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Dedication: Lolippo

I sit in my black swivel chair in the dimness of my room. The shades are open, but still only a small amount of light glimpses inside. My fingers dance across the keyboard and words shower the laptop's screen. I finally finish and press save. I had been working on a paper for Mr. Pixis about the mutations and dysfunctions of the human mind causing abnormal behavior. Now maybe I'll catch up on some reading. I'm halfway through the latest SNK manga. The plot is insane, but represents and holds many metaphors for real life. It teaches lessons and it makes me appreciate the life I have. Maybe I'm digging too deeply into it or maybe other people just aren't. Either way I pull out the book from my bag, resting against the desk, and start reading.
By the time I'm finished it's 6:23 pm. I'm out of material and all my homework is finished. I turn to gaze at the door. My eyes set on the handle. There's a coffee shop not too far from campus that I like. However, I don't like all the people when I'm alone. It gets too busy and I feel compacted and unable to move. Coffee shop is out. Hangi is probably done with all her work as well. I could call her and see if she wants to hang out. Her and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. She's always understood me in a way no one else can. I've never thought of her in romantic way in case you're wondering. I have my eyes on someone else.
I pull the phone from my pocket and find Hangi in my contacts. I dial her number and listen to the ring as it dials. "Hey, smarty pants," she says gleefully as if she's been waiting for me to call. "Hello, four eyes. I wanted to know if you wanted to go get something to eat. Maybe hit the bookstore?"
"Sure! I'll be over soon."
"Okay. I'll be-"
"Wait! No! I'll meet you at the Three Sisters Café."
"Hangi, I don-"
"Can't talk! Goodbye!"
There was something devious in her tone when she talked. Mischievous with delightful hints of bubbling laughter. I could always count on her to bring the crazy. I took my jacket off the bed and pulled it over me. Before closing it I wrapped and tucked a scarf around my neck. Placing my hands in each pocket I made a mental checklist. Phone. Keys. Wallet. I've got them all.

Dying sunlight cascades through the autumn trees. Red, orange, and yellow. All those warm colors brushing over me. A cool breeze twirls the leaves across the sky and along the roads. The sun hides behind clouds, tinted a light gray, casting cold shadows as the moon behind to take its place. Three Sisters Café is within walking distance of the campus where I attend school. One more block and I should be there. I burrow my face into my scarf. My mother had knitted me this scarf before she passed. She had died from bone cancer when I was a child. I don't know who my father is and I don't really care. My uncle raised me until his death a few years ago. I have a distant cousin, Mikasa, but we're not exactly close. She's a martial artist currently fighting in Tokyo, Japan. Other than her I don't have any family. Blood wise or other.

I peer through the windows of the café and see Hangi already seated at a table. She lifts her head and grins, waving at me to come in. Passing through the door a wave of comforting heat rushes over me. I ease into the seat across from her. As I sit I notice two drinks are already placed on the table. Hers and someone else's. Maybe she invited Erwin. Another of my few friends. I've known him just as long as I've known Hangi, except we weren't always on the best terms. Jocks and nerds don't exactly mix. "Who else is here, Hangi?" She giggles and says, "You'll see." Abruptly the tap of heels caught my attention. Turning I felt my body stiffen with nervousness and paralyze from shear panic. Every nerve ending rose and pricked against my clothes. It was her.
(y/n) (l/n). The most beautiful girl on campus. Her hair draped elegantly down her shoulders. A knitted white hat cuddled her temples. Sunshine shimmered in her stunning (e/c) eyes, turning them shades of gold. Black leggings hugged her slender legs tightly and disappeared into a low hanging burgundy sweater. Tan UGGs swallowed her feet. Her features were soft and seemed to glow as she smiled. It wasn't only her beauty that I loved, but her intelligence as well.
Hangi winked at me. She reached beside her and placed a steaming, styrofoam cup in front of me. "Your favorite," she chirped. I grimaced at the cup. While I'm sure she had the order right, she had it on the floor. People's disgusting feet all over the floors all the time and my drink was near their germs. Hangi pushed the cup closer. "What's wrong?" Groaning I answered, "You had it on the floor."
"That's disgusting, Hangi."
"I'm sure it's fine," (y/n) chimed in sweetly. She had sat beside Hangi which caused a twinge of jealousy to spark in me. It quickly faded though as she took my drink and smelt it's aroma. "Ooo, tea. Earl Grey. Not a fan of coffee I take it?" I stumbled for words for a moment. Still in shock that she had actually shown interest in me. Trying not to sound excited, buy not irate either I said, "Not really. I prefer tea much more. I thought of opening my own tea shop once. However, my uncle said I was too smart for selling flavored leaves." Shit! Did I say too much? Am I boring her? I am aren't I? She probably thinks I'm a dull nerd stuck in his books and Earl Grey tea. Why is having a social life so difficult?
She giggled a little, handing me my drink. Her laughter made me feel light, at ease. I guess I'm not boring. Unless she's laughing at me! I removed the lid and took a sip. Hot, running down my throat in a pleasing, comforting stream of flavor. She stirred her coffee with a thin red straw. "I used to dream of being a pop star, but then we all saw what happened to Historia Reiss and ." Hiding her chuckle I simply nodded. "Yes, that's true." I had no idea what she was talking about. Who the hell is Historia Reiss? I could care less about her. My favorite music artist were Armin Arlert, he plays the piano beautifully, and myself. I like to record myself playing the violin and then listen to it later. Holy shit I'm a dork. A dork who doesn't like to lie, but if it means I get to talk to (y/n) I'll pretend.

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