Blood Lusting; Part 8

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I awoke to find myself deeply in love with Levi. I rested my head against his warm chest and wrapped a leg around his. We had no covers except the clothes we wore when we had begun.
      Levi's silky strands laid against his heavy lidded gaze. A gaze filled with desire, yet at the same time exhaustion. We had been making love for hours, only stopping to whisper sweet words or stare into each other's eyes.
     I liked him this way, when he is my lover and nothing more. But I loved him when he is my everything. In that moment he was nothing except hard, hot muscle, trembling beneath pale, imperfect skin. The sight of him, bare, slick with sweat and spent made my center throb.
     My touch and the glow of the moon caressed him exquisitely, softening his flawless features. I couldn't see his tension, fear or sadness. Only pleasure, passion, and satisfaction.
     Levi's hot, intoxicating brushed against the inside of my mouth. The blessed sensation caused me to shiver. He bit my bottom lip gently- at first. I moaned loudly into his sensitive ears, unable to stop the mix of his name and please don't stop.
     I looked to Levi and saw the raw need etched from the desperate curve of his lips parting for a silent groan of pleasure. He arched all his body against me, creating a dangerous heat.
     Levi knew then, while the stars were shining and thick clouds passed over the moon, I could have had him again. Any way I wanted. Because it's just the two of us. Two bodies, hearts, and minds melting together in a feverish haze of longing and love.
I let out a soft giggle as I took his head in my hands and kissed him. He smiled warmly- Oh god how I adored his smile- and my heart spasmed. Levi's the only who made the silent organ scream in arousal, sorrow, joy, all the feelings I thought I'd lost. He was the only one who truly understood me. The only one who truly loved me.
     "The sun is beginning to rise," he muttered. "We should leave." Levi stood, holding me in his arms. I nod. "All right." With grace and agility, Levi pounced from the floor to the wide opening in the ceiling that he had entered through.
     The wind blew through my (h/c) hair, and pressed the clothes we had dawned against us. I held my arms against my chest. My stare wandered to the Black Forest. It's dark canopy and mist veil emanated the aura of death, whisking the scent of decay through the air.
      In an instant we were on the ground and steadily approaching the Forest's inner sanctum. After some time, black dust hazed my vision as we stopped. My feet touched the cold earth and I felt as if a thousand tiny daggers were piercing my skin. All eyes were set on me.
      What do I do? Stay close to Levi. Fangs, claws, and blood lusting eyes came closer and closer.
     "You! It's you," a familiar voice called out. From the crowd of angry lycanthrope, a young man came running to me. I heard someone yell to him, "Eren, wait!" I assumed that was his name. Eren came up to me, taking my hand. "You're the lady who rescued me. Thank you."
     "You're very welcome, Eren."
     "How do you know my name," he asked with shock and wonder pouring into his stunning teal gaze.
     "I'm physic."
     "What? No way," Eren exclaimed excitedly.
     "She's lying, moron," Levi said as he bonked Eren on the head.
     "Sorry for being so gullible chief." Eren bowed his head in shame. "Eren," a young girl cried out. Her black hair blended perfectly with the forest, making her misty eyes shimmer and gleam. "Eren, you shouldn't be so careless. If you go running off all the time, how am I going to protect you?"
     "Easy. You don't. I can take care of myself."
     "That's debatable," chimed in a young blonde boy. His gaze reminded my of the way sun reflects off the ocean. "What the hell, Armin?" Eren started growling and barking complaints. I have no clue why, but I started to laugh.
     My chuckle caught their attention and Eren snapped at me. "What?" I calmed my laughter and said, "Nothing. It's just. . . stuff like this never happened at the castle. I was always alone. I'm not anymore, though. I guess I'm just happy." Eren and his friends grinned at me. I returned his expression.
      This seems like a place I could call home. The feeling here. . . it's different from the castle. This tribe, though ready to gut me, gives off a warm, loyal vibe. And I like it. I think I coul- "Enough distractions. Levi, why did you bring this abomination here?" A lycanthrope, who's size was only a seconded by his eyebrows, stepped forth. An absolute look in his blue eyes and defined features. In his deep voice he bellowed, "Tell me, Levi!"
       Abruptly, Levi was at his throat. Fangs bared and claws fully flexed. "Watch your tounge, Erwin. I will not have you speaking shit to my bride." A gasp consumed the silence. Barks and howls of disagreement filled the forest.
      My thoughts suddenly became jumbled, unreadable, yet through the chaos I heard, "I will never serve this queen!" Another snarled, "I'd rather die than have a vampire queen." A woman barked, "What's going through the chief's head?"
      Their slander was put to a stop by a roar and gnash of fangs. "Quiet," Levi howled. "I have decided that (y/n) will be my bride. You will treat her as such." A pause. "Do you all understand?" Heated tension warmed the chilled mist.
     Slowly, Levi turned to me; his gaze tender and features soft. "Well, that is," he began, taking my hands as he knelt, "if you'll marry me?" His grip tightened. Tenderly, he placed a kiss on the back of my palm.
     I fell to my knees, wrapping my arms around him. Silver tears rolled down my cheeks and stained Levi's shoulder.
     My heart started to have spasms. Ice melted in my veins as warm, fresh blood pumped through them like rapid rivers. A fire began burning in my soul, scorching every insecurity, doubt, and fear. It sparked each cell into a frenzy.
    My fingers traced his jaw gently and then weaved into his ebony hair. I bought him close, able to feel his heated breath on my skin. Soon, our breathing synced. As did the rhythm of our hearts.
      Levi kept his gaze intertwined with mine, battling, creating a beautiful scene inside the soul. A golden hoard of lost treasures and jewels beneath the deepest depths of the ocean.
     I studied the wonderful color of his divine lips and longed for their affection. His astonishingly handsome features made me ache and the memory of his bare body caused moisture to pool between my legs. His hands, strong and firm, caressed the curve of my back. I wanted him so badly in that moment.
      We grew closer with every second that passed. I took in a short breath. "Levi, you look at me like I am infinitely precious, your kiss devastates every sense I have and your touch unravels me. I love you." He grinned, only slightly, as he pressed our lips together.
      I shifted his head to deepen the kiss, allowing his intoxicating tongue to leave it's drugging flavor. We had kissed many times before, yet this one felt different. As if it were the most passionate, the most pure. I never wanted it to end.
       Levi's tribe erupted into curses and profanities, but I found myself unable to care. They began to quiet within my mind until I could hear only him.

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