宇野 - uno

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"And that's another plus four."

"This is childish."

"But fun." I teased, slamming down my plus four into the pile of cards beneath us. Shota sighed, drawing the exact amount from our deck and adding it to his already massive hand. I grinned, peering over my last two cards as he glared at me over his seventeen.

"Didn't we come here to pick up your clothes, not play Uno?" Shota asked, pointing at the messy pile.

"Blue." I answered, picking the color. "And yes, but I'm feeling nostalgic." I hummed, pressing my palms into the hardwood floors of my bedroom as I leaned backwards, stretching my casted legs in front of me. Shota nodded, throwing down a blue seven, allowing me to toss in a blue three and cheekily say 'Uno'.

"Coming to your place every week for some clothes seems like such a hassle." He complained, thumbing through his cards. "This could all be avoided if you just moved in with me." Huh? My eyes flickered away from his gaze at his words, my heart jumping my throat. Move in? I'd only been seeing Shota for a couple months now, moving in with him seems a bit rushed. But at the same time, I wake up next to the messy ravenette every morning and go to sleep beside him every night, so I do basically live with the man already. Being excused from the living in the dorms due to the accident, I have the freedom to sleep wherever I please. And Shota had decided against staying in the teachers quarters, to be with me. He placed down a yellow three atop of my blue, with a raised eyebrow as he awaited my response.

"Move in?" I repeated his words, tapping my last card against my chin.

"You practically already live there." He mumbled, his eyes lazily looking over his own cards. His black hair was pulled into the ever-so-classic lowly hanging bun, and he gently pulled on the collar of his grey (not black) v-neck as he exhaled loudly. Of course, something about Shota Aizawa made me want to dive headfirst into anything he threw at me, but the logical side of me was second guessing myself. Fear. Fear is an ugly color, one that I hadn't had to deal with when it came to love. Mostly because I'd never been in love, my free spirit and injured heart had allowed me to do what I want with who I want without becoming attached. That was until I met the interesting and grumpy Shota Aizawa, and he gradually grew to mean everything and more to me.

"What would I do with this 'ol place?" I asked, throwing my yellow plus two into the pile and winning my third game in a row.

"Did you hoard all the plus cards?"

"That would be cheating, Shota."

"Something I wouldn't put above you, (y/n)." Shota chuckled, standing and offering me a hand up. I nodded, resting my palm in his as he easily lifted me into his arms. He pressed my body against his chest and for a couple moments time, the warmth he gave off enveloped me and made me feel lighter. He gently set me back down in my newly purchased wheelchair and I quickly adjusted myself, aligning my casted legs with the proper foot rests as I grunted in annoyance. "Well, it wouldn't take much to sell a place like this." He answered finally, moving to my bed and opening the blue duffel bag I had brought to pack my things in. I felt a small frown tug at the ends of my lips as I tucked some (h/c) hair behind my ear. But I've made so many memories here, so many milestones.

This is the place where I had my first kiss, Mirio Togata. It was off a dare and someway or another, we became friends over it.

The place where I had my first beer. Living alone had many upsides, one being I could throw as many parties as I wanted with no parents to stop me.

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