Love on the Battlefield; Part 1

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     "Today's mission is yet another attempt to make it to Eren Jaeger's basement in Shiganshina," Commander Erwin announced. As he explained the plan I drifted of and began thinking womanly thoughts. My eyes wondered around the small room until they landed on humanity's strongest solider, Captain Levi. I sighed thinking about how I'd just love to spend some "alone time" with him. Suddenly, his cold eyes turned in my direction. He began walking over to me just as Erwin said, "That is all." Everyone left, but Levi and I. Who just stood a few feet away, staring. I blushed a bit wondering what was going through his head.

     Why is he staring, I thought to myself. "Hey, (y/n)." Levi walks closer. "Yeah?" Levi runs his fingers through my (h/c) hair and curls a piece around his finger. "Why were you staring at me," he asked. I'm at a loss for words. Oh, shit! He caught me. I stuttered a bit as I said, "I- I... I was just, uh..." I flinched a little as he came closer. "Is it because you find me attractive?" My eyes widen in embarrassment and my face turns completely red. Levi reaches out and pulls me against him. He brings his lips close to mine and I prepare for a kiss. BUT  just as our lips are about to touch he whispers, "I'll take that as a yes." Levi pulls away and leaves without looking back or another word.

     I fall to the ground and pull my hair in frustration! I feel like screaming until my throat goes numb! I cover my mouth and kick the floor! What the hell was that?! Now he knows! UGH! I just lay on the floor boards and sigh in frustration. Suddenly I hear people running through the halls. "What the?" In moments a wave of realization rushes over me. I scurry to my feet and rush outside. "The mission!"

Attack on Titan  Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now