約束する - promise

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Humans are the most dangerous species to plague this planet.

They're desperate. Passing through the darkest depths of the scariest places, scraping the bottom of the deepest barrels if they have to, for love. For passion.

But how could such a needy race be the most dangerous?

Well, let me tell you.

Wild animals, and other sorts of species, are thought to only attack because it is their primitive instinct to do so. To defend their territory, their young, themselves.

The research in this is; if you raise a lion from birth with the compassionate touch of a human, if you teach them from an early age not to fear outsiders, they will not act like the lions who prowl the savanna. Their actions will reflect something of a dog, something more domesticated.

Even the most terrifying predator can be formed into something else.

Because animals? They're not born evil.

But humans?

Humans can be born evil.

Humans kill, torture, and take things that aren't theirs for their own unjust reasons.

For pride.

For lust.

For fun.

Humans are despicable, I promise you.

There is no redemption for a race who has evolved this far and is still diseased with fickle things like hatred.

I don't think there is, no.


His voice scared me. I wasn't expecting him to wake up, but Shota Aizawa has never been a heavy sleeper. Even as tired as the man always seemed to be, the smallest whisper would disturb him from the deepest slumber.

I glanced up from the corner I had buried myself in. I was curled on the kitchen floor, my knees bent into my chest as I nervously hit the nail of my thumb, rocking back and forth in complete darkness.

"Huh? Sho? Why are you awake?" I asked, my eyes flicking up to the dark figure standing quite a distance away. With some quieter footsteps, Shota flipped the switch to our lights on, standing with his frazzled hair tied into a low ponytail, a grey t-shirt that was two sizes too big on the lean man, and some even baggier sweats.

"I think I should be asking you that." He said, raising an eyebrow as he moved closer to me.

"I just couldn't sleep." I lied, hugging my legs, not even commenting on the strange position I was in. I'm sure I looked insane. Shota let out an uncertain hum as he made his way to me, crouching down to my level.

"Lies will make your teeth go rotten." He sighed, his elbows pressing against his knees as he tilted his head thoughtfully. "Tell me what's wrong." I glanced up, my nail still between my teeth.

How could I tell you what's bothering me?

How could I tell you I've been sneaking around with my fugitive half brother, while I've been telling you I'm tutoring my friend?

How could I tell you that ever since I discovered who killed my mother, I've done enormous amounts of research on these people in a nasty attempt to track them down.

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