私の太陽、私の月 - my sun, my moon

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The sun slipped through the flowing curtains, causing shadows to dance on the ceiling and against the walls. Light flickered over my closed eyes and the gentle morning breeze blew over my skin like fairy whispers in an ancient tongue I could never speak. I slowly awoke, my eyes fluttering open like butterfly wings and falling flower petals as I felt my chest rise with my breath, smelling freshly done laundry and the morning dew sliding down the grass outside.

This was the first time in months I slept through the night.

"Awake already?" His voice hummed sweetly, sounding like the underlying beat to a hymn that had been rooted in my very soul. I glanced to my left, seeing the raven haired man standing beside the open window with a mug in his hand. I rubbed my eyes softly, sitting up in bed, letting the sheets slipping down my torso. Shota turned to face me, his pale skin beaming underneath the early suns warmth as he leaned against the window frame in nothing but dark grey sweats. Half of his messy black hair scooped into a bun as the latter rested gracefully on his shoulders, the frays of his hair crowning his head. "Today is going to be beautiful."

Am I dreaming?

"What's gotten into you?" I yawned, pushing myself to the edge of the bed, letting my feet dangle off the side as I remembered the broken fragments of yesterday. How a man named 'Dabi' broke into my house and muttered words of deception in my ear. Talking about my mother and how he was my 'Oniichan'. Then there was the fact that I stood. My legs worked for the first time in months and I'm not sure if it was due to adrenaline or plain fear, but regardless of the how, I hadn't tried to walk since. I was terrified of falling, of failing.

"Nothing much." He answered, placing his mug down on the nightstand and making his way over to me. Once standing beside me, he extended a hand forward, a soft smile plaguing his lips. "I just have a lot to be thankful for." I blinked at his words, the faintest heat creeping up my cheeks as I rested my palm in his. His fingers wrapped around my hand, squeezing gently as he tugged my body upwards.

The soles of my feet lightly pressed into the wooden floor beneath me, the cold making my eyes widen as I glanced down. I could feel that. My lips parted as I watched my toes scrunched up at the feeling, wiggling around slowly. I can feel them. I looked back up at Shota who pulled a bit harder on my hand, try to hoist me to stand.

"Shota, I don't think I can-." I protested. Fear. What if it was just a lucky break? Just a one time thing? What if the tech I made just malfunctioned to work? What if it was an accident?

"You can." With his words, I felt my legs gently stretch out, trembling as I put my weight on them. I gnawed on my lip, trying to focus on balancing myself as my legs gave out from underneath me, causing my arms to wrap around Shota's torso for help. His embrace encased me, his lips delicately pressing against the top of my head, burying his nose in my (h/c) hair. "I'll never let you let fall." He whispered, my lips quivered at his words, tears welling in the creases of my eyes. I can do this. I tightened my grip on Shota's body, using him as support to pull myself up. I grunted, pushing with all of the strength I had in me, my knees bending against the pressure. I can do this. I let out a struggled breath as tears slipped down my cheeks. My legs straightened out and with Shota's help, I was standing. I was actually standing on my own two feet. An audible gasp broke through my sobs as I looked down at my legs. I was standing.

"S-Shota.." I managed to say, looking back up at the man who had gently moved to instead hold my hands, interlacing our fingers as I wobbled side to side unsteadily. "I'm...I'm standing."

"It would seem so." Shota laughed lightly, loosening his grip. I shook my head, squeezing him tighter.

"Shota, no. Shota, I can't-." I panicked. One victory was enough for me. I can stand. I don't want to know if I can walk. But before I could beg him to not let go, his touch had slipped from mine, leaving me to stick out my arms stiffly, as if I was on a tightrope, desperately trying to balance myself. I felt myself away through the air as the light filtering through our bedroom window glimmered against our cream colored walls and the curtains blew harder against the morning breeze, the dust particles floating in the air zooming across the room casually. Like everything was right in the world. I shut my eyes, concentrating on keeping my balance. Maybe all is right in the world. Maybe, just maybe, I can do this. I opened my eyes, trying to fight the ache in my stomach with my newfound determination. I hate to do it. If not for him, for me. I want to walk. I want to walk. I want to fucking walk.

"You can do it."

"I can do it."

Shota blinked at my words, holding his hands out as if I was a toddler taking her first steps.

"You can."

I rose a shaky foot forward, stepping and leaning into my movements. If I fall, I fall. Who fucking cares at this point, I don't want to be a stump anymore. I don't want to be restricted. I want to believe in myself. My foot landed on the ground and I daringly lifted my other. I'm walking. I drew in a sharp breath, grinding my teeth as I tried to take one more step. It was hard. Something everyone can do so easily, something I used to do so easily, was now so trivial to me. It felt like I was lifting a million pounds with every second I stood. My legs had finally had enough, giving out from exhaustion, causing me to fall forward into Shota's arms.

"You did it." He whispered, pulling me closer.

"I did it.." I cried. The feelings pouring out of me like stale tea left in a old kettle. I did it. I did it. I fixed my legs. I made it so I can walk again.


Mom, I did it.

"Shh." He hushed, scooping me off the ground and into his chest. I smiled through my tears, through the pain, as everything I had hoped for, everything I worked for came true. His lips pressed into my forehead with the lightest scoff. "Have I ever told you how amazing you are?" I smirked at his words, wiping the ends of my eyes and looking up at him. The stubble on his chin seemed a bit scruffier today, maybe he hasn't shaved in awhile. Maybe I stressed him out too much to do so. I never thought about how my problems affected him. I never thought about how little he slept at night or how much he worried about me. It must hurt. It must hurt so much to see the person you love lose everything that they had, everything that valued, and consistently fail at getting it back.

He must've hurt too.

I slid my hands up his face, tugging him down so our lips would meet.

Shota Aizawa,

He didn't hesitate to deepen our kiss, pressing forward whilst tightening his grip around my frail body.

For a man whose wardrobe consists of three colors, I don't think I've ever met someone as colorful and bright as you.

"Mmm. Are you trying to kill me?" Shota mumbled against my mouth. I laughed, pulling away and nuzzling into the crook of his neck.

You are my sun, my moon, my stars, my galaxies.

I inhaled his scent, the familiar smell reminding me of simpler times where we would hook up and trick ourselves into believing the string holding us together wasn't there.

I'd walk through hellfire to be with you. And if I couldn't walk, I'd find a way to. I'll always find a way to come back to you, Shota.

"You are my heart and soul, Shota Aizawa." I said aloud. I'm not sure why I said it, why I told him something I've only ever thought. It's not that I didn't believe what I said, it's just that my words carried so much weight. For someone who thought they're soul was crushed beyond repair and their heart torn to bits, saying this meant they have been healed. They were healed and no longer belonging to me, but to the man who combed his hair once a week and drank coffee like water.

They belonged to Shota Aizawa.

Shota glanced down at me, his dark eyes looming over my face as a rosy tint invaded his cheeks in the cutest way. He shook his head, looking up and carrying me out our bedroom.

"You've always been mine, (y/n)."

I am yours.

And you are mine.

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