Rain Falls Like Tears

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Author's Note: For the story of Blood Lusting I'm going to do two chapters and then a break. That is because it is going to be a very looong story. With lots of detail and a plot and depth. So prepare yourself and enjoy!

She sat in the engulfing darkness of her bedroom. Legs curled and eyes filled with tears. Her tears fell like the rain, but such a sight gave her such pleasure. The feel of droplets running through her hair and the sensation of dew resting upon her fair skin. Though the sky was cloudy on those stormy days, her mind was never so clear. However, this rain caused her to cry out in anguish and cripple atop her bed. Outside her window she gazed upon the stars who were twinkling for her. They shined and danced across the midnight sky. And their mother glowed brightly and fully as well. The moon sat high in the center as the crowning jewel of the evening. Although all these glorious spectacles of clarity and light presented themselves.... her tears still fell like the rain.

In the shadows Levi watched her, as her emotions ran wild and her heart was silently and slowly breaking with every falling teardrop. Drip, drip, drop, the tears whispered as they stained her pillow and blankets with bitter sadness. Levi's feet were in pursuit of her bed already. He settled next to her, his arm brushed against her's as he felt her quivers of fear. "Every time," she whispered. "Every time you leave." She searched for the spaces between his fingers and slid in her own, grasping his hand tightly. As if she was to let him go he'd dissappear. Her grip grew stronger as she spoke again. "Each night I watch you leave. Each night I lose you. I see it more vivid every night." Each time she closed her eyes she feared her love would be lost. Forever gone. That even a blink could cause him to vanish. That even a blink could cause her more pain.

I want the rain to come , he knew that's what she was thinking. For the rain was what brought her the most joy in the pathetic, cruel, and vicious world they lived in. Although, she loved the rain, Levi hated it. The damp air and grey clouds reminded him of his life underground. Something he would constantly want to forget, but knew he never would be able to. When the cloudburst came he would stand and watch her from the porch. He'd watch her dance and play, blending perfectly with the wind and rain. Whenever she would frolic about in the shower Levi felt as if he could step out from underneath the roof and into the storm himself.

Levi wrapped his arm around her, softly running his fingers across her skin. She flinched at his touch, but didn't back away. He gently tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. He placed his lips close to her ear. She felt his delicate skin rub against her own and quivered. He whispered to her the sweet words she wanted to hear. That she always desired to hear. "Maybe it will rain tomorrow?" Her head lifted, and she craned her neck to gaze upon him. Her glassy eyes met his and for a moment the tears stopped. Her lashes were wet with tears, but the droplets shimmered like tiny stars in the moonlight. Her hair gleamed and seemed to whimsically flow from her, resembling rivers the color of (y/h). Her lips were the rosey pink of a soft petal, that made Levi bite his own with a desire to meet hers. His heart fluttered as her hand reached for him.

He closed his eyes as she graced him with her gentle touch. She coddled his jawline with one hand. She studied him for a moment. Admiring his sculpted features that comforted her so lovingly on a lonely night. His soft black hair that reminded her of the night sky when it's at its darkest and most deep. His mouth, though it released words sharper than swords, it was more intoxicating than any poison. And his eyes. The eyes that told a thousand stories. The eyes that she could gaze into, and lose herself for a thousand years. "It has already rained tonight. My tears fall like the rain. But one day my body will too..... and so will yours." There was a catch in her throat as she spoke.

Levi's eyes filled with sorrow as he watched her tears creep down her cheeks like vines. He slowly took her hand in his and kissed her palm. He took her and brought her close. She could feel his warm breath on her skin. The scent of the outdoors rose from him and soothed her anxious nerves. Besides rain, he was what gave her the most joy in the world. And he was what would cause such grief when he left. Because the rain can come and go. It will always come back. But once Levi left. She would never see him return like the rain. And that is what she told him. "The rain falls and refreshes the earth. Then it stops and the sky clears. Then another day it returns, and so it continues this cycle. Life is like that, only you don't return. You'll spend your time here and then one day you will leave. Wether you want to or not. But you won't come back and neither will I." She spoke these words confidently, and they were true, but what happens to the rain after it falls?

"It's true. We will fall like the rain, but after the rain falls what happens? Some of it soaks into the earth, some of it blends with rivers and lakes, and some of it evaporates. It returns to its home. And so will we. When I go to heaven, you'll be there with me." Levi's words gripped her heart. She felt more tears fall like the rain, but these tears were those of hope, of answered prayers. She moved past his hands and met his lips. Levi felt a droplet run down his chin. The cold tear felt cool on his skin. As they held each other tightly, lovingly, she heard the sudden tap, tap, tap of raindrops against the window. Levi felt her lips form a smile. He pressed his forehead against her's as he grazed her cheeks with kisses. He sensed the pent up excitement inside her pleading to be released. He whispered to her, "Go."

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