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Eraser Dice.

A dodecahedron shaped object, no bigger than the dice dungeons and dragons users play with. Although, instead of numbers printed along faces of this particular object, a small button could be found that only Shota Aizawa can trigger. With a simple graze of his finger, the dice looking contraption will open up, spewing a mountain of smoke out of its center, followed by strobe lights projecting multiple visuals of Shota Aizawa using his quirk. Erasure. This provides Eraserhead with a smokescreen to fight through along with the ability to wipe multiple peoples quirks when he doesn't have the time to look directly at all of them. Some of my best fucking work.

"Eraser Dice, huh?" Shota repeated the name, turning the item over in his palm as I explained how it worked.

"Ah and your goggles." I said, tossing the yellow looking glasses for him to catch. I had implemented all sorts of new things into Shota's goggles; night vision, thermal vision, even a camera like lens that could help him see further away. He rose an eyebrow, glancing over at me as he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm. His hair was tied in a bit of a messier than usual bun since he was working out, strands of black frizzing at the edges as he stood in front of me shirtless, with his capture weapon wrapped around his neck, and in nothing but sweatpants.

I don't think it matters how many times I see Shota Aizawa naked, half naked, three quarters of the way naked, his inexcusably lean and toned body always made me stutter my words and trip over my own thoughts. He was just so fucking attractive, it wasn't fair to anyone else on this sad little planet.

"I-uh, I modified your goggles to highlight body outlines through the smoke with some thermal imaging, this way you have an undeniable upper hand." I explained, ignoring the heat climbing to my face. Shota nodded casually, not seeming to notice my flustered expression, thumbing over the button on his dice and tossing it to the ground beside me. My lips parted slightly as a gasp escaped my throat, as I watched my own device be used against me, piles of smoke surrounding my body, so much so I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. Just as I had designed it to be. Not two seconds after the smoke had completely encased me, flashes of Shota's eyes danced along the smog, catching my attention and accidentally erasing my quirk. My fingers grazed over my lips, as I smiled. It works. As I watched my own tech perform how it should, Shota cut through the mist, easily locating me as his hand clamped down on my shoulder, making me jump. "Fuck! Shota!" I shouted, getting a snarky chuckle out of him. "Does it work okay? Do you need me to adjust something?" I asked, my touch wrapping around his wrist as I looked up at the Erasure Hero who was still mostly covered with smoke. A faint smile played on his lips as he stared at me through the gaps of his yellow goggles.

"It's perfect, (y/n)." Shota complimented, wheeling me out of the cloud, "This is something that I could definitely use."

"Good, because there is more." I grinned nervously. This was the kicker, the thing I wasn't sure Shota would want and the occupation that might make me seem clingy. Shota rose an eyebrow, sensing my anxiousness and looping around in front of me to meet my gaze. I took in a deep breath, giving him a weary smirk before speaking. "If I were to go onto the field with you I'd only get in the way, we both know that." Shota nodded, pushing his yellow goggles atop his head, pulling the bangs of black hair back. "So I came up with a way where I could be there, without being there." Harbinger. That is what I've come to call it. It was an easier said than done idea and would have Shota rely on me in more ways than one, but it would make his patrol much more safer. Because Harbinger would watch his back.

"I'm not sure I follow." He mumbled, crossing his arms and shifting his stance.

"Ah! Well-." I began but was cut off by the gymnasium door handle twisting. Shota and I both looked at each other with wide eyes.

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