Breathing, Breathe, Breath

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She walked down the hall late that evening. As the sun was setting and the moon was rising. Purple, oranges, blues, and yellows painted the sky in a transition of shades. Fluffy, plush clouds drifted through the early twilight. She had finished her work for the day but needed a few documents from Captain Levi. With the door to his office only a few feet away she picked up speed and reached for the doorknob, but was stopped by a tug on the arm. Nimble fingers gripped the tan jacket sleeve. Her (e/c) eyes drifted from the hand, up the arm, to the neck and locked on cold, icy pools that shined with flecks of silver. He scowled her and sternly asked, "Why were you going into my office?" She replied, "I just needed some forms, captain." Levi looked her up and down before brushing past her and opening the door.

"What forms exactly do you need?" Levi skimmed through the papers lying atop his desk. She thought as she examined the dimly lit room. Bookshelves lined the back wall corners and left wall. A large window set behind the desk. Another smaller window lets in light to the right side of the room. A red carpet decorated the oak floor. A loud throat clearing geared her attention again. She pressed a finger to her bottom lip. "The- eh- records of last week's expedition. I need to go over them for, Erwin." She seemed a bit flustered and embarrassed, with a faint blush dusted across her cheeks. Levi raised an eyebrow at her before continuing his search for the papers.

Her eyes wandered around the office, searching for maybe a photo or some piece of memorabilia. But the desk was bare except for a few pens and pencils, some papers, and a small vase with a lovely white flower. The walls were bare too except for curtains. "I found them. Here you are." Levi held out the papers from behind the desk. She walked over a bit too quick because she failed to notice the small garbage can residing beside the desk. Her right foot caught on the rim and she tumbled downward. Luckily she had landed on all fours instead of face-planting the floorboards. Her eyes were shut tight and ready for impact, but they opened at the sound of papers falling to the floor. From her rosy lips escaped a gasp. And the same shade spread across her cheeks again.

Captain Levi was pinned beneath her. He didn't look crossed or angry like usual. The look in his eyes had shifted from a monotone glare to a thrilled gaze. His chilling eyes locked with hers and for a moment it felt like time had stopped. She couldn't decide what to do. Should I move or-or what? I might never get this chance again. She had fallen for the captain. And even though she tried her hardest not to love him, her heart had betrayed her. Each night she prayed that one day he'd love her the same. And she knew no other man would ever compare to him.

She quivered as she lowered herself a bit. She could now feel his breath, and him her's. Warmth and dampness filling both with longing. Captain Levi, had discovered that he, too, had feelings for her. Every day he planned a way just to be able to see her. Seeing her was enough to satisfy him for two years. But now with her this close and in such short grasp, Levi didn't know what to do. She took a gulp and closed her eyes again. I want to show him that he has not been loved before. I want him to feel, with one kiss, how I can make love to his soul for eternity. She pursed her lips and just as she did, he kissed her. Without warning, without permission. Without even deciding to do it, but simply because he couldn't have done anything else. He needed that breath that she was holding. It belonged to him and he wanted it back.

She said to him in between the kisses, "I love you. I love you so much. I have always had. Never once do I remember not loving you." Sweet words spilled from her mouth as it pressed against Levi's passionately. Though she paused for him to speak he wouldn't because all he wanted to hear was her voice, and all he wanted to feel was her body.

Levi's POV

I love her, and I can tell the universe loves her, too. More than others. She is different. After all, I'd be a fool not to notice the way her eyes make the stars jealous. She makes my body ache when she's far and my blood dance each time she breathes into me. She writes things with her movements that I could never write with a pen. I'm drinking her sweet words like cherry wine and they intoxicate me the same because I've fallen for her hopelessly and endlessly. I let myself go, and take her in my hands that have caused countless deaths. The touch of her warm cheeks against my cool fingers sends a chilling thrill through me. On my tongue, I taste her breath. Like cherry wine. Sweet. So tantalizingly sweet.

"Heichou," she moans, panting warmly. Heichou, the name just echoing deadly guilt through my mind. Dying breathes had been wasted on, Heichou. Twisting my stomach into knots that she untied with her gentle hands. "No. Don't call me that. Say my name." Wet, rosy lips released a gasp as she called out, "Levi!" I smiled for the first time since I had seen her that evening. When stars wept and hid because they could not compare to her.

Your POV

In the beginning, I could have settled for any man as long as he was handsome and loved me, but in the end, I got greedy and decided I could only have this man. This man that loving, seems just as normal as breathing. I can tell he loves me too. His soft lips repeatedly caressing my skin as I've sprawled out beneath him. Baring myself for him to see and hold and love. I whisper to him, "We are humans. And we either love an idea or a reality. Loving an idea is just an illusion and nothing more. But loving reality is loving you because I can feel you with my body and not my mind." I ran my fingers along his shirt, undoing the buttons. I licked my lips when his shirt fell down his back and I could gaze upon his defined body. Fair skin formed rippling muscles. A hairless chest that is smooth to the touch, and I can't help but paw it.

His soft hands slid off my shirt and then slid down my back. I felt our legs intertwine and I kicked off the boots. His fingers tangled themselves in my hair, gripping the back of my head as he sat up. With my hands finally free, I held him tightly. Resting my head on his chest. "I love you. I love who you've made me. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, every day we spend together will be the greatest day of my life." Cold tears trickle down my cheeks. But these are not tears of sadness, but of joy, because I've never been so happy. I'm just really happy.

Levi's POV

I gaze down at her. Sparkling streams of tears falling from her eyes. No words came to mind so I kissed the tears away. Tasting the salty tears of joy, I smiled. Not because she is crying but because I love her while she is crying. I love her when she's sad too, and angry and joyous. There's not a moment of life that I don't love her dearly. My tongue causes another streak of tears to disappear and as she kisses me again I say, "I don't even remember what it was like before you, and I don't even know how we got here, but maybe that's exactly what I need. Someone who can make me forget where I came from and can make me love without knowing how to fall." I was surprised when she responded, "But I do know how to fall. I fell for you."


The two loved each other the rest of the night and the rest of their lives. Never parting and always together. They wondered the outside world together. Swimming in the sea and climbing towers of ice. The world beyond the wall was a whole new place for them to explore together, and when they could no longer travel and the world started disappearing they were still together. Holding hands as death took them during the night. But even death cannot stop true love. So now they sit and watch from above, still together and in love.

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