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Did you forget about me?

Did you think I didn't see your acceptance speech? Where you thanked your mother and blessed your lucky stars? Where you stood proudly beside heroes that are much stronger than you? Did you think I didn't see that smug look on your face as you spoke of your struggles, your harships, and of course, your victories? You spoke so well, so fluently, even I almost believed you, Azureth. Azureth, you silly little blue dragon, did you think I wouldn't find out who you actually were? Daughter of Endeavor, spouse of Eraserhead, Pro Hero, Harbinger.


Did you think I wouldn't find you, Ä̷̛̹͕́̒̂͛͊̀̎̀̓̅̀̈́̏͝ẑ̵͈̰̞̮̮́ự̸̟̟͒̓̌̆̆͐̎͒̃͑͋͊̐̊̇̈͌̓̉̊̄́͐̇͂̕͝͠ͅr̶̈́̂̓̈́̐̋̌̃̊̒e̴̡͙̖̰̬͖̋͛̓̀ͅt̵̔̑̍h̶͋̂͑̀̉̓͝?

That I wouldn't scrape the bottom of this barrel, that we call earth, to deface who you actually were? To discover your ties to someone who currently goes by the name, 'Dabi'? To unveil your connection to the sniper of flames, Azaziel Anforth? You know, (y/n), once you get past all that crazy built up in him, he actually isn't that bad a guy. Just some poor misunderstood creature... Well, it seems he and I have a common enemy, that we have the same goal in this pecuilar little life you have generously spared the both of us. You should've buried the both of us, you should've ripped us to pieces when you had the chance because now we can eliminate you. We will ensure the destruction of you, (Y/n). We will watch you burst into flames, witness everything you've ever built to come crashing down around you. Do you know how easy it'd be to smash you to pieces, (y/n), creator of the advanced Nomu?

Did you think I wouldn't pursue my revenge?

Maybe you assumed I'd be too cowardly to scour this place for any hint of you, maybe you didn't care becasue you knew me to be too afraid to act on it if I did discover who you really were. Well, (y/n), I was scared. I was scared for a long time, unsure of what I could do to someone like you after all you did to me. But then I had a fantastic idea. A magnificent concept that would give me what it is I longed for, something that would help me feed you to the dogs.

Do you know how something as strong a ship bends to something as weak as water?

Deterioration. Water is persistent as it is fluid. It chips away at the tough stuff, eating at all that supports it. It takes time, a lot of time and pressure, and patience. But eventually a ship that has bounced off too many waves, for far too long, collapses. And once you are sinking, (y/n)- no, Azureth, once you are drowning in my ocean I swear...

I will swallow you whole.

And then you will remember my name.


A/N: I've recieved a lot of beautiful comments about this book and a lot of questions. What happened to the villain I created, how is Mirio's relationship with (y/n), how did she become such a high ranking hero? In truth, I wanted to make the Azureth Arc a bit longer, I wanted (y/n) to pursue a relationship with Mirio before him finding out who she had been this entire time. I wanted to prolong her missing from Aizawa but a lot of people seemed upset with the idea of Mirio and (y/n), I decided against it. I have also thought about what I could do to continue her story and suddenly got in the mood to write something fun as a break from my other works. So, if you are still with me, I have a question;

If you do not wish to see what happens next, if you are content with the ending you had previously recieved, let me know here.

For those who want me to continue, let me know here, and if enough positive feedback is recieved, I will continue this in my free time.

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