All I Want is for You to be Happy; Part 1

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     Tomorrow is Christmas, it's practically here. I've gotten presents for my entire squad, except one man, Captain Levi. His has to be special! It's not only Christmas, but his birthday too. The captain always seems so down, especially this time of the year. I've failed in making his gift smile-worthy too many years now. This year he'll smile for sure, no doubt.
    I've made a few mental notes that I think will prove most useful in finding him the perfect gift. One, clothes are out. The first year I got him a new pair of boots and he simply sneered at them. Two, cleaning products are always good. Second year, I got him a wash tub full of dusters, wax, a broom, and other dirt demolishing items. Did not receive a smile nor a sneer. Three, the captain is a tea enthusiast. Once he said, "When we left the underground I planned to open a tea shop." Also, I always catch him with a new kind of tea when he returns from town.
      That means my plan for this year is to find the captain the most delicious- and probably expensive- tea I can find. And my search starts in the underground black market.
     The city is dark, depressing, filled with a sense of hopelessness. A foul odor consumes every inhale, even cutting through the shawl wrapped over my nose. Cracking buildings, chipped and stained with- I don't wanna know- are everywhere. Some clothing stores, others restaurants-I guess-and a few homes. Most people I see, that aren't obese merchants or muscle-headed thugs, are frightfully skinny women and children, slumped in with the trash.
     My gaze wonders back and forth, across the streets. I stop when I spot a café of sorts. The sign, dangling above the door by a single chain, read Drink 'Til You Drop. I believe many men walk in with that as their intent. I'm simply after a case of tea leaves. Through the partially broken windows I spot riftraft drinking and dropping, a few women dancing, and shelves of differing liquors. With a deep breath in and out I open the torn up storm-door.
     Talking bronze muscle approaches me instantly. Muscle's white V-neck stretches across his flexing chest. The blonde hair brushing his shoulders attaches to the same shade cloaking his jaw and upper lip. Dim brown eyes glower from on high. "What do you want, little lady?" A voice to match Muscle's appearance. "I'm looking for tea leaves."
    "Well I've got plenty of those."
    "No. I need the best tea leaves."
    "Oh, I don't have those. You'll wanna head farther east until you find the merchant Jericho. She can help you. Be careful though, she's not exactly a patient woman."
    "Thank you, I'll keep that in mind."
     Muscle waves me out as another man, one much less macho, swings right at him. Muscle dodges and with one arm tosses the man out the door, nearly taking me with him.
     Head east.
    Find Jericho.
     I thought the regular city was bad. Somehow the east end is even worse! More thugs, more merchants, more scum. I've dry-heaved twice now. Brushing shoulders with a stranger pulls me from my thoughts. "Sor-"
    "Watch where you're going," a lady snarls. She's tall, lean, and wearing a few strips of cloth. Her auburn hair is greasy and half tugged into a curled ponytail. "I could say the same to you, but I wouldn't want to waste my time on such a low-life." Shouldn't have said that. I should have just asked about Jericho. Shadowed emerald eyes lock onto me. "I like you!" She bursts into a cackle. "You've got an attitude I admire."
     "Then can you tell me where I can find Jericho?"
     "Oh sure! I can take you to Jerry. Follow me." Auburn pulls me closer and begins leading me along the street. Her peeled lips tug into a grin. "I'm Margaret by the way, but call me Maggie."
     "(y/n)," I reply softly.

    Margaret directs me to a tall building, the windows glowing and the entrance two flights of stairs away. She bounces ahead of me, and when I reach the top she's waiting with the door held open. "You've got a visitor Jerry," Margaret calls in a sing-song voice.
     "Send them in," a firmer, less feminine voice commands. With her eyes, Maggie motions me in.
     Jericho sits before me, her feet resting on her desk littered with empty bottles and crumpled papers. Straight black hair hides the left eye, but the other I can see behind those thick lashes, is the color of honey. She dawns a trench coat, the same shade as her hair, and beneath it tape wraps her breast and a skirt hides her hips. She's so pale. Just as pale as Margaret.
      Maggie hops beside Jericho, batting her arm. "This one's got spark Jerry!" Jericho flicks a lock over her shoulder. "I don't care Maggie. Just tell me what you want." She waves a dagger, that was stuck in the desk, in my direction. "I'm looking for the most delicious tea leaves you have."
     "So you're after Frosted Tears." Jericho places a small tin box, decorated by singing women and lace details, on the desk. "Tea leaves that are only found in the extreme cold of the north. They're rare. Very rare. Within Wall Sina only seven cases are existent. I owned three, but two have already been bought. One is left, and it's all yours. . . That is if you can beat my latest bidder."
     From behind, a man, whom I hadn't noticed before, reveals himself. He's so thin, and his skin is as dull as greystone. Dark circles consume his dusty eyes. Salt and pepper hair circle his scalp. Head to toe he's high fashion: red coat wrapped in gold, blue trousers, and high rising boots. A small pair of spectacles sit on his beak nose.
     Jericho nibbles her lip, as if she has an itch for this man- his money that is. "Lord Theesus here is prepared to offer me fifty pounds of silver for the Frosted Tears. What about you?" Fifty pounds! I've been saving all my life for a nice home outside of Nedlay, and in that time I've collected only twenty pounds. In my pocket I have five at best. There's only one way I'm getting those leaves. . . and it's not exactly honest.
     I dig into the pouch hooked around my shoulder, fisting the small sum of silver. Slowly, I pursue Jericho. "Let me see," she barks. My fingers unfold and her gaze narrows. "This is it? Pathetic." A tic under my eye. In a moment I'm swinging right, making contact with Jericho's cheek. I pocket the Frosted Tears before forcing Theesus to the floor. "After her Maggie!"
     Run fast.
     Run far.

Yeah, I know Christmas was a while ago, but better late than never.

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