赤利き - red handed

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"Why do you think black in my favorite color?" Shouta asked with a heavy sigh. I placed a finger underneath my chin, thinking about it for a moment. Because it was one of the only two colors I had ever seen you wear? Because you look undeniably fucking hot in it? Or maybe because you make black look like the brightest color on the color wheel?

"Well it is all you wear." I finally said, placing my hands back on his shoulders as I straddled his waist on my couch. It was the day after All Might as we knew him died.  His power drained from a legendary battle with a legendary villain, and now he was basically rendered quirkless. Lucky him. I had insisted Shouta spend the day with me because tomorrow, school would resume and I believe both our schedules were about to be a bit too crowded for comfort. Shouta frowned, looking down at the black sweater he was wearing. "Ah! I'm not saying it's a bad thing! You look amazing in black, so good that it's started becoming my own favorite color." I rambled. Shouta rose an eyebrow, a small smirk playing on his lips as his hands rested on my hips.

"Is that right?" He said slyly, my cheeks flustering into a bright red. His fingers reached up, brushing lose strands of (h/c) hair out of my face.

"S-Shouta." I stuttered, the feeling of his touch grazing my cheek sending a warmth through me, different than the one between my legs. He hummed at the sound of his name, continuing to stroke my hair with a blank expression. "Do you think we will still have time for all this?" I asked softly, leaning into his hand. He sighed, cupping the side of my face with a frown.

"Not as much, no." He admitted, making my heart ache with the reality that I already knew would be coming. "But time can always be made." He said, his thumb running over the skin of my cheek. My chest tightened and my stomach twisted, how do you explain that feeling? It felt like I was seven years old again, a similar fluttery feeling I got in my bones when I looked at my mom. Not the same, but different. A sinking feeling in my blood that made me feel whole. It made me feel like without him, I would be lost in this life. Is that what love is? I dipped my head down, pressing my lips against his as his grip tightened, his fingers slipping past the fabric of my button down shirt and digging into my skin. How do I tell you how I feel? Do I even bother? Everything between us has grown so...complicated. I pulled away from our lip lock, staring down at him as he rose an eyebrow. "What was that for?" He asked, the aching feeling slowly returning. Do I have to have a reason to kiss you? Maybe I just like the way strands of your black hair shape your face when your hair is in a, messier than usual, bun. Maybe I want to kiss you because when you do nothing, when you are in my home at your most normal, it makes me feel like maybe I have a chance at something long lasting. Something forever? Is that pushing it? I gently smiled, my fingers wrapping around his face as he watched me.

"It was because you're you." I decided on saying. I don't know if you could ever accept any of my feelings, Shouta. So maybe I just keep biding my time like this, these moments with you that will fill my soul and replenish my heart. I don't need a title or a three word phrase to make me feel complete. I just need these moments, they're what truly matter. Shouta blinked, the lightest and most discreet shade of pink filled his cheeks as he reached up, touching my chin, pulling my mouth back into his. Our lips moved against one another, my hands brushing through his hair, softly tugging it out of its bun, as he moved his hands to slip around my throat, his cold touch sending chills down my spine as he lightly squeezed, the heat inside me spiraling out of control. I yanked the edge of his sweater, stripping him of his top, before pushing my lips against his once more. My hands ran against his bare chest as his hands gripped my thighs, flipping our positions so he was on top of me and I was laying down. I gasped, his kisses moving to the nape of my neck as he sucked and bit, no doubt leaving a trail of marks on my (s/c) skin. One of his hands snakes up my skirt, blindly ripping off my panties as his fingers slipped inside. I yelped at the sudden intrusion, making his movements pause. His face slowly moved back to mine, pressing his forehead against mine as I bit my lip to control my whimpering while his fingers moved gently inside me.

"(Y/n)-." He whispered but was quickly cut off by the loudest fucking pounding on my front door. We both looked at each other puzzled. Who in their right mind is interrupting us? No one ever came to my place. None of my friends knew where I lived, I didn't order take out, nor did I order a fucking cock block. I grumbled, slipping out from underneath Shouta as I adjusted the buttons on my shirt. Not bothering to put my panties back on, I stormed over to the front door as Shouta sighed, laying down on the sofa. I flung open the door with a scowl,

"What?" I snapped. My eyes widened as I stared up at towered in my doorway. His flames flickering against my face as his lips twisted in disgust at the sight of me. Yeah, the god of this world definitely fucking hates me.

"(Y/n)." My father greeted.


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