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Why do thing always start with me barely waking up?

It just seems like every eventful day in my life begins with me rolling out of bed in the early hours of a Saturday morning, when I could be fast asleep and dreaming of easier times. I can't really complain entirely, not when I can wake up to things like Shota Aizawa everyday. I don't particulary enjoy waking up before my alarm blares at the side of my bed, but if I can open my eyes before he does, if I can soak in the gentler beams of the morning sunlight as I watch him quietly snore beside me, it seems like an even exchange. Sacrificing a couple hours of sleep to see the normally tired man breathe softly, his exhale pushing strands of raven colored hair upwards only for it to collapse onto his face once more, to see his nose twitch, his pale skin being warmed by the sun as it began forcing it's way through our curtains. How lucky do I have to be to wake up in this bed everyday? To go from living alone in a sea of darkness and self loathing, from a girl who could only hear the echoes of her past, and see nothing but her own pain.

From someone who felt like surviving was nothing but a chore.

How can I come from the likes of that, start from there, and end up where I am now? Surrounded by those who love me, doing what I had dreamed about doing since I was a child, and discovering new dreams I wanted to pursue. It wasn't an easy road to take, a simple trail I could follow without second guessing my actions, no-. I had to carve my own path, I had to create my own options and leap into things that weren't always the uncomplicated choices. I had to suffer.

"If you keep staring at me, I'll begin to think you're obsessed." His monotoned voice was raspy and gentle, something I had gotten use to hearing when the grumpy erasure hero barely begins to awake. I smiled to myself, knowing he didn't have the strength to open his eyes yet, as I reached forward and brushed his blackened hair out of his face.

I had to suffer, I had to fight, I had to endure.

"And what if I am?" I asked, my own tone being as soft as a whisper as my touch grazed his cheek. Shota pursed his lips together into a thin, tight line, clearing his throat as he slowly began to move underneath the white sheets of our bed. He rolled onto his back, since being on his side previously must've been uncomfortable to the tired man, stretching his arms upwards, so the blankets covering his bare torso would slip down just enough for me to catch a glimpse of his bare chest.

I had to cheat, I had lie, I had to do things I'm not entirely proud of.

"Creep." He mumbled with a yawn, making my jaw drop in a playful manner. He rose an eyebrow, peering at me through the bangs of his hair with a cheeky smile as I laughed.

But everything I've done, as painful as it might've been, all brought my back to you.

"If that is what you think I am, I guess I can leave." I sighed, tossing the blankets off and sitting up, "I'm obviously not wanted here." I swung my feet off the side of the bed, readying myself to stand but was quickly yanked back by a pair of strong arms wrapping around my waist. "Sho!" I was pulled into a mess of a morning cuddle, Shota's body pressed against my back as he squeezed me tightly, resting his chin on my shoulder.

So call me crazy, call me a fool, but believe me I'd do it all over again if it meant feeling your skin against mine for the rest of my life.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- continued in the Sequel: Erased

A/N: I decided to open up another book to continue (y/n)'s story, the sequel is the completed version of the first chapter as this is just a teaser for those interested. I hope you guys will stay with me for the continuation :) Thank you very much for your support. Reading your comments continually inspires me to write and gives me confidence in what I do.

I love you all, hope to see you guys in the next one. - Author-chan <33333

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