Blood Lusting; Part 6

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I lifted the sword high, keeping it aimed at father, and as I did a cool tear streamed down my cheek. "I've made my decision, father!" He casted down a smirk of victory. He raised his arms and asked me, "Tell me daughter, who is it you are loyal to?" His wretched voice echoed throughout the arena, silent with anticipation. I took a deep breath as I readied the blade. "I am loyal-" I raised the sword above my head and kept my eyes on the lycanthrope before me. I could feel the crowd lean in. Eager to witness this creature's death. I felt my eyes sting as they went bloodshot. I summoned my strength as I brought down the sword. "-to the one I love!"

The chains loudly clattered as they broke. For a moment that was all I could hear. The ringing of broken silver against steel. I have betrayed the entire vampire race for him. I have put my life at risk for him. I am leaving everything I know behind for him. I'm doing all this because I love, Levi. All at once the arena roared, "TRAITOR!" Sharp fangs and blood lusting eyes dove at me from every angle. Only a matter of seconds before I'd be drowning in a sea of raging vampires. Itching to tear me apart, limb by limb. Until I'm nothing but a rotten pile of decrepit flesh and bones. However, I am a pure blood and not some weak half blood. I am the daughter of the Blood God, the Black Sun, the Lycanthrope Keeper, Victor Thornyard Blackblood. I am the lover of the Chain Breaker, the Silver Moon, leader of the lycanthrope, Levi. I will not die here.

Large, impetuous wings sprouted from my back. Black and veiny, like the wings of a bat. "Hold tight," I barked at the lycanthrope behind me. He reverted back to human form and wrapped his arms around my waist. A young boy, about the age of fifteen. With soft brown hair and eyes the color of ocean waves. I raised my wings and felt him grip even tighter as I pushed off towards the sky. It had been a few decades since I had used my wings, but it was just how I remembered it. The cold wind harsh against my cheeks. Whirling through my (h/c) hair. Fresh and crisp did the air smell. Free of the scent of rot and decay. I feel so light and weightless when I'm in the clouds. Like there's nothing weighting my down. Besides this naked young boy clinging tightly to me. "Don't look down!" I teased him as we soared high above the arena, that had became a swirling black bowl of vampires.
"O-okay," He nervously replied.

In the distance I saw the tall dark trees of the Black Forest. Shrieks and squeals of bats silenced themselves and were overpowered by the howls of lycanthrope. Seeing smoke and smelling the familiar wet dog scent of the village I began our decent. Suddenly, sharp claws tore into my flesh! Ripping away at the skin and muscles. Father had came for me. Taking his demonous true form. Gray skin lined wine blue veins. Wild black hair that trailed down his back. Wings double the size of my own creating storms with one flap. Wicked, jagged teeth stained with blood and coated in saliva. Towering ten feet of demonic muscle. His face had warped to resemble a bat. An ugly snout and two black beady eyes that plunged into your soul and resurfaced every nightmare you've ever had. Awake and asleep.

Father ripped the left wing from back. I screamed so loudly I could taste blood in my throat. The tearing of bone and muscle was nearly unbearable. Black blood oozed from the gaping wound. I quickly retracted the other wing before he could tear that one off too. "Let go!" The boy around my waist released his grip and tumbled into the canopy. Disappearing in the thick mist and dark treetops. At least he's safe. Father took my arm and tightly pinned me to himself. He hovered in the air before letting out an ear piercing screech that could deafen an angel. He flew back to the castle. As the forest grew farther and farther out of sight I could only imagine the hell awaiting me.

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