I Order You to be My Valentine's

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Author's Note: I apologize for the belated story, but here it is so please enjoy and let me know what you think or if you have a request.

Tonight was the big Valentine's Day party. Apparently the Scout Regiment threw one every year. It has a bouquet and drinks and dancing. I thought it sounded fun, that is.... untill Hangi bought me an extremely uncomfortable dress. It was red and short, but lacey and cute. It was really pretty, but really itchy. She also bought me a matching pair of shoes and headband. And also an embarrassing pair of skanky underwear. Everything matched with my (h/c) hair and big (e/c) eyes.

As I combed my hair into a tight bun and placed my headband in, Hangi busted open my door! "You ready yet," she shouted! Hangi looked really pretty. She was wearing a black evening dress with an opening above the leg and had shiny, silver earrings. Her hair was up and curled too. She would have looked like a real lady if not for her loud, crazy attitude. "Come on your missing the party!" Hangi shoved me out the door and dragged me down the hall.

Hangi spun me into her tight grasp. "Tonight it finally happens," she whispered excitedly. "What happens," I asked nervously.

"Don't play dumb! You know... You'll finally be together with....." Hangi peered around and then brought her lips to my ear and said as quiet as a mouse, "Levi." At that moment my face broke out in blush. "Hangi! What the hell? I told you, it will never happen." Hangi rolled her eyes and gave me a look of bull. "Why wouldn't it," she asked loudly. I quickly hushed her and said, "Because, captain doesn't even notice me." Hangi gave me a tsk, tsk. "I've heard quite the opposite." For a second my heart lit up with hope. "What?" Hangi shoved me into the mess hall as she yelled, "Oh, nothing!"

The bright pink lights blinded me. I walked in to see one half of the room slow dancing and the other drinking. I mingled with the drinkers. Mainly because I doubted anyone would dance with me, but I secretly wished it. As I drank more and more alcohol I noticed more and more people were dancing. Or making fools of themselves. Luckily, I stopped when I felt that I had a buzz. Although I felt like I needed more. Valentine's Day is super depressing when you have no one to spend it with. And besides the vomiting drunks, I was the only person who didn't have someone.

I took the last chug from my beer mug and wiped my mouth. It wasn't late, but the longer I watched Eren and Mikasa dance, the more lonely I became. I looked around for Captain Levi. Maybe I'm buzzed enough to ask him to dance. BUT he was keeping an eye on a drunken Hangi. Thanks for the help four eyes. I got up from my seat on the tabletop and started toward the door. Suddenly I heard loud footsteps heading my way. Hangi practically threw herself on top of me! "Hey! Where are you going," she shouted. Hangi hiccuped between every few words and had tossed her heels somewhere. Half of her hair had came down and one of her earrings were missing. Hangi was a drunk mess.

Levi followed behind her. "Hangi," he called out from halfway across the room. Hangi ignored him and started ranting about love. "I know something *hiccup* about love," she said poking my chest. "You gotta want it bad *hiccup*! If that guy's got into your blood...... go out and get him. *Hiccup* if you want him to be, the very part of you that makes you wanna breathe *hiccup* here's the thing to do." She pointed to Levi, who was shoving his way through a sea of people. "Tell him *hiccup* that you're never gonna leave him. Tell him that *hiccup* you're always gonna love him. Tell him. Tell him! *Hiccup*" Hangi tossed herself on the floor and passed out on contact.

As she slept Captain finally found his way to us. "Happy Valentine's Day Captain," I said casually. "Hello," he said picking Hangi off the floor. As soon as he picked her up she flipped out on him and clung to me! "Hangi, go to sleep," he ordred. She shook her head at him and said childishly, "Now why would I do that? I'm having soooooooo much fun with (y/n)." Irratated, Levi began to pry Hangi from my waist. Hangi let go and caused them to fall over! She started laughing her evil - scientist laugh. She got up and stood next to me. Levi rose up and he looked pissed.

Hangi covered her mouth and using the little bit of common sense left she came up with a dastardly plan. "Boy it's hot in here," Hangi said as she took down her hair. "I wonder why?" Hangi then removed her leggings. She started to unzip the back of her dress. Letting her entire back and nearly butt hang out. Levi left in an instant. He wanted nothing more to do with this drunken fool. "Hangi! What are you doing?" I quickly zipped her dress up halfway! She flicked her hair and said, "I'm just hot is all." She started to slip of the dress. Soon she'd be nude! I pulled it back up on her! I whispered in her ear, "What's it gonna take for you to stop?" She whispered back, "Tell him."

I blushed in thought. Do I have the courage to do that? But if I don't Hangi is going to make a fool of herself. I can't let her run around with no clothes. I bit my lip and swallowed hard. "Fine," I said. Hangi winked and then yawned, "Hmmmmmm, I'm feeling sleepy. I guess I'll go to bed. See ya in the mornin'." She waved goodbye and disappeared in the dark hallway. I tightened my first and put up a calm front. Just tell him, I thought. Okay...... go. I looked up to find that Captain Levi was standing right in front of me. He held out his hand and asked with a small blush, "Would you like to dance?" My heart melted. He asked ME to dance! Wooooooooo! Dont get carried away though. Just say, "Yes."

In a few moments I was dancing with Captain Levi. He was actually a pretty good dancer. Which surprised because usually at parties he's a wall flower. I ignored the past and just enjoyed the present. I stared into his cold, frigid eyes and lost myself in them. They say eyes are the window to the soul, but his, they were like countless steel doors. Each one more difficult to unlock then the next. Suddenly, he looked down. I became worried. Is he not enjoying this? Maybe he doesn't feel the same way. That doesn't surpri- "(y/n), this is an order from your captain, I order you to be my valentine's." I stared at him in either joy or disbelief for a second. I'm not sure which. All I'm sure of was after that I did something really...... spontaneous.

At those words I wrapped my arms around Captain Levi and kissed him. I clung to him and refused to end this kiss. Suddenly I felt him kiss back. It was like a passionate war with our mouths. He held the back of my head and dipped me, still lip locked. I felt him start to pull away for air, but this moment was to wonderful to stop. I held him tighter, forcing his lips to mine. They felt amazing. And he tasted so good. Ironically I ran out of breath and had to let go. When I did Levi meet his eyes with mine. He looked shocked, but also like he wanted more. I placed my head on his chest. I seductively whispered in his ear, "Captain..... I love you." He leaned back a bit and then placed his lips only a few centimeters apart from mine. "I love you too," he said before kissing me.

The rest of the night was a mix of ecstacy and alcohol. That Saturday night, Annie danced on tabletops. Armin had too many shots. Think they kissed, but I forgot. That Saturday night, Hangi went streaking through the yard. Eren got kicked out of the bar. So Levi kicked them super hard. That Saturday night, Erwin thinks we broke the law and Mikasa said we need to sto- op. "Wo-ah," I yelled as I fell over onto the floor. The next morning everyone was miserable. All of us had done something we regretted, except Levi and I. Even though what we had done resulted in me using a fallen banner as clothes and him tying a shirt around his waist. But that was one of the best parts, because the shirt didn't cover the back.

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