Blood Lusting; Part 9

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Dedicated to: Cinnamonsky759

     I awoke to the moon glowing softly against my pale skin. The stars twinkling in place of the drifting clouds. Hoots of owls and whispers of winds hummed a melody of soothing malice. Gentle, muscular arms wrapped tightly around me. Levi nearly laid on top of me. His warm body pressed to mine. I craned my neck to say, Goodnight, but my lips were kept shut by his. A tasteful, mmmmmm, oozed from my mouth. I revealed my golden eyes to him and his right arm beneath me ran thrilling fingers along my side. "Goodnight," he said with a bite. I kissed him once more as I nestled into him. I felt a hand run through my (h/c) locks. "Are you ready for tonight?" Levi asked placing his head over my shoulder. I moaned, searching for an answer as his teeth, tongue, and lips decorated my neck Tonight. Tonight is our wedding.

     I has been about three weeks since I had came to the Black Forest. At first the only people who accepted me were Levi, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. Everyone else wanted my head on a spike. But as time changed, so did the village. Instead of barks I got, Good evening. After a while I started hearing, Hello, and, Can I help you? Replacing growls and grunts. I have to admit that once you get to know the lycanthrope you can't help, but like them. Sure they'll snap a fang at you now and then, or try to kill you in your sleep from time to time. But at the end of the day I think of myself as a member of the pack. Hopefully they do to, because tonight is my wedding. "I'm ready." 

    Levi and I emerged from our fur covered hut. The cold, new winter air made my breath visible. The snowfall didn't bother me though. In fact, I love the sensation of the cold snow against my cool skin. Levi kissed my forehead gently. "Go with the women." He said taking my hand and then placing it in Mikasa's. "I'll be with the men. I'll see when the moon is at her highest." He smiled briefly as I nodded at him. In moments I was consumed by the crowd of lycanthrope women. Pushing and shoving me into a larger hut. "Sit here!" Hangi commanded. She placed me dead center where the women stared at me. I shifted uncomfortably, trying not to blush.

    "Lets pull your hair up." Hangi suggested taking a bundle of my hair and pinning it to the top of my head. "No. Down." Mikasa said as she smacked Hangi's hand. Mikasa took a comb and began brushing out the tangled mess Levi has created. Hangi tanked the brush from her hand and shoved Mikasa to the ground. Hangi hummed as she detangled my hair. Mikasa quickly pounced on top of Hangi with a growl. They scratched and bit for control of the comb and my hair. I heard a sigh as another girl knelt behind me. Her big blue eyes shined and her beautiful blonde hair glistened in the fire's glow. Historia. She smiled kindly and asked, "Would you mind if I did your hair?"
     "Not at all."

     Taking another comb in hand, Historia gently parted the snarls in my hair. She started from the bottom and went up. Soon the comb glided through my (h/c) waves. I closed my eyes, just enjoying the feel of soft hands in my hair. After a little while she said, "You can open your eyes now." A mirror had been placed in front of me. I marveled at the girl I was seeing. Historia had braided my hair into a bun. An elegantly complicated series of crises and crosses was matched by the gently curled bangs, framing my slender face. Historia nervously touched her lips and asked, "Do you like it?" I turned and took her in my arms! "I love it!"

     Hangi pulled me from the ground and yanked me behind a folding screen decorated with the wooden silhouette of evergreen mountains and grey wolves, howling at the moon. She took Mikasa, Sasha, and Historia with her. The rest of the women had been ordered by Mikasa to set the wedding decor. Mikasa basically ripped the clothes off my back and stripped me right there. "Your skin is so pale and icy," Hangi marveled. Sasha felt my arm against her cheek. "Oh, it is!" I blushed a bit as I said, "Thank you." Abruptly I felt fingers run over my bare back and I flinched. "Huh? These are........ teeth marks. Why won't they heal?" Hangi inquired of me. "I honestly don't know. I didn't even know there were teeth marks on my back."
     "Chief really gave it to ya huh?"
     "Heh, you have no idea." Hangi and I chuckled before Mikasa gripped my chin and met my eyes forcefully. "Your eyes are the most lovely shades of gold. Shining like hoards of treasure under the cold mountain."
     "Yes, I agree with all of you," Historia chimed in. "I think a shadow violet gown would look beautiful on her." Hangi raised a brow at Historia. "Really? Cause I was thinking black."
     "I think red would suit her best." Mikasa piped, gripping her crimson scarf over her mouth and nose. Sasha waved her hands and shook her head. "None of those colors. The bride of our chief can only was the finest and most gorgeous of cloths. Her dress will be....... green." A raging fit of colors and clothes came from the four lycanthrope women!

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