Almost Lover

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The sunlight cascades down across the open world around me. Pines dot the ocean of green grass and blooming flowers. A dirt road leads us, along with commander Erwin. I look ahead for a boost of confidence. Captain Levi rides as my leader. His dark ebony undercut tangles in the wind. I can't see his frigid blue eyes, but I know they're focused on the mission. Green smoke is fired in the distance. A titan already? We've only been riding about 30 minutes. Oh, well. Captain turns on his horse and I feel my stomach tighten and my heart pound. It's sickening, the feeling he gives me, but I love it. "(y/n), fire the shot." I nod and respond, "Yes sir." Taking out the flare gun I load the ammo and the smoke ascends.

We see several more titans, losing a total of thirteen men, and things only worsen when dark clouds begin to fill the sky. The entire blue above darkens with storm clouds. Rain pours hard, as if the sky is weeping for the lost soldiers. I'd like to tell them that their tears don't do the dead any good, but they're only clouds. Drifting along without a care. Not having to worry about life and death, love and hate, all the things that make us human. Sometimes I'm envious of the clouds. Mist is thick and heavy in the air. The slippery mud makes it hard to control my horse. If a titan appears we won't know until it's right on top of us, by then we won't have time to react. I keep one hand on the reigns and another on the blade to my right. I look up to see Captain still in front of me, and one solider to each side. Everyone else has disappeared. My squads gotten closer since the rain has fallen, and they grow closer as it falls harder.

We ride silently for a few minutes. We might make it out of this alive. No, we have to. If we die here and now I'll never be able to tell Captain Levi how I feel. I don't remember if it was a warm summer's day or a cold winter's evening, but at sometime I fell in love with him. He'll know that before I die. Abruptly I fall. My horse slips and I tumble into the mud. I open my eyes to see before me laid a bloody massacre. Bodies bitten and torn apart. Limbs discarded and fresh blood dyeing the soil crimson. The earth is made greasy with human fat and flesh. The sick feeling returns, and I hate it. Instead of my heart pounding it drops into my stomach and I want to puke.

My gaze shifts up and I feel my heart stop entirely. An eye the color of blood watching me. It's color glimmers silver flecks in the mist. I see myself inside. Trapped and frozen by terror, covered in mud, and tears being swept into the raindrops. Teeth emerge from the unknown behind the mist and I scurry to my feet, but not fast enough. It's jaw locks on my leg. I shriek and struggle in its grasp! This pain in sharp and growing as it sinks deeper into me. The titan tilts its head up and takes a bite into my stomach. Gnawing into my guts. I spit blood and reach for my blades because what else can I do? Holding them so tightly my knuckles turn white I lunge and pierce the eyes. The titan doesn't let go, but deepens its bite. The titan arches its back and covers its eyes as steam emerges through the crack between fingers. It let's out a horrifying, gut wrenching screech! I fall from its teeth and into the mud. The bone in my leg isn't broken, but the bleeding in my gut is intense. I open my shirt the color crimson and gaze at the wound. Skin has been severed and so have the muscle. A clear view inside me has been created.

"Tend to (y/n)! I'll take care of the titan!" Levi exclaims as he rushes to the titans nape! I lay my head into the hands of Armin as Eren tends to my wounds. "It's going to be okay," Armin tells me as he strokes my hair. "We're going back to the wall together!" Eren shouts as he presses cloth firmly to my stomach. It's pointless, I know it is. I can feel myself becoming tired and heavy. My eyelids sag and my vision is getting blurry. My breathing is shallow and rapid. "There's no point," I tell them. Eren presses harder in frustration. "Yes there is!"
"No, Eren. I'm going to die here. I've lost too much blood. I'm not going to make it. You know that as well as I do."
"We don't know that for sure! Come on (y/n), you can't die."
"Do you think it's my choice. I guess it kind of is. If I give up right now I won't be able to tell him. So-" I have to tell him. I can't die until I do. I take the cloth from Eren's hands and wearily rise to my feet. I take a few steps and them tumble back into the mud. My legs isn't broken, but moving it hurts like a bitch. That doesn't matter though. "What are you doing, (y/n)!" Eren calls out. Turning to face him I say, "I just have to make it to Captain... so I... can tell him." I shift to my hands and knees and begin crawling across the rain soaked dirt. I slip and lose hold of the cloth. "Dammit." I feel myself slipping away and the time I waste here is less time I have with him.

The rain beats tenderly against my skin and hair. I shift my gaze and see two muddy boots. I try to raise my head and glimpse at who it is. It's Captain Levi. A slow, gentle smile forms from my lips. "Captain." Although my heart is slowing it still pounds for him. He glares down at me in a sympathetic way. He kneels beside me and takes me in his arms. His embrace is cold, but still warmer than the rain. His fingers brush away the hair covering my eyes. That's when our gazes meet and it feels as if two worlds are colliding inside our eyes. Inside his I can see past what he seems to be and discover who he is. My almost lover is sweet, and kind and stubborn about his opinions. He's clever and harsh, but most of all he's the person I love.
Captain caresses my cheek. "Captain... Levi," I say faintly. "I'm here, (y/n)."
"Captain, I've fallen I love with you. Not because of how you look, but because of who you are. Although you look pretty great too." He chuckles softly, as do I. There I've told him. He knows now and that's all I wanted. Or..... at least I thought it was. I've confessed my love, but I want something in return. Not to hear, I love you too, but to feel it deep and truly that he really does. I wait for his response eagerly. But I don't get one. Instead he presses his lips to mine in passionate bliss. Appreciate the moment of your first kiss, it may be the last time you own your heart. I feel my body ache for him and my open wounds burn as he touches me. His tongue down my throat. His warm breath flooding into me. The alluring scent of spice rising from his skin and then being muffled by the cloudburst. I want it all and more.

As our lips part my vision is foggy and my chest is heavy and dense as a storm of its own brews inside. His kiss was the drug suppressing the pain of my wounds, and now that the effects have worn off the pain is deeper and greater than before. A smile creeps across my face as I hear the sound of my heart downing out the rhythm of the rain. He calls to me, but I can only hear myself and and experience the tightening, burning throbbing in my stomach and leg. I reach for his dark, ebony hair and he grazes my wrist with his lips. So long my almost lover. The world is fading softly and I struggle to keep my eyes open, yet I know they're destined to be shut. So long my hopeless dream. His echoing voice grows louder, while the end grows nearer. Why couldn't I have just left it be? Now I've caused more pain for the both of us. Only, mine will end sooner than yours. Goodbye, my luckless romance. My back is turned on you. Slowly I took in warm, breath that's not my own. Should have known you'd bring me heartache. A cold tear rolls down my cheek as the stolen breath is returned. Almost lovers always... "I love you, Captain." do.

I'm SO SORRY for the lack of updates! I just started my freshman year of high school, so it's been hectic. Plus some other stuff. Also, my internet has been crap. Anyway, I'll try to get out updates once a week from now on. Please just keep voting and reading and I love all of you guys!

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