Photograph; Part 3

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We ride for days, constantly on the move. Only a few more hours until we reach Shiganshina and it already feels like forever. We've lost 24 on the way here and 6 have given out. How much more can these newbies take? I guess we'll find out soon.
The gates of Shiganshina come into view, but titans do not. The entire area is empty, and there is nothing. No corpses, no titans, no remnant of life itself. A barren wasteland of forgotten lives and memories. We split in four divisions, one heading North, South, East, and West. All of them scouring the district and surrounding land. Still nothing.
I decide to search the city. Wondering aimlessly I begin to feel the hope I once held drop and break against the corroding cobblestone. Everything here seems as if it's aged decades and has been touched by decay. Curiosity got the better of me and I entered a house with part of the roof torn off. How strange it was to be in such a place. It all feels familiar and yet I've never been here before.
A white feather spirals from the sunshine, catching my gaze. I watch carefully as it is blown into a corner. My hand reaches for the fuzz, but it deterred when I notice a small sheet of paper laying beside it. Picking up the parchment my stare finds smudges of ink across the center. I flip the page and nearly drop it as my fingers tremble. It's a photo. A photo of. . . me. It's taken recently too, no more than a year ago.
The photo is crinkled and withered, but my image stands strong. There's no need to gawk, I know who it is and how I look. Firmly I press it against my chest and I feel as if I could writhe in agony. Levi must have taken this on the expedition. It's his photo and that could mean he's nearby. Moron. Of course he isn't, we've explored every nook and crany, but have come up with nothing. All we can do is assume that they're all. . . dead.

After the mission was a failure, we decided to take shelter in an abandoned fortress two hours from Shiganshina. I didn't feel like being near everyone so I tossed a pillow and blanket a few halls away from the others. I lit my own torch and then laid underneath the thin cover. A bulge formed in my throat and I knew tears wanted to burst free, but I.... I.... I would let them.
My eyes burn as if these tears had been fermented into my tear ducts. I muffle the sounds of my sobs with the blanket and begin tossing and turning until I find a comfortable position. When I do I lay limply, curled into a ball of heartache. My eyes close tightly, and before I had a chance to stop the waterworks, I was alseep.

A gentle hand caresses my cheek softly. My eyes flutter open as tender lips touch my temple. The person doing this is Levi! Oh, thank The Walls! But how? He was supposed to be dead! Not that I'm not absolutely thrilled he's alive, but it makes no sense. I lumber upwards and see him kneeling beside me, staring sadly with those electric blue eyes.
"Levi, how-"
"Listen! I haven't got much time, but I just want you to know that I love you and I'll find a way home."
"What are you talking about? You're already here."
"Remember the locket. Also, you have to get out here." His lips press firmly to mine in a passionate mesh, and- oh Sina- I love it. Abruptly the sensation disappears and so does the world itself.

I pry open my eyes to the sound of screams. I could only assume the titans had found us. Rising to my feet I take off in a sprint to where we had tied the horses. I wouldn't have to worry about an attack. Luckily, I had fallen asleep with my 3D gear on. Sasha and Nanaba usher soliders out to the stables and command others to defend. Whether they gave me a command or not I planned to slaughter the titans.
I rush out into the open, already fingers-to-face with a titan. I slice through its grasp and then propell myself into the air. Fast, I bent down the blade's and slice it's nape. The titan falls and begins to burn in a hot wave of steam. I do the same to three others, then use the spinning technique Levi had taught me, to slay an abnormal.
It was a new dawning morning when all was said and done. At Sasha's beckoning call we began our retreat home. We have a total of 78 casualties. It could have been worse, is my way of looking at it. Through the entire ride home I didn't think of anything but Levi.
Was he still alive somehow? Somewhere? If so how can I help him? How can I find him? Questions like these filled my conscious until my head throbbed from the excessive use and stress. Still I fight past it and daydream of a life of he and I together. How wonderful.

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