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"Shouta." I whispered, almost afraid to wake the sleeping man. He hummed at the sound of my voice saying his name, not even bothering to move his hand from covering his eyes as we laid on the grass that tickled our skin with the wind rushing through it. I smiled, rolling to my stomach, resting my chin on my hands and kicking up my feet with little regards to the sundress I was wearing. A faint smile rested on my lips as I watch the ever-adorable Shouta lift a finger to peer over at me through the cracks of light.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Are you ever going to tell me what school you work at? I think I've earned that."

"Are you ever going to tell me your exact age?"

"I mean...I'm older eighteen." By four months. "Isn't that good enough?" I grinned brightly, tilting my head to the side. Shouta scoffed at my remark, raising a hand and patting my head. There was a silence as his fingers entangled themselves with my (h/c) hair, his hands slipping down my face and cupping my cheek. He stared into my eyes, a slight smirk creeping to his mouth. I found myself leaning into his touch unconsciously. His hands, his skin, he was always so cold. But it never mattered. His skin against mine always warmed something inside me. And it always made me feel different than how I normally felt. I'm not sure what it was, but I preferred how I felt with Shouta rather than without.

"I have to leave soon." He sighed, laying back down as he returned to shielding his eyes from the sun.

"Eh? But we just got here." I whined and Shouta waved a hand at me. Since that night he propped himself up on my balcony railing, we had grown a tad closer. Shouta often offered to tag along in some of my day to day things, and I found myself missing his presence when he didn't. We never went on dates or did anything spectacular, just things friends or acquaintances would do.

Today I wanted to lay on the grass at my local park, sunbathe with a good book maybe, and Shouta decided to join me once hearing my agenda for the day. He flipped to his side so we could be face to face.

"Not now. Tomorrow. I'll be gone a week with my class to a sort of... training camp." He sighed at it as if it were bothersome. I frowned.

"So I won't see you for a whole week?" I pouted at his words and Shouta groaned at my childish mannerisms, rubbing his chin for a moment.

"If anything it has to be late at night when my students are asleep." He mumbled, trying to figure a way to fit me in his schedule, making my chest tighten as I watched him scratch his head and stare off into the distance. Why was he trying so hard to see me? Just for sex? An uneasy feeling settled into my stomach as I thought of all of our encounters that didn't involve sex. Grocery shopping, movie marathons, cooking dinner together. Why is this all seeming very...romantic? I shook my head, trying to dispel the thought because if this was romance, I would inevitably fuck it up and cut all ties with the erasure hero. This isn't romance. This isn't love. This is just...fun. Friends can miss each other, right? Friends that fuck, can miss each other. I shouldn't think too much about it, my summer vacation will end before I know it. Shouta will go back to being a teacher at god-knows-where, and I will return to my studies in the support course at the most prestigious school in all of Japan. And somehow, one way or another, we will forget all about each other and our summer fling. I smiled at him, leaning forward and kissing his cheek.

"I'll miss you, Shouta." I sang, my fingers pinching his nose as I sat up, grabbing the book I had tossed to the side earlier. Shouta didn't flinch at my bold actions, he just made the same dissatisfied 'hmph' sound, before returning to laying on his back. But something caught my eye. As he pressed his head into the grass beneath him. A light shade of pink dusted his cheeks as he pursed his lips together.

"What are you, twelve?" He grumbled, covering his face once again. The feeling in my chest grew as I laid my legs flat out and turned the pages of my old book to find where I had left off. A comfortable silence returning to us.

"What book is that?" Shouta asked. I glanced down at him, who had now made his way closer to me. He was peeking over my shoulder, his breath warming my cheek.

"An old novel." I answered, turning the page. "It was my mother's favorite." I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt his chin rest into my shoulder, his face pressing against mine.

"Was?" He inquired, reaching over my side to run his fingers over the brittle pages. My breath caught my throat as he gently adjusted himself to my positioning. Spreading his legs to circle around mine, as one hand grabbed the edge of the book, the other snaking around my waist. I leaned back into his chest, the warmth spreading throughout my body. I couldn't stop the girlish smile from tainting my lips.

"She passed away when I was seven." I sighed, turning the page.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"Read to me?"

"Of course."

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