粘り強い - tenancious

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It had been two days since I met the mysterious man. I had spent that time with my friends from school, trying to keep my mind off our night together. It's summer vacation. When I started with Kamui Woods, I vowed to never tie myself down. I've been there, I've done that, and now with my new found addiction, I never want to do it again. So I never sleep with the same man twice. It's an easy rule, one that I have not yet broken. But this man. This man of who's name I didn't even care to learn. I wanted to see him again, he almost intrigued me. I shook my head, slapping my open palms against my cheeks. No, no, no. The only thing I'm intrigued by is his dick. I made a fist, slamming into my other hand. Yes. That's right. It was just sex. I don't care about the sadness looming in his dark eyes, or the way his messy hair looked when stuffed into a low hanging bun. I hugged myself from the cold, as the air blew into my bones, sending a shiver down my spine. Besides what are the chances he will go back to 'Sakura'? I've never seen him there before, so I doubt he will return. I smiled to myself, fixing my hair using my reflection off the window to 'Sakura'. It's Sunday night, I'm bound to snag someone hot and new who will gladly take my mind off scarf man. I walked into the bar, slipping off my jacket and handing it to the door man, showing off my curves and skin in my shiny, golden dress. It took a dip down my chest, pushing my cleavage to its limit, and the back was open, leaving little to the imagination. I glanced around the candle lit bar, the low piano music playing barely above the chatter of customers. As I walked further into the room, I couldn't help but come to a freezing halt. There he was. Sitting in the same, isolated booth, drinking a glass of who-knows-what with his hooded eyes low, until he saw me. He narrowed his gaze, shamelessly eyeing me up and down, hungrily eating away at my curves. I swallowed hard, a warm sensation spreading in between my legs. His emotionless eyes seemed to sparkle for a moment, blinking and flashing me a small smirk that would've been missed if I hadn't been staring directly at his inexcusably handsome face.

"(Y/n), right?" An unfamiliar voice sounded close, too close. I spun around to the man on my right. I didn't recognize him, my head tilting subconsciously as I rose an eyebrow.

"I've seen you around." He answered, taking another swig from the bottle in his hand. "Can I buy you a drink?" He asked and my eyes loomed over him. He wasn't unattractive. Messy brown hair, business attire. Looked close to his thirties. Yet, I couldn't help but watch as my gaze drifted to the man in the corner. He was still watching me, his scarf pulled closer to his mouth as he took sips from his drink. Our eyes met and he quickly looked away, a scoff escaping his lips. "Is that a yes?" The man in front of me asked, snapping me to my senses.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. I'll grab us a table." I nodded, snaking through the crowd of people to find an empty table in the far corner of the room. I slipped into the booth, fiddling with my fingers as I waited for the man to find me. Why is he here? I've never seen him here before, except on that one night. Is he looking for me? Does he want me? My eyes lit up at the thought. No, no, no, (y/n). I agreed I wasn't going to do this. No relationship, not again. I clenched my fist. I will not repeat my mistakes. Suddenly, a tall, lanky figure slipped into the booth beside me. I drew in a gasp as our eyes met. It was him. And he looked other worldly up this close. His breath fanned over my face just long enough for me to smell the whiskey. He was drinking.

"Why didn't you come to my table?" He asked directly, making my lips press into a tight line. "You looked like you wanted to." His thighs were pressed against mine, making my body heat up. He lazily place one arm behind me, using the other to down the rest of his drink before slamming it down to the table. "I've had another shit night." He whispered, making my chest tighten. I knew what he meant. I turned my body to face him, forgetting about the man who was approaching my table with a drink.

"Shouta?" He said, staring at the man who practically had me eating out of the palm of his hand. That's his name? Why does it sound familiar? The man hummed at the sound of his name, addressing the man from earlier with little to no acknowledgement. "I was talking to-."

"She's busy." He grumbled, waving the other man off. The man seemed disgruntled, mumbling something to himself before storming off rather easily. I pressed my head against the back of our booth, my fingers pulling the wrappings of his scarf apart.

"Am I, Shouta?" I said seductively, now that I had one puzzle piece to the mystery that is the best dick I've ever had. Shouta didn't react too much, just leaned a tiny bit closer. The scruff of his beard rubbing against my skin.

"Would you like to be?" He asked, his breath mixing with mine, daring me to kiss him. I swallowed hard, the sensation returning in between my legs as I squeezed them together tighter.

"What do you want, Shota?" I hummed his name, making him draw in a sharp breath as his hand shot out, clinging to my bare thigh. I gasped softly, watching his fingers tuck underneath the end of my dress.

"A distraction."

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