闇 - darkness

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Don't think about it. I scrambled my way through the concrete rubble, keeping my body low to the ground as the building shook violently, making me lose my footing and stumble to the floor. I let out a gasp, my knees sliding against some broken glass, as I glanced up at the wreckage in front of me that was once a mall. Smoke and dust clouded the compact area and I could barely see my hand in front of my face. I have to find her.

"Hello?" I shouted out over the sound of rock smashing against one another. Fuck. I pushed myself to my feet, using the wall to guide me as I made my way through the darkness. "If you can hear me, please!" The building vibrated again and I clung to railing beside me, trying to keep my balance.

Is this how I'm going to die?

I stumbled forward, trying to listen for someone as I furthered myself into the collapsing building. I have to save her. A loud crash made me glance up, as part of the ceiling came crashing down. I dove forward, the large falling boulder still catching my ankle, smashing it down underneath it's weight. I let out a scream of pain, my face pressing against the cool concrete beneath me.

Is this how I'm going to die?

I blinked away the tears in my eyes, turning on my side to inspect my ankle that was pinned down by the giant rock. I can't let something like this hold me back. Using my other foot, with all my strength, I lifted the boulder and set myself free. The pain in my leg was throbbing and I sure as shit couldn't stand on it now. I came into this death trap to save someone not be saved. I still have a showing to get to, right? Shota will be waiting for me so I have to get up.Get the fuck up and save her.

"Help!" My eyes widened as I heard the smallest voice calling me from a place not too far away. Go. I clawed my way to my feet, ignoring the stinging in my surely shattered bones, moving slowly towards the voice. "Help!" The building moved once more, making me topple to the ground with a grunt. Go. I crawled, my hands sinking into broken glass as I narrowed my eyes over a tiny stream of light and a small figure trapped underneath a cavern of rocks. I need to get to her to stop her quirk, but if she were to move and hit one of the supporting rocks next to her, she could be crushed. The only logical thing to do is crawl into the space with her since I'm more aware of my surroundings anyway.

"Stay right there!" I shouted with a bloody hand out, I pulled my body forward, squeezing through the small opening her cave had left me. I glanced up at the girl in front of me, dust and dirt covering her face with her wide eyes full of tears. I cleared my throat, trying to ignore the fear on my tongue. "Everything is going to be okay." The building shook, closing off the opening I had came through making my eyebrows furrow down. Shit. I turned back to the girl, a fake smile on my face. "This is your power, huh?" I asked, pulling my pouch into my lap. The girl nodded, hugging her knees and burying her face. "It's impressive." I managed to get out. My hands were shaking as I unzipped the pouch, pulling out my chip and scalpel that I had packed for Tamaki. Stop shaking, damn it. The girl looked up at me.

"Are you a hero?"

"Of sorts." I grinned. "I'm going to stop your quirk with something I created, okay?" The girls eyes lit up, as the building beat down more rocks on our safe place, making me nervously glance up at our ceiling that was barely holding it together. The girl herself watched, her hands pulled into her chest as the fear in her grew, making the building away harder. I have to calm her down. "It's going to hurt a little, but I need you to trust me okay?" The girl nodded, scooting closer to me as I drew in a deep breath. "Give me your arm." The little girl didn't protest, sticking her arm out as the quaking beneath us continued. I held the knife in my hand, my fingers shaking uncontrollably as I pressed the sharp object against her skin. I'm scared to die. I'm not ready to die.

"What is it?" The girl asked, staring at the small chip resting on the ground beside her and breaking me from my own thoughts. Talk, (y/n). Keep her distracted. That's something Shota would say. I smiled softly, my hand steadying. I was destined for this.

"It's a piece of technology I made to stop quirks," I began, digging the scalpel in as the little girl let out a squeak of pain. Blood poured from her arm and my own hands as I quickly took the chip in between my fingers, wasting no time slipping it underneath her skin and holding down her wound. "I call it 'Eraserhead', just like my favorite Hero." I grinned, the vibrating of our building grew louder. I swallowed hard, trying to stay calm. "Who's your favorite hero?" The chip wouldn't activate right away, it needs a tiny bit of prep time, if we can just live long enough till then.

"All Might." The girl answered, staring at the blood leaking from her arm as I held the wound close. I nodded, trying to pay attention to her words. "He always saves the day." I opened my mouth to speak, but I was interrupted by half of the ceiling above crashing down on us. I pushed the little girl forward, still holding onto her arm, as both of my legs were smashed underneath the falling rubble. I let out a scream of pain, squeezing the girl, praying my chip would kick in.

"Lady!" The girl cried, watching in horror as my blood pooled from underneath the rocks. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Work! Fucking work already! I glanced up, the last bit of rock above us shaking. Please. I shut my eyes. Just let me save her.

The vibrating ceased and I opened my eyes, looking at the little girl in front of me who gasped in shock. I did it. I released her arm, my palms pressing against the ground as I tried to wriggle out from the rocks. It was still no use. I glanced up at the girl, who was still stunned and traumatized by the horrors she had created. My vision was blurring slightly and it was starting to get harder to breathe. I cleared my throat.

"I know it's scary." I began, "But I need you to be brave." Bits of gravel slammed on our last bit of ceiling making me wince. We can't stay here, but I can't move. "You have to be brave like All Might, okay?" The girl nodded

"Like Eraserhead." She responded making me laugh softly. My laugh turned into a cough and I squinted my eyes, trying to ignore the terrible pain all over my body. Get up. I opened my mouth to speak but our gazes quickly shot up as the rocks came toppling down on us. My eyes widened, I yanked the girl underneath me, shielding her from the gravel as it pounded against me.

I'm sorry Mom.

I could feel the rocks slamming into my bones.

I'm sorry Shota. Don't be too mad at me.

The little girls screams filled my ears as I began to lose consciousness.

Shota. I hope you don't cry over my death. I can't really imagine you crying at all. I think it would break me to know I made you commit such a rare act like crying. So don't cry.

I could hear the little girls words, mushing together into plain sounds I couldn't distinguish.

Before I met you, I had this fetish for screwing around with old guys. Kinda weird right? I slept around with a number of bad choices, trying to find myself in one of them. Until I bothered a certain grumpy raven haired man. The sex was great, believe me, but I don't think that's why I kept coming back. I don't think that's why you kept agreeing to see me either. We became something more to each other than just distracting. Well, maybe I shouldn't speak for you, at least I know you were something more for me.

I think I love you Shota. I've never been in love before so it's a grey area for me and a little scary, but I really think that this what love feels like. I wish I could've told you.

You're probably waiting for me right now, huh? Sitting in the showing room, seeing this disaster on the news without a clue I'm trapped here underneath all this shit. Hopefully when you find out you don't worry too much. It'd be nice to hear you worrying about me though. To have you scold me for being so reckless after all this is over. It'd be really nice to hear your voice right about now.

I'm really sorry I had to run into this building like an idiot, but I would do it again. I would do it over, and over, and over again no matter how painful it was getting my legs completely crushed. I can't even feel them now anyway.

I really hate to admit it, Shota, but I guess you were right.

Being a hero does have more pros than cons.

There is too much good that outweighs the bad.

I see why you do it now.

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