恐怖の征服者 - conquerer of fears

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"Worst fear-, and if you say something basic like drowning, I'll never forgive you."

"Drowning is a valid fear."

"Shota Aizawa is not someone who is afraid of drowning,

Is he?"

"I think everyone is scared of drowning, (y/n)." Shota deadpanned, playing with the strands of my (h/c) hair that were sprawled against my pillowcase as we laid in bed together.

"Fair enough." I said, a bit unsatisfied and deciding to poke and prod even further. "I guess on your hero trading card, under weaknesses, it must say 'water'." Shota smirked at my words whilst raising an eyebrow as his fingers dangled over my face.

"Hero trading card?"

"Eraserhead! The great Erasure hero who robs villains of their quirk by just gazing in their direction!" I teased, raising my arms out towards the ceiling above as Shota laughed, "Weaknesses? Water."

"Okay Miss Harbinger, what would be your weakness?" Shota asked, his hands departing downwards dangerously with a wicked smile on his lips, "The spot underneath her ribs is very susceptible to being tickled?" His fingers dug against my skin, sending a wave of laughter to erupt from my throat as I hunched into a ball, begging him to stop.

"Sho! Sho! Stop!" I snickered, wiping the tears from the corners of my eyes, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Shota smiled gently at the sound of my hiccups, finally stopping his ticklish attack, and leaning down to kiss my forehead. I inhaled deeply, enjoying the aroma he brought as his lips pressed against my skin. The sweet scent of his midnight whiskey, twirled in with his evening cigarette and hints of his cologne. I grinned, the feeling of happiness slipping from me as I truly thought about his question. What am I afraid of?

Being alone.

Falling from high places.

Freezing to death.

Losing Shota.

And that.

My lips curved downward as I felt my very bones creak with the nostalgic feeling of pure fear as I remembered the thing I had promised myself years ago.

"I'm scared of a lot." I admitted, staring at the dark shadows cascading down the bedroom walls as cars drove by, shining their headlights through our window. Shota rose an eyebrow, resting his head against his own pillow, laying on his side to face me. A darkness gripped my heart as I made the smallest motions with my hands, trying to find the words to explain how terrified I actually am of the things that exist in this world.

"Take your time." Shota said, his neutral tone soothing me as I let out a defeated sounding exhale, shaking my head as I slapped my cheeks with my open palms. The words were always the hardest to find.

"When you're trapped underneath a giant building, with your legs completely crushed, you'd think it'd take a lot more to scare you," I laughed a bit hopelessly. "but it did the exact opposite."

"Trauma affects everyone differently, (y/n)."

"I know, I know." I huffed, ignoring his wise words, "I just thought maybe once I had my legs back, I'd be fixed." I finally said aloud, "But I'm not."

There it was. The harsh reality that lingered in the darkened corners of my mind. The truth that I feared if I verbally said the words, they'd become more real than before.

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