火曜日 - tuesday

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I slammed my pliers down on the table in frustration, flipping my magnifying goggles onto the top of my head.

"God damn it Mei!" I shouted, wiping the sweat from my forehead. The pink haired girl gave me an apologetic smile as she popped her head out from the smoking pile of rubble she had most definitely blown up.

"I'm sorry (y/n), my baby doesn't want to cooperate right now." She sighed, kicking pieces of scrap around as I glared at her. She brushed the layer of soot off her face as she made her way over to my table. "How's your baby turning out for the showing, (y/n)?"  I sighed, glancing at the little chip piece of tech resting in front of me.

"I'm not sure. It works for a short amount of time and then fizzles out." I groaned, turning my attention back to the wiring, inspecting the different colors crossing over one another, debating on if I'm a failure or not. Mei scratched the back of her head, leaning over my shoulder to peek at my project. Quirk nullification. A chip implanted into the users skin to nullify unwanted quirk activations, basically Eraserhead in a chip. Problem is, it stops the first activation and then burns out. I narrowed my eyes over the intricate little maze on the tiny chip. This little piece of tech is my life's work. I have spent every spare waking moment writing and rewriting countless algorithms, making prototype and prototype, I'm the first person to manufacture anything like it. This stupid chip is my way of being a hero. To make sure no child every has to go through what I went though, so nobody grows up hating themselves over something that lurks in their own blood. I will save them from themselves. But right now, I need to save my own self from going insane. I groaned, loosening the sports bra I was in and re-tying the top half of my jumpsuit around my waist. "I gotta go get some more conductors for rewiring and shit." I grumbled, tossing my (h/c) hair over my shoulder and stepping out the support classroom. I let out a deep breath, as I was consumed in silence. I began walking down the large corridor, my brain going a million miles a minute. The day of my showing was getting closer and I still had a decision to make. I mean it's not really a decision, I won't do what my father wants. I will do what's better for the people, even if it's at my own expense. That's what it means to be a hero, right?

"(Y/n)." His monotone voice warmed me to the core. I spun around, my eyes landing on the shaggy haired man leaning against the wall with his hands stuck in his pockets. My eyes widened and my cheeks heated up as I realized how disheveled I looked. My hair was a bit nappy and knotted due to a lack of a shower and brush, my magnified goggles rested on my forehead, sweat glistening over all my (s/c) skin. I was a proper disaster. I nervously rubbed the back of my neck, smiling at him.

"Sho-. " I paused, correcting myself. "Aizawa-Sensei." He rose an eyebrow at my shift in tone before shaking his head.

"That again? I thought you would've learned your lesson yesterday." He smirked, making my legs weaken slightly with my steps as I made my way closer. I swallowed hard, remembering the feeling he left in my throat. I pressed against the wall next to him with my hip, resting my head on it as he spoke. "You want to come over for dinner tonight?" He asked casually, his fingers extending and gently picking out some of my hair that was stuck to my face. My chest tightened at his movements, glancing over my shoulder to make sure we were alone.

"Dinner?" I questioned, crossing my arms and glancing back at him. He pursed his lips, nodding slowly. I scrunched up my nose, "Pancakes?" He shook his head with a small smile.

"I'm a man of many talents and many recipes, (y/n)." He mumbled, pushing off the wall with a sigh. I scoffed, jogging to fall into step with him.

"I'll believe it when I see it, Shota." I joked, tucking my hands behind my back as I leaned closer to him. "Why the sudden invitation?" He peered over at me through the strands of his black hair.

"Why not? You practically spend every night with me anyway, just thought maybe you could come over a little earlier for some food." He explained and I smiled brightly, tilting my head a tiny bit.

"Is my company that enjoyable, Shota?" I teased and he quickly averted his eyes with a heavy sigh.

"Never mind." He muttered, making me let out a high pitch whine as I dramatically clung to his arm, tugging his sleeve.

"Awww! Shotaaaaaaa~ ! I'm kidding!" I buried my face in his arm, hearing a small chuckle from Shota as he lightly ran his fingers through my (h/c) hair.

"So temperamental." He said quietly.  "Eight'o clock." I nodded, looking up and pulling his arm, forcing him to lean down as I quickly pressed my lips against his cheek. He made a 'humph' sound, running his cold fingers against the spot I had kissed. "Temperamental..." He repeated himself, I stuck my tongue out, my goggles falling over my eyes as I moved. "But cute." A sudden surge of emotion washed over me, I'm not sure if it was courage, contempt, or stupidity, but I turned to Shota sternly as I pushed my goggles back up.

"Would you attend my showing?" I blurted out. Shota paused his walking to look at me. Yeah, it was probably stupidity.


"Yeah, it's like more of a business pitch if anything, I guess. To showcase some of my support equipment that certain companies are interested in." I explained, my hands fiddling with themselves anxiously. "It's at the school so you can't necessarily go as my boyfriend or anything, but I just thought that maybe it'd be nice to see you in the room while I present?" Shota stroked his chin slowly.


"Eh? Ah! I mean, whatever you think we are or you're comfortable with being? I'm not sure why I said that, oh gosh this is embarrassing." I rambled, waving my hand in front of my pink face. Shota rose an eyebrow, not commenting on the label I had just basically forced on him.

"When is this showing happening?" He asked, sticking his hands back in his pockets.

"Thursday." I answered, shifting side to side and silently regretting I even said anything at this point. I don't want to push things in our relationship. I've been happy without a label just this quiet unspoken devotion between the two of us. It's enough for me. He stared at me, thinking about it for a moment before turning and resuming his walk down the hallway.

"Sure." He nodded, making my heart skip a literal fucking beat. How did I get so lucky? I felt a familiar stinging feeling in my eyes, quickly wiping them so Shota didn't think of me as any more childish as he already did. Crying over something as simple as him agreeing to see me show off some equipment? Pathetic. But I can't help it. I thought back to all the awards I'd won throughout school, the trophies I got from countless science fairs, basically any of my accomplishments throughout my short lived and sad life. Nobody ever supported me. My father despised my very existence so I never got to meet any of my other siblings, I doubt they even knew of my existence until I ended up at UA. As for my deceased mothers side, they weren't any better. My mother became a sham and a disgrace for engaging with Endeavor in the first place since he was, in fact very publicly, married. I'm not sure why my mother got involved with him, I'm not sure why she did any of what she did, but because of it, I was outcasted from both sides of my families. It got easier to deal with as time went on, I got used to being alone, I got used to accepting my awards on my own, I got used to the darkness. But now, the smallest strand of light was shining through and for once, I wasn't alone.

I shook my head, watching him take a right towards the Year One classes. I didn't know my heart could hurt like this. "And (y/n)." He paused, looking over his shoulder,

"Boyfriend is a good term."

You make me feel like I can feel again.

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