Blood Lusting; Part 5

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Sunshine sizzled my skin like bacon on a hot griddle. Chains bound my every limb and constricted my torso. All around me, bright, burning sunlight beamed through diamond shaped holes in the dome ceiling. I had found a spot in the center where I could kneel without bursting into flames. Father had ordered my restraint weeks ago. When I came walking into his throne room the day I returned I nearly wet myself. His eyes flickered with a searing anger and his teeth, all had become blood stained fangs the size of meat hooks. Black claws had grown out from his fingers. A rotting, decaying smell clouded the air. Father's skin had turned gray and the hunch in his back allowed him to grow another two feet when his wings sprouted. Wings that seemed he had stolen from a demon. Large and impetuous. Creating a dark vale that gave everything a sense of malice. I had never seen him so upset.

Since then I've been treated to a daily flogging. One hundred lashes to my back. Although the wounds seal in seconds the pain lingers and scars my flesh internally. Besides the whipping, Father has commanded that my hands and feet be burnt twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. The blistering sores pop and bubble like boiling water. Festering yellow in the light and then bursting puss. Disgusting. He wouldn't be able to look at me if he saw me now. A lowly traitor to her race. All because a lycanthrope has ripped out my still heart and kissed life into the crimson flesh, now pumping it with a desire to flee to him.

I like the feeling. Of wanting. Of yearning for another body. The emotion makes my mind sway like it's inside a song. I can hear the voices sing. Mmmmmm-mmmmmm. They hum for me slowly. Those sweet murmurs of a false reality is what I grasp to as I think of him, as I think of what I had said. 'I love you...' I had whispered to him. Through the winds of the Black Forest my message was received. I told a lycanthrope who's name I can't seem to speak, nor think, that I love him. Why is that? That I can't utter his name? Is it because I've forgetten it? No. Forgetting his name would be the same as forgetting my own. Maybe it's because I scared. I'm scared that when I call for him he won't come, or that if he does come, he'll be captured. He'll suffer beside me, suffering as I do. Will it be still be as painful, if we endure it together?

A sigh passed through my lip. At the same time and unfamiliar guard passed through the iron doorway. He was easily eight feet in height. Clad in leather armor instead of metal. My first impression of him was that he has crushed many skulls in his time and doesn't remember half of them. Mud colored hair draped over his shoulders and the top half was pulled into a small ponytail. A prickly bread adorned his face. And his eyes were a dull green. The same color as dead moss. The behemoth nodded to the ceiling and the holes sealed shut. Cutting off any and all sunlight. He bent down and ripped apart the chains. Shards of metal went bouncing across the blood stained floor. The heavy metal once bound to my limbs slid to my feet and I stood tall for the first time in weeks.

"Get moving, princess." He grunted at me. His voice deep and raspy. The guard escorted my through the halls. I payed close attention to the direction we were going in and the halls we had passed through. Left, right, right, left, straight. "We're heading to the fighting pits, aren't we?" I inquired of the giant. "You'll see soon enough." His dull eyes signaled that he wanted me to be quite. So I wasn't. "What does my father have planned for me?" No answer. "What has happened to the lycanthrope?" Still no answer. "Are you just goi-"
"Look! I have orders. My orders were to take the princess from her cell and bring her to the King. Alright? Hopefully that will keep your mouth shut."
"You're like a dog. So obedient and just waiting to be called by his master."
"Yup. And look where it's gotten me. Women, wine, and an excuse to kill."
"You make me sick. I think if I listen to you anymore I might vomet."
"Well, depending on your next decision, you nay not have to worry about that."
The grey sky blinded me for a moment. Iron doors open to reveal a stadium full of angry vampires. Savage spectators, shouting, cussing, and begging for my death. Take her head! I heard only a few feet away. Burn her! Set her her ablaze! Screeched a woman in the third row! Their threats and rage did not fall heavy upon my conscience. The Hound, as I now call him, shoved me into the arena. I knew what was happening. I was going to be put on trial. The six members of my father's council and my father himself, would decide my fate.

They sat with their sneers casting down on me from their balcony jetting out from the rows of vampires. Once I was centered and at the it mercy father rise from his impetuous throne and silenced the crowd. "My daughter," he started- "you have been accused of high treason!" The arena roared with death threats! Sending a small chill up my spine. Father waved his hands up and down to shush the masses. "In any normal trial I would have the defendant sent to immediate execution. However, as my daughter, I will give you the chance to prove yourself as a loyal subject! Bring the beast." The silver door across from me rose into the wall. A barking, growling, snarling lycanthrope came charging at me!

Fear encased my body. Paralyzing my arms and legs. Any control I had ran away, leaving me alone. Abruptly the lycanthrope stopped. Not because he wanted to, but because he had ran out of chain. The lycanthrope snapped it's fangs at me with slobber flying through the air. Stretching his claws as far as they could reach. Trying to slice me. I looked up to my father and I felt the fear turn to anger as I watched a grin creep across his face. "Kill the beast! Kill it, and prove your alligence to me!" Cheers and shouts clogged themselves inside my ears. I tried to tune them out, but they only grew louder when the Hound handed me his large, silver sword. "Just get it over with."

My entire body shook and tremored! All I could think about was him. I had made him a promise! "I can make no such promises, but I will swear to you one thing. I will never harm a lycanthrope, and I will never harm you." I will never harm you... I already had. I had broken my promise when I left the Black Forest. My oath became a lie the moment his eyes turned gray with longing. I've already hurt him... why not do it some more? I'm nothing but selfish, lying scum! I wanted to hurt innocent people! I did hurt him! And now to live I have to kill a lycanthrope I have nothing against! I felt as if I was tearing my body apart! Ripping at flesh and emotions! My inner voice screeched and rived in agony. I gripped the sword so tightly foul blood trickled over my knuckles. But just as I was ready to turn the sword on myself........ I felt my heart beat. It beat louder, and stronger than ever before! Killing myself, would hurt him more than anything I could do while living. My look of pain and uncertainty switched to a deadly stare of determination. I lifted the sword high and as I did a cool tear streamed down my cheek. "I've made my decision, father!"

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