Blood Lusting; Part 2

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     I rushed through the dark halls. Quietly tucking into the shadows and avoiding the guards. As I shifted pass one of them I reached out my hand and slyly detached the keys to the cells from his belt. In this place there were two types of cells. The small, compact cells we call the Red Cells, where the slaves were held. And the large cell, know as the Silver Cell, one giant room filled with silver chains that enfolded a single lycanthrope scheduled for death. I tucked the keys into the palm of my hand and silently swept to the Silver Cell. I looked up at the large iron doors towering above me. Swiftly, I placed the key inside the lock and turned it. An echo rang around me. I slowly opened the door, be careful not to make it creak. I peered inside the dimly lit cage.

     Chains upon chains wrapped and cuffed around the imprisoned lycanthrope. His arms hung above him in defeat. Every chain around him was tightly pulling him in all directions. He knelt in the moonlight seeping through the grate above him. His head bowed in anger. I heard him growl faintly as his claws reflected the light into my hair. At that moment my still heart cringed. Now that I had the chance to free him, I became confused. Is this really the right decision? Is it right to use him as a pawn in my own selfish game? "I can smell you, princess." His voice interrupted my thoughts. The lycanthrope looked up at me. His artic eyes hot with rage, but cold with depression. I crept into the massive room and quietly shut the door behind me. I laid against the iron at my back as he stared at me. It felt as if his eyes were pushing me away, but I wanted to come forward. I balled my hand into a fist and pushed off the doors. Slowly I paced towards him as he eyeballed me up and down.

     I stood before him. He didn't bother to look up, but I looked down. I crouched to his eye level. He remained silent in his furry as his growls grew louder. I stretched out my hand to his hair. Quickly, he snapped his fangs at me! I didn't flinch nor move away, instead I simply stopped my hand. When he calmed himself I reached out again. Again he did the same, but I kept reaching. When my hand met his hair it was strange. I didn't feel like I was touching a beast or revolting creature, but simply another being like myself. I moved my hand down to his cheek and ran my thumb along the groove of his pale skin. I looked into his eyes deeper than before. In his narrow gaze, I saw a glimpse of his soul; raging with a passion to be free, but scared to fight, and yet willing to die. I'm not sure what he saw in mine, but he stopped fighting and gently rested his cheek in my hand.

     "My name is (y/n)," I whispered sweetly to him. "May I now know yours?" I waited to hear his voice once more. The voice that gave me a chill of pleasure every time he spoke. "Levi," he muttered. I smiled at him. "Levi, do you wish to be free?" His eyes widened at the question. "I have the keys. I just have to know..... what will you do if I let you go?" The roomed filled itself with silence and anticipation. "I will return to the Black Forest, where my brothers and I will raise a mighty army. Then we shall storm this hellish nightmare and liberate every lycanthrope your father has taken prisoner. When we come I will kill your father first."
     "And then me I suppose?"
     "No, I will let you live if....."
     "If what?"
     "If you wait for me. If you promise that when I return you will come back with me to my home."
     "Is that all you wish of me? Perhaps I should give you a child and marry you under the full moon?"
     "If that is what you wish."
     "I can make no such promises, but I will swear to you one thing. I will never harm a lycanthrope, and I will never harm you."
     "Why do you say such things?"
      "Because you're the only person who bothers to listen."
Levi smiled just a little and so did I. His smile caught me off guard and I fumbled the keys for a moment as I reached for the main lock around his neck. I placed the key in place and twisted it. The cuff round his neck unlocked loudly. I pulled it off him and set it on the floor as he gasped for air. Next I unlocked the cuffs around his wrist and arms, then his legs and ankles. After that I unwrapped the countless chains around his body. As I ran my lady like finger along the chains I felt they had been inscribed with marking to prevent lycanthrope transformation. And setting Levi below the moon was just another way of mocking him. Forcing the moon to say, I have forsaken you.

After a few minutes Levi was finally free. His body slightly dropped as the chains that had strung him up fell beside him. Levi arched his back and stretched his arms. A few cracks rang off the white walls dipped in the twilight. I heard him let out a suddle moan as he looked at me. He looked at me as if he had a craving for my flesh. And I wasn't sure if it was because I was a vampire, or because I had released him. Levi crept towards me on his hands and knees. His claws scratching the floor. He stretched out his hand and gently caressed my cheek. His eyes slowly shut as he leaned in. At that moment my body felt heavy. Like I couldn't move. All my limbs stopped working and I sat in his grasp awaiting his kiss. I shut my golden eyes and relaxed as I felt the warmth from his sculpted body embrace me.

Levi's kiss was intoxicating! It was like fresh, red blood.... and I wanted more! For centuries my heart had kept silent, but as I felt his lips press against mine I could hear it beat. Louder and louder with each passing second. Then suddenly..... it stopped. I opened my eyes to see that Levi had disappeared. Where did he go, I thought curiously to myself. And why did he leave? My body was cold once more and my heart was still and no longer beating. I wearily rose to my feet. Having accomplished what I had came here for I took my leave. I shut the iron door and relocked it. I passed back through the shadows and placed the keys back into the guard's pocket. At last I had reached my room. I slipped inside and closed the black doors behind me. I retreated to my bed and tore my finger nails into a pillow as I crushed it in my arms. Like a snake suffocating it's prey. A single silver tear ran down my cheek and stained my pillow with sadness. Many more followed as I cried to myself, "He will come back."

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