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"Come on! Hurry up!" James shouted shaking Frank and Nico awake "we're going to be late for class"

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"Come on! Hurry up!" James shouted shaking Frank and Nico awake "we're going to be late for class"

"Since when did you give a fuck about class?"Nico muttered rolling over and rubbing his eyes.

"It's defence first" Frank groaned in response Making Nico roll his eyes in understanding

"Come on! I don't want to be late. If I'm late then it's less time I get to spend with Hill" James exclaimed running around the dorm with his jumper half pulled over his head and one shoe on.

"We still have twenty minutes to get there until it starts" Nico protested pulling his pillow over his head

"I want to be there before her" James explained "maybe it'll impress her. I wonder how she's done her hair today" he drifted off "I hope it's in those those little curls. She looks really pretty with those. But she looks pretty anyway so it doesn't really matter-"

"James! Shut the fuck up!" Nico grumbled from under the covers

"We get it, she's pretty" Frank rolled his eyes

"What was that Longbottom? Want to say that again?" James asked scowling at Frank

"I'm so done" Frank sighed buttoning up his shirt and walking out of the door.

"Wait for me!" James shouted running after him.

Alya, Roxanne, Amalie and Daria were all walking to Defence as they tried to convince Amalie to do their potions essay.

"Please Ama, you can have the rest of my chocolate frogs" Daria grinned hopefully

"That's weak. I'll do all the clothes washing for a week" Alya offered with a smirk.

"Fine!" Amalie exclaimed "I'll do Alya's. But you better stick to your promise"

"Of course" She hummed

"I've had enough of this favouritism!" Daria exclaimed throwing her hands up

"So dramatic" Roxanne laughed

The four girls were about to enter the classroom when they were suddenly pushed out of the way making them bump into the doorframe.

"Urm ow" Amalie grumbled

"Sorry Ladies" Frank apologised as James sprinted over to his seat and fell down into it "James is in...er, a bit of a rush. Evidently"

"It's fine, don't worry about it" Amalie waved off

"Is it thoughhhh?" Alya asked rubbing her arm that had been shoved against the wall

"Not really" Daria replied, also rubbing her head that was banged against the wall.

"Again, I'm sorry" Frank sighed as he went to sit down at his seat.

Alya closed her eyes and took in a breath preparing herself before walking over to her seat next to James.

"Hill! Looking as gorgeous as ever" he smiled

Alya just pulled a face of disgust before reaching to pull out her seat. She was interrupted before she could as James sprung up pulling the seat out for her and gesturing her her to sit with a charming grin.

She looked at him unimpressed before sitting down silently. James was about to push her chair towards the desk before Alya slapped his hand away.

"I can do it myself" she snapped

"Oh, sorry" James replied sitting back down in his seat


Happy pancake day my loves <3

Addictive Attraction 3 ~ J.S.P Where stories live. Discover now