All I Want is for You to be Happy; Part 2

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Should have had this published awhile ago, but here it is finally. And while you're waiting for these updates please take a look at Is It Crazy? An Ereri Fanfic, by me.

It began to snow on my way back to the Scouts. Not long after escaping Jericho and Maggie I'm forced to stop by a growling stomach. I hadn't packed a single morsel of food with me, so I enter the nearest market. Anything cheap sounds appetizing. A few pieces of bread should hold me over for the remaining journey. I pursue the nearest food-selling merchant. "Never finer, fresher, or more warm baked goods than these," the stocky man behind the covered goods proclaims. "Young lady, could I interest you in some doughy biscuits? Perhaps a steaming braided bun?"
"No thank you. Three slices of bread will be perfect."
"Gladly. Anything for a pretty lady like you." Flattery won't get him anywhere. Right now I only have one man on my mind.

He wraps and bags the bread, and then hands them to me. "Now, for the payment." I dig into my satchel, fingers searching for any coin. Two measly pieces of copper. I can't buy anything with this, and I left my bag of silver in Jericho's office. "I don't seem to have enough money. Is there any other way I could pay you?" He leans across the table, his gut bunching the cloth as it rolls over the surface. Thick, callus fingers pinch, tug, and twirl a strip of my hair. "Maybe we could work something out. . . inside."

You. Must. Be. Joking. There is no way in hell I'm prostituting myself for a few pieces of bread. It's instinct- barely even a thought- when I land a right into his throat, forcing his knees to buckle and every ounce of air to leave him. Quickly, I race to my mount, already I have the reigns in hand and am heeling the horse's side. And already the Military Police is after me.

POP! POP! Gunshots? So soon? And over some bread! Thank the walls they can't aim worth crap. POP! POP! POP! Getting a little trigger happy aren't they? "Stop! By order of Lord Theesus," an officer calls out just before a POP! Theesus is the creepy old man that I met in Jericho's office. He must want the leaves desperately if he's willing to kill for them. It's obvious this man has money, so just how many men did he send after my fabulous ass? Could I even see pass the snowfall? Maybe. I crane my neck and- POP! POP! Two bullets land inside me, twisting flesh with hot metal. Pain. So much pain. It burns all skin, scolds the muscle, chillingly aches the bones. The first lodges itself in my shoulder, and the second makes a path through my right hip.

Blood comes spilling from the tearing wounds and suddenly my vision is fogged, as well as mind. I blink until I regain clear vision and thought. My grip on the reigns tighten. I squeeze the horse tightly between my legs as I feel my body tilting. Slowly. . . tilting. . .
Mustn't faint.
Must ignore the anguish.
Mustn't fail him.

The Scouts is so close. Even through cloudy eyes I can see it. And even if I couldn't see it I'd be able to feel it. It's my home. It's where he and I and everyone else has become a perfect disaster of a family.

"Eren!" Maybe he'll be outside, training or something, and if he's out there then so will- "Armin! Mikasa!" POP! POP! A Scout will have to have heard the gunshots, meaning someone should be coming. POP! A bullet burries itself into the horse's thigh and we go skidding across the snowy plain. Two bits of ammo in me and I'm still going strong, but one in the horse, who's over twice my size, and it's over.

I lung into a run, and at a short sprint in, I'm already fumbling. The cold numbs the ache, yet the falls split the flesh more, allowing heavier blood loss each time I trip. The melted snow has begun sinking into my clothing, and soon in will freeze, and not long after that I will die. . . from either hypothermia or blood loss. Blue fingers dig, hulling my pained, fading body into the rising snow until everything is black.

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