恐れ - fear

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I yawned, plopping down on a couch that was not mine, wrapped in bed sheets that were also not mine, as I flipped on the tv (that was most definitely not mine). I was lounging around Shouta's apartment, waiting for him to return from chaperoning his Summer camp class. The news droned on the usual 'All Might does this! All Might does that! All Might, blah, blah, blah.' Call me an edge lord but I never joined the All Might hype train. I buried my face in my cocoon of blankets. I guess I really am my fathers daughter, because I'm not sure anyone else hates All Might more than him. Currently, my favorite hero is Eraserhead. For totally unrelated reasons rather than us boning every single day. I never knew too much about the hero that wields a scarf for a weapon, but doing some research and spending time with said hero, I've come to love his Hero character more than anyone else. He saves people in the late hours of the night, in low income areas where not many Hero agencies are. He doesn't like media attention, he doesn't want any recognition for any of his work. He works as an independent hero, which believe it or not is much more difficult than working from a hero agency where people do things for you. And when he isn't saving anyone, he only wears himself thinner by teaching the next generation of heroes. And man, does he love those kids. My favorite part of the day is when he talks about them. To watch the way his dull eyes light up as he mentions his students, a specific green haired child and his passion for saving those in need is absolutely Life changing. Shouta is definitely a hero in my book. A hero and possibly the best man to ever walk this planet.

Bzzzt. Bzzzt.

The feeling of my phone vibrating in sweater pocket made me jump. I quickly fished it out of my fortress of blankets, that were more or less beginning to consume me, pulling the screen to my face to look at the caller ID.


I'm not entirely sure who would even be calling me at 10 o'clock at night except Shouta himself. My thumb reluctantly tapped the green answer button, pulling the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered.

Nothing. I furrowed my brows at the other ends silence. Was it Shouta? Was it one of my friends trying to prank call me? Nejire and Tamaki wouldn't do such a thing, but Mirio most definitely would. But he would open with some sad sounding Dad joke, not just... breathing. Maybe it was Shouta, this is a bit out of character for even him though, but I'm not opposed to playing around. A devilish smirk spread across my lips as I thought of ways to toy with him.

"Shouta, if you don't come home soon I'll-." I began, a million dirty things on the tip of my tongue, not even thinking of the possibility that this wasn't Shouta.

"So you have a boyfriend now?" His voice boomed on the other end of the receiver making my blood run cold. I sat up from my, I mean Shouta's, extremely comfy couch trying to catch my breath.

"What do you want?" I snapped, trying to hide the fear that vibrated in my throat.

"Is that anyway to greet your father?"

My mouth went dry and I could feel the smoke building up in my chest. My fingers shook as I struggled to hold the phone still against my face. Why? Why now?

"Ok, what the fuck do you want?" I rephrased myself, using my snarky attitude to mask how the color had most certainly drained from my face.

"I tried to come by today to give you your allowance, but you weren't home."

"I told you to just leave it-."

"I'm guessing you're at a friends, or this 'Shouta' persons home."

"Just leave it underneath the door mat." I spat, my fear dissipating because I hated the way he said Shouta's name and the flame hero technically couldn't hurt me from over the phone. On top of that, he currently had no idea where I was. Unless he could track my location, I'm totally safe.

"I want to see you." He spoke, a different tone creeping in his demand. I shook my head. He had never requested to see me before, we hadn't come in contact with one another for close to a year. He sends someone to drop off my monthly allowance normally, no phone calls, no check ins, no hey I'm glad you aren't dead conversations. I tried to find the words, to find something to say back but he quickly answered the question he knew I had. "Your principal has informed me once school resumes, you will be displaying your support equipment to a couple of big name investors. Seems you're at the top of your class." My lip twitched at his words. I have worked...endlessly, tirelessly to be the best at what I do. So no one with a quirk they can't control, ever suffers again. I planned to release my support technology to the public, not exclusively for heroes. Of course, this was highly recommended against because opening my work to the public would mean I would accept a low offer and profit less than half I normally would going to a hero agency. "I plan on attending the business deal for the Todoroki name as well." I slammed my fist against the couch.

"That is unnecessary, I don't need the family name to gain attention for my, what you would know if you actually cared, brilliant work!" I snapped.

"I didn't ask for your permission, (y/n)." He said firmly, making me cringe at the nostalgic feeling of being underneath his fist. "Shoto and I will be present and that is final. Now, let's talk about this ludicrous idea you have of..." his voice faded as the breaking news on the tv caught my eye.

A forest, a familiar looking forest was littered with blue kindling flames. My eyes widened as I hung up my cellphone, too stunned to even care about what he might say. My lips parted into a small gasp as the camera flashed to students being attended to by paramedics, fear and terror lingering in their eyes as one was carried out in a stretcher. A certain green haired looking boy. Oh my god. I stumbled to my feet, tripping over the covers as I rushed to find my keys. Keys? Shouta brought me here. My car is at my house, oh my god. I yanked out my phone, dialing Shouta's number frantically.

Ring. Ring.

Please, please, please.

Ring. Ring.

"The League of Villians strike again, managing to capture one of the students and injure many others along the perilous journey."

Ring. Ring.

God damn it, Shouta! I ran back to the front door. The drive is about fifteen minutes from Shouta's apartment with traffic, but if I run I'll never make it. Maybe I can run far enough to hitch a ride, Taxi's are still out this late, right? My eyes were brimming with tears as my hand wrapped around the handle to leave. Please. Please. I flung open the door with haste, letting out a squeak of fear when I saw the Erasure hero leaning against the doorway with a surprised look on his face. His pale cheeks were dusted with soot and his eyes seemed more tired than usual. His lips were bent into the saddest frown I had ever seen him produce as he looked down on me.

"I've had a really shit night."

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