外傷 - trauma

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Sometimes you forget just how irrelevant your existence really is.

You get caught up in the hype of living. The threads of fate zipping by, tripping you up the very second you least expect it to. Because that's all life is, overhype.

Or maybe I'm just feeling exceptionally pessimistic today.

I thumbed through the pages of my newer book, courtesy of the ever amazing Shota Aizawa, 'The Anatomy of Nerves'. I read the three hundred and fifty seven paged book in one sitting, I mean I was starving for answers, for ideas. But alas, every single prototype I had scrapped together couldn't even pass a functioning test. So I'm back at square one.


I glanced up at the sound that had become unfortunately familiar to me.

Katsuki Bakugou.

Quirk: Explosion.

His costume could use more modifications in my opinion, but the very Angry and very Stubborn Pomeranian was extremely fucking particular about keeping his grenade bracers the way they were instead of swapping them out for something with less of a kick.

"Oi! Tires!" He shouted from above as another piece of gravel exploded. Ah, yes. Tires. The unlucky and insensitive nickname said Angry Pomeranian has given me. I furrowed my brows together, watching him wave down with a genuine looking grin. "These actually work!" He tossed another one of the improvised grenades I had made for him in the air, it blowing to bits not too long after the release.

"Of course it works, I made it.." I huffed underneath my breath, pulling a rubber band off my wrist and gathering my (h/c) hair into a messy ponytail.

Today the astounding Class 1-A has decided to work on 'Ultimate Moves' before their provisional exam. I tagged along because; One, I wanted to see my new support tech in the field and make any last minute modifications before their big day. Two, I literally have nothing better to do. A bright flash of red and orange swirls caught my eye and I wheeled myself backwards to catch the full view.

Shoto Todoroki.

Quirk: Hot and Cold.

I gazed in amazement as he blew flames magnificently from one side until his body clammed up and a visible sweat was seen on his forehead. He then switched stances, bellowing out blue icicles with an audible grunt. I frowned. I wonder if the vest I made is working.

I ended up sticking with my main idea. Configuring a temperature detection mechanism for his neck and wrists that connected to a cooling (or heating) agent in his combat vest to prevent frostbite or overheating. Of course, I combined that with a temperature resistant jacket, a utility belt with some capsules containing first aid per request, and my own slightly twisted version of 'snow boots'. Shoto and I had grown relatively closer over the ordeal because learning his quirks ins and outs took some time and required us to be in one another's company quite a lot.

I learned his favorite animal was in fact a Jellyfish. Strange albeit, but who am I to judge when I'm obsessively in love with the adorable pufferfish? And if the fact that we both love sea creatures wasn't coincidental enough, it seems Shoto Todoroki also has a strange and profound liking for all things blueberry. We seem to be alike in more ways than one. My lips twitched into a smile as I watched my brother display his powerful quirk. I think my mom would be happy that I've gotten close to him.

I think she'd be proud of how much I've grown over these last few months.

"How's the new book?" His flat voice broke me from my thoughts as he gently rested a hand on my shoulder. I leaned back in my wheelchair, wanting a bit more from him than just a squeeze, looking up at the Erasure hero and teacher of 1-A.

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