勇気 - courage

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"Don't you have a showing to get to?"

"Don't you have a class to teach?"

"I'd much rather be here." He said softly, the gentle raspiness of his voice vibrating from his throat as he sleepily pulled me closer. I pressed my face into the warmth his bare chest provided, my arms wrapping around his torso as he lightly buried his nose into the (h/c) hair on the top of my head. "With you." He whispered, making me squeeze him a little bit harder. Who knew waking up in the morning could be so amazing? Who knew I could ever feel this way? That I could be happy?

"I do have to get going." I admitted, to which Shota groaned, pulling away slightly so he could see my face. He smoothly caressed the side of my cheek, his five o'clock shadow standing out a bit more against his pale skin underneath the streams of sunlight that filtered through the curtains of his bedroom. "Aren't you coming?" I asked, the hope in my eyes maybe a little too desperate. Shota smirked softly, pushing his lips against my forehead.

"Of course, but we can't go together. I'll meet you there." He spoke, his boring tone still sounding like actual fucking music to me. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." My heart ached in my chest as I stared into his dark eyes that seemed lighter today. I could feel my breath catch itself in my throat as lazily closed his eyes once more. Holy shit. My nose scrunched up with my smile as I pressed my forehead against his, nuzzling closer.

"What's gotten into you today?" I asked, Shota let out a small breath as he reopened his eyes to stare at me with a grin.

"Can't I be proud of my girlfriend?" He cooed, tucking some messy strands of (h/c) hair behind my ear. I sunk my teeth into my lip, trying to suppress my insanely big smile. Girlfriend. Holy fucking shit. My heart sped up as a certain, scary thought plagued my mind. I hummed softly, my hands reaching up and slipping onto his face. I wish I didn't have to leave his arms today. Wrapped in a cocoon of blankets and his warmth? I don't think I have ever been happier in my sad little lifetime. I pursed my lips together, the thought in the back of my head becoming more insistent.

I think I love him.

"Ok, ok, ok. I'm going to be late, Shota." I laughed, prying myself from his grasp slowly. He reluctantly released, turning over in bed as I gathered my school uniform from the floor of his room, quickly dressing myself. Today was the day, the day I had patiently waiting for. The day that I sell my life's work. Of course, it still needs a bit more tweaking so it doesn't burn out after one use, but at least I already have buyers. This will be my first step into the world of support technology and it will be a ginormous one.

"It starts in an hour right?" Shota mumbled, propping himself up and rubbing his eyes. I nodded, sitting on the edge of his bed as I pulled my shoes on.

"But I have to get there a bit earlier to meet with Tamaki to implant the chip since he is going to be my test subject." I explained, moving to the mirror across the room, fixing my hair with my hands with a firm expression of regret on my face. Why didn't I bring my makeup? My brush? I really need to start keeping some of my things at Shota's apartment if I'm going to be spending nights at a time here. I frowned at my appearance, pulling at my eye bags and fiddling with my eyebrows until a big pair of cold hands wrapped around my waist. I looked up at the messy haired man who yawned while tightening his grip around me.

"You look beautiful." He whispered, leaning down and resting his chin on my shoulder as if he could read my mind. My cheeks got rosier as I glanced at him, bringing us nose to nose. "You're going to do great today, (y/n)." I sighed heavily, the anxiety in my chest growing,

"I'm nervous."

"I know." He lightly moved his arms up to hug my shoulders, pressing his chest against my back. "But I will be right there with you, watching you shine like never before." I let out a small chuckle as he kissed my temple.

"My hero."

"Always." He squeezed me gently before I swooped up my bag off the ground and headed for the door, pausing briefly as I turned to look at the lanky man in his boxers. He tilted his head the side with a soft smile.

I love you, Shota Aizawa.

"I'll see you there?" I breathed, the tightness in my throat building up.

I love you.

"Of course."

I love you.


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I squeezed the straps of my bag as I walked down the sidewalk. Today was my big day. A day I had been waiting for years to come. The day I finally do something with my sad and shitty life. I tugged my skirt down nervously, constantly fiddling with my uniform. I stopped at a crosswalk, staring up at the sky as I drew in a deep breath. I'm going to stick it to my father, stand up for what I believe in, and finally just...be my own person. My legs felt a little bit stronger as I crossed the street. I'm keeping my promise to you. Just like I said I would,

isn't that right Mom?

I skipped across the sidewalk, glancing at my reflection in the windows of the stores.

It's been awhile since I've had the time to talk to you, but that's a good thing, isn't it? I have an actual person to talk to now.

I smiled at those passing by, the busy city roaring with life as people rushed from once place to another.

Today I'm going to be showing my support tech to a bunch of big shot companies and one really small one. I'm going to make sure my chip, named after someone very dear to my heart, gets in the right hands where it can do the most good.

I ran my hand over the small pouch attached on my side, patting it softly.

I think I love someone, Mom. He's made me a better person, given me the courage to do what I want and the want to live.

A man in a business suit flew by me, running in the opposite direction, screaming and flailing his arms as his shouts became incoherent and more desperate. My eyes widened as I looked ahead.

I think he loves me too, Mom. The way he looks at me reminds me of the way you used to look at Dad when he'd show up on TV. A love blooming in your eyes that no one could ever understand, an unconditional type of love. He looks at me like that and it makes me feel...warm.

More and more people began running away, tripping over themselves as they screamed in terror.

He's given me the strength to save myself and now I want to use that strength to save others.

I stood in front of the mall that was slowly crumbling to nothingness, the pillars cracking and collapsing over one another, the windows shattering.

I need to use my tech to save others.

"Please! Someone call a hero! My daughter can't control her quirk! She can't help it! Please!"

I don't want to be a hero.

I felt my legs shake as I clenched my fists, watching the building shake and rattle as more and more people evacuated themselves.

I just want to help those who need it.

I tossed my backpack to the ground, shutting my eyes, trying to steady my breathing.

Even if it means my own sanity.

"Someone help her! She's trapped in there and can't stop her quirk!"

I guess I'm contradicting myself at this point.

I grit my teeth, sprinting full speed into the collapsing building.

I guess things like that do sound a little bit like Hero work.

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