青い火 - blue fire

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✐ ✎ ✐ Aizawa POV ✐ ✎ ✐

'In other news, Azureth has reportedly robbed yet another questionable local entrepreneur.'

I rubbed my nose with sleeve of my jacket, staring at the candy stocked on the shelf ahead of me blankly.

What was her favorite kind of candy?

'That's right Yuzu, business owner, Mitsuki Aiko, claims that her bank account was entirely drained in the early hours of 6 AM this morning, the withdrawal being under the name Azureth.'

"Shota? Is that you?"

I looked up, my eyes barely lifting up as I scratched the back of my head absently.

'Yes, and this just happens to occur while Mitsuki was being accused of having heavy ties with sex trafficking, seems our Robin Hood has taken a bit of a vigilante type turn.'


'Vigilante or Robin Hood, a criminal is a criminal , and I have no doubt our heroes will punish whomever this is.'

"What a coincidence, what are you doing here?"

'You are not untouchable, Azureth, you will be brought to justice.'

"I ran out." I mumbled, waving an empty carton of cigarettes in front of my face. The brunette gave me a forced smile, rubbing the back of his neck with a nervous laugh.

Do you believe me?

Do you believe my lie?

Because I've been following you, Azaziel. Ever since I saw your picture on (y/n)'s computer, I've suspected you of the worst and watched your every move to prove my assumptions wrong.

"You should really quit, you've been at it since high school." He teased, patting my shoulder gently. My eyes trained on his fingers as the curled into the skin of my shoulder, squeezing lightly.

Explain to me why your picture was in that file, Azaziel. Tell me why you were hanging around (y/n) that night, so many months ago. Why you stood over the table with two drinks in your hands and a dissatisfied look on your face.

I always thought it was because I stole your one night stand, that you missed out on a good time because I scooped (y/n) into my arms and dragged her away from your clutches. But what if it was something more? What if you had other plans for (y/n)?

"Can't teach an old dog new tricks, Azaziel." I muttered, moving casually further away from the brunette, shoving the empty carton into my back pocket and averting my gaze back to the candy bars in front of me.

"We aren't that old, are we Shota?" Azaziel chuckled, picking out a candy himself, "Anyway, how have you been?"

"Fine." I answered blandly, kneeling down to get a better look at the bottom shelf, "Just tired." I could see out of the corner of my eye as he nodded in agreement, stretching his arms up with a yawn.

"I know what you mean." He spoke, "I can only imagine how exhausted you must be between teaching your beloved class, protecting your city, and trailing me every night."

My head snapped up, my eyes narrowing over his an unfamiliar emotion blew through his irises, an emotion I had yet to see in his normally sky colored eyes.

"What?" I persisted, not completely dropping my facade as I rose back to my feet, watching closely as a delicate and almost unnoticeable smirk spread across his lips.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to catch on as fast you did." He admitted, shifting his weight from one foot to the other casually, "I'm guessing she must've left something laying around to tip you off, didn't she..." My heart pounded in my chest, the color draining from my face as all of the denial I had built up was torn from my skin like old scabs, "..Eraser?"

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