Blood Lusting; Part 1

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Lycanthrope- wolf man or werewolf

I sat next to my father's throne as usual. It's massive size and great detail was overkill in my opinion. The back piece bared the image of a bleeding heart wrapped in thorns. The symbol of the northern vampires. Being a vampire isn't the immortal and powerful life humans expect it to be, especially when you're a princess. The daughter of the Blood God, the Black Sun, the Lycanthrope Keeper, Victor Thornyard Blackblood. My father is in charge of the largest and most horrific lycanthrope concentration camp in the world. A rather dull job if you ask me, but of course, no one does. And it would never end. Not until I had children of my own and took over in my father's place. But even when that happens I know my father will still be in charge. Wether I want him to or not.

My father was talking to his second in command when suddenly a group of soliders walked in shoving a chained lycanthrope to the floor. The lycanthrope was shirtless and covered in mud and blood. He looked like he had fought many soliders, only to wined up here. A lycanthrope hell. He growled and barked and snapped his jaw at all the armored vampires around him. Usual behavior for captured lycanthrope, but something was different about this one. The way he fought, the way he looked, they way his eyes caught the moonlight. I saw that there was something strange. But what?

"We caught this one lurking in the cells, my lord," a roughed voice solider informed my father. With a bitter expression my father rose from his throne and straightened his back to seem more intimidating. "It seems you've made the mistake of coming into my territory. You, wretched beast. I bet you were hoping to free your brethren, but you must have forgotten their in the custody of the Northern Vampires. Don't worry though-"

"Stop talking,"the lycanthrope said rudely. But who could blame him? I'd be pretty pissed at the vampires if I were him. My father bared his large, blood stained fangs at the lycanthrope. "What did you say to me," father hissed. The lycanthrope rolled his cold, steel eyes. "What, are you deaf too? I mean besides being completely aggravating." His voice was so strong and demanding, and yet it had this I-dont-care ring to it. I loved it. What I truly loved though, was how he talked to father. His rude retorts caused my to let out a suddle laugh. At its echo, father twisted his head and shot a dagger at me. One that caused me to think that he'd have me thrown into the dungeon if I kept laughing.

"If you keep talking I'll-"

"You'll what? Kill me? Torture me? Suck all the body from my body? Through me into the pit? It doesn't matter. In the end we all up the same. Dead." This lycanthrope..... he made me happy. Though he gave an essence of hate and misery, I was overjoyed by him. I smiled for the first time in 2,000 years. While I tried not to laugh father's bellowing voice nearly brought down the walls! "Take him to the cells! Chain him! Choke him! He will not escape! And he will not live to see his next full moon," father yelled as he back handed the lycanthrope to the face. The guards dragged him away as he fought viciously. I was sad too see him go. Father twisted his neck around to stare at me with blood red eyes of disapproval. "Go to your chambers. It is almost sunrise," he barked at me. I unwillingly left the throne room and wandered about the castle.

I walked through the halls and peeked through a nearby window. Over the far away mountains and black forest the sun was rising. Climbing higher over the treeline by every second. A small ray beemed onto my hand and my pale skin sizzled. Knowing my room had no light I fled to its safety. I shut the black doors behind me and flopped onto my blood red bed. It's gothic style canopy surrounded me. I laid in thought, thinking, That lycanthrope.... does he deserve this life? Do any of them? If I set him loose, could he free the others? That would probably cause a civil war, but maybe it'd be worth it. All the bloodshed. Just to see a change.
A loud, HOWWWWWLLL, caught my attention. Many more followed. Each more blood curdling than the last. Those howls of anger and pain drove me to a decision that would forever change my life.

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