煙 - smoke

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It had been a week since Shouta and I had been seeing each other continuously. Every night I would receive a simple text, and I'd make my way to his apartment in the dead of night. It was an unlikely partnership. One that is probably destined to end ugly, but we were hopelessly addicted to each other. The sex was amazing and neither one of us stayed around each other long enough to ask questions, to get attached. We both had the same expectations, we both had a firm grip of cutting ourselves off from our feelings.

Now? Now it was 10 am on a Sunday and I was skipping down a sidewalk with a bottle of (f/d) in my hand. It was a hot, sunny day in the middle of my first exciting summer vacation, and because of the weather my quirk had been acting up more than usual. I brought the cold bottle to my forehead, pressing the cool plastic against my blistering skin. I must be the most useless quirked person alive. Breathe fire at the cost of your lips, tongue, and taste buds. I can't even completely control my activation. Sometimes when I get angry, overly excited, even flustered, smoke will pour out from my mouth and soon enough flames will burn my throat. It's especially bad around the summer, because it tends to activate more easily in the heat.

"Stupid quirk..." I mumbled to myself, kicking a pebble off the sidewalk as I walked. I never wanted to be a 'Pro Hero', anyway. But I'd rather have been born quirkless then have this godforsaken curse. I frowned, thinking of my fathers perilous glare down upon me for not following in his footsteps. My quirk is the reason I'll never amount to anything in his eyes. My nose scrunched up in disgust, thinking too much of him this early in the day.

"(Y/N)." A low, mono-tone voice greeted me, slicing through the air, making me jump in place. I glanced towards the voice, already knowing who it belonged to before my eyes even met his tired ones. Shouta was leaning against an alleyway wall in the shade, sipping something from a shiny metallic pouch. My eyes widened, my face reddening at the sight. He was still in his normal (what I would expect to be hero) attire, black jumpsuit, greyish scarf...thingy. But the top to his one piece had been opened up, and tied around his waist to leave his biceps exposed in a dark tank top. His hair was tied back, still gently sticking to his cheek from how much he was sweating.

"Shouta!" I said surprised, side stepping towards the entrance of the alleyway he resided in. "W-what are you doing here?" I stuttered. This was the first time I had ever seen him in the sunlight. He gave me a questioning look, a bit confused by my anxious answering.

"I'm on break." He bluntly replied, scrunching up the pouch in his hand.

"Ah! From your summer school teaching?" I inquired further, pressing my back against the cool brick wall opposite of Shouta. He nodded.

"Something like that." His voice was gentle. I glanced down at my hands, becoming aware that his eyes were fixated on me quite sternly. Those dark black hues, wrapping around my high waisted shorts, my frilly pink top that stopped right below my breasts. Why do I feel so shy? He made a small scoffing sound before speaking once more. "You'd think I've seen enough of you for you not to be so nervous all the time." My head perked up at his statement.

"I-I'm not s-shy!" I refuted, meeting his eyes. Meeting his smile. My gaze widened. This was the first time I had seen his smile. His lengthy grey pieces of fabric shot out, wrapping around each of my wrists, and pinning them above my head. I gasped at his advances, his hand slamming over my mouth to silence my breaths as the other snaked around my bare waist.

"Then why are you so flustered all the time, (Y/n)?" He whispered, a small smirk still resting on his lips. I pushed my knees together, feeling that aching sensation that Shouta usually brought whenever we met. His palm still pressed into the small of my back, inching us closer so our chests to touched and his breath fanned over my face. "The day isn't even over yet and somehow I can't stop thinking about seeing you." He said quietly, his lips descending into the nape of my neck. My heart pounded in my chest as his tongue trailed down my skin, biting, sucking, leaving marks wherever his lips traced. My knees shook and I couldn't barely contain myself with his restraints as I let out muffled moans into his hand. Moans and.. Moans and smoke. Smoke was pouring from my mouth, slipping through Shouta's fingers and suddenly I was mortified. He rose an eyebrow, removing his hand from my lips and watching intently as I crumpled to the ground, grasping my throat as I coughed more and more clouds of black. I'd be fine. I knew I would be. I always was. It was just like an asthma attack, or the feeling you get when you've spent too much time underwater in your parents pool. It was suffocation. But it would pass along with the flames that would eventually burn my tongue. I coughed, spewing out more and more of my own inner demons in front of a man who could probably care less about me. Pathetic. Embarrassing, really. Can't even control your own quirk? What are you, five? My eyes watered from the force of my coughing, until the grey air stopped coming out. I blinked, drinking in a breath of fresh air as my hand shook. Why did it stop? I tucked strands of my (h/c) hair behind my ear as I looked up at the man towering over me. His hair levitating, angelically out of his tie, his eyes glowing a bright red as he stared at me. Ah. His hair fell flat once he realized I had control over myself and he extended a hand to help me to my feet. How shameful. "You-."

"I'm sorry." I managed to get out first, tearing away from his grasp in fear that he might've found out who I was.

"(Y/n)." He mumbled, trying to stop me as I forced myself out of that damn, darkened, alleyway.

"I have somewhere I have to be now, so I'll be seeing you, Shouta." I said quickly, not daring to look back.

"(Y/n), wait just a second." His voice carried little weight. He's probably hoping I don't stop. Hoping that I don't complicate things further. He probably knows and wants nothing to do with me anymore. Once I had reached the light of day, I broke into a jog. Running and running and running home. Who would want to be fucking around with me? The number two heroes bastard daughter? I felt the tears tugging at the corner of my eyes.

You wouldn't want to be caught up in the middle of that, would you? Eraserhead.

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