Who Are We To Judge

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Author's Note: Comment on this chapter if you want me to continue the story of Blood Lusting. Also, one comment won't convince me.

The squad and I sat chatting in the mess hall like we always did at noon. After I finished training with Captain Levi in the morning. He pushed me to my limits and that's what I loved. Always telling me I could do better and nagging me to do so. Even before I joined the Scout's I had always had a deep admiration for him. But after meeting the captain in person and spending time with him my admiration quickly molded into love. I am in love with Captain Levi, there's no denying it. However, that doesn't mean I have to go parading around proclaiming my love to him. I'd rather just keep it to myself and watch him quietly. One day I'll tell him, maybe.

I shifted my glance around the mess hall and noticed that Eren was nowhere to be seen. I was just about to ask where he was when he came slugging in. "Man, captain's like a slave driver. He made me clean my room, and then redo it three times because and I quote, "My cleaning is deplorable." What does it matter though? It's just gonna get dirty again," Eren whined as he took his seat. I'd think he'd be used to how Captain Levi is by now. I shrugged and said, "I think the point is that you didn't do it right the first time, so he had you do it again so you'd get it right."
"Well, I didn't do it right three times then!"
"Oh Eren, we all know captain is a bit of a clean freak anyway." I playfully twisted my (h/c) hair as I giggled. Eren rolled his eyes at me. "Besides his severe OCD, he can't bother to express the tiniest bit of emotion. While captain Levi is humanity's strongest, the man's like a corpse." A few others nodded to my amazement. Eren, is basically stabbing captain in the back. And so is everyone else! I can't believe what I'm hearing. It only got worst when Jean spoke. "Yeah, and what about the time he beat you, Eren? The guy strikes me as sorta a prick." The rest of them started cavorting and gossiping.

I cringed, gritting my teeth. Posing a problem, without posing a solution is called whining. Besides who are they to judge. I could point out a million of their flaws. Eren, an angry impulsive ass who's going to get mankind killed if he doesn't use his head. When Armin screams his voice sounds like a two year old girl on helium. Mikasa is an unemotional bitch that only cares about Eren. Connie is just a jackass. Sasha is a glutton that's gonna die of a heart attack if she keeps eating the way she does. And Jean is an uptight bastard who thinks his shit don't stink. I could keep going, but I'd be on my death bed by the time I finished.

Armin turned to me and asked, "What do you think, (y/n)?" I laughed a little. "What do I think?" Everyone's eyes set on me and I kept my gaze on all of them. "I think...... THAT YOU SHOULD ALL SHUT UP!" I jumped from the table and slammed my hands against the wood! They all wore a shameful expression filling with guilt by he second. "You have no idea what captain is like! He has more compassion than all of you combined. Just because he doesn't cry and become a heap of emotions doesn't mean he isn't hurting inside. Because I know he is." Eren stretched his hand towards me as an apology. "(y/n), we didn't mean-" I smacked his fingers so hard it stung my hand red. "No! Shut up, Eren! I'm not done talking yet!" I put my closed fist to my chest firmly. "Captain always. Always. Puts others before himself, and never questions it. So never say he's a prick or a corpse! Because captain... Captain is a saint compared to all of you!"

A hand rested on my shoulder. I craned my neck to see. A suddle gasp escaped my lips as my eyes widen. "Eh, captain? What are you-"
"Come with me to my office. Now." His stern tone and chilling glare wouldn't allow me to say anything except, "Yes, captain." I bowed my head and intertwined my fingers. I followed his boots down the halls. After a few moments we stopped and he opened a door. The door to his office. Captain motioned me in and I took a shameful stance in the center. I heard the door shut and lock. The echoing lock made me flinch. I thought for a moment in silence, feeling captain staring at me. I gulped and then parted my lips to speak, but he beat me to breaking the quiet. "I heard what you said. Every last word. And I want you to know, that I'm not a saint."

I lifted my head and met his eyes. "Huh?" Captain inched closer to me. I felt my heart beat fast and I became petrified as his hand reached for my cheek. "I've done terrible things and someone like yourself deserves better." In his voice I heard sorrow like I had never heard before. Sincerely he looked into me and I smiled. I took his hand and pressed it harder against my cheek. "Captain...." I kissed the back of his hand. His warm skin pressed against my soft lips put me at ease. His pulse tremored through me and I focused on the magical rythm of his distant heartbeat. "I don't love you because you make me laugh. Or because you make me feel special. Or even because you've saved me a time or two. I love you simply because I do, and I don't need a reason for that."

Levi's captivating blue eyes widened a bit as he whispered, "You love me?" In return I nodded. I feel myself fall into the the words, "I love you too." His body pressed against mine. Our lips meeting in the middle. For the longest time I had imagined this, but never thought it'd really happen. I thought that just watching, and being near him was enough, but it's not anymore. No amount of him will ever be enough anymore. I can drink my fill of his sorrow and glut on his love, but it still won't be enough. Only when he takes all of me in the same manner will I be fulfilled. I didn't worry whether it was strange or not, after all, who is he to judge?

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