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Alya had lost all her patience.

Her and James had agreed earlier on that day that they'd meet up around 10am outside the Ravenclaw common room to start their after-hours patrols. So far, James was twenty minutes late.

She'd decided she wasn't going to stand around waiting any longer nor was she going to patrol on her own and so consequently stormed through the corridors irritably in search for James.

Assuming he was in the Gryffindor common room with Frank and Nico she made her way through the extensive castle, walking with pace.

Rounding the corner she came to a sudden stop, spotting a familiar head of messy hair crouched down beside a younger Hufflepuff student.

Alya hung back a little, trying to understand what they were doing.

"It's okay, you've got it" James smiled comfortingly to the first year who was sat in the floor, her back resting against the wall.

Alya noticed that the young girl had a bubble head charm cast around her; something a first year was unable to do.

"Deep breaths" James continued, still smiling, "can you tell me five things that you can see?"

"A wall, a painting, my wand, you and that girl" the first year Hufflepuff said quietly, taking deep breaths

At the mention of "that girl" James turned to see Alya stood there. He shot her a smile before turning his attention back to the Hufflepuff

"Five things you can smell?" He asked softly, "you're doing great"

The younger student had calmed down and James had escorted her back to the Hufflepuff common room for the night.

"I'm sorry I was late" James apologised to Alya, "I was on my way when I found the first year, she was a little panicked about not being able to find the common room before it got dark"

"No, it's fine" Alya replied smiling, a little in awe, "you cast a bubble head?"

"Yeah" James waved off, "thought it might help her catch her breath"

"That's smart" Alya nodded impressed, "you were great with her"

"I used to help my mum and Dad look after Lils when she was little so I guess it just comes natural" he said casually

Alya watched him warmly and with admiration

"What?" He asked noticing the look on Alya's face

"Nothing" she shrugged with a smile

"Come on" James countered, "we have patrolling to do" he said grasping her hand in his before pulling her down the corridors.

The two of them swung their hands in between each other happily.

Alya had taken some time to think to herself and had decided to give James a chance. They weren't dating but she felt as if she couldn't go back to the way things were.

James was more than happy. He did everything he could to make Alya feel comfortable and as if it wasn't rushed. He hadn't even told Nico and Frank anything.

Alya had told him that it was perfectly fine but James was adamant that he should wait until he was sure he wasn't rushing anything or forcing anything onto Alya.

Although Alya found James' stubbornness to make her feel comfortable adorable and flattering, It had started to annoy her, just a little bit.

James would always wait for Alya to kiss him, he'd never make the first move, scared that he'd frighten her off by forcing it on her. Alya just wished he'd stop treating her as if she'd break and grab her by the head and snog her.

But James, the ever gentleman, would never make a move, insisting that he'd wait.

Like he was afraid it was all a dream and if he'd make a move he'd wake up and find that it was all his imagination.

James and Alya's attention was caught by voices.

"Come on Lily, we have to run or we will get caught" Viola whined as she walked infront of her daughter quickly

"First of all" Lily started, "I don't run for anyone. Second of all, you're literally a teacher mum. Nothing will happen if we get caught"

"Oh yeah" Viola chuckled

James rolled his eyes in amusement, letting go of Alyas hand and rounding the corner to find his mother and Sister stood there.

"Hey Jamsie" Viola waved as she saw her eldest son before her

"Hi idiot" Lily grinned

"What are you both doing?" James laughed looking at the pair with large boxes in their arms

"Well, as you know it's Rems birthday tomorrow" Viola started

"So we're going to surprise him by decorating the hall ready for breakfast tomorrow" Lily finished, "Minnie said it was okay. Professor Longbottom was going to help but he fell asleep"

"We was going to ask if you wanted to help but I heard you had prefect patrol" Viola smiled

"You're both stupid" James laughed, "Rem is going to be so embarrassed"

"That's the point!" the two chorused


Sorry i haven't updated in ages.

I've been very stressed with school.

Thank you for your patience!!!! <3333

Addictive Attraction 3 ~ J.S.P Where stories live. Discover now