この瞬間 - this moment

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I haven't slept right.

"Your form is sloppy."

The time I should be spending dreaming of better days, I reluctantly spent staring at the ceiling above me.

Desperately trying to drown out the sound of the snoring man beside me, trying to forget what I had discovered.

Trying to forget who he was connected to.

"Your balance is off."

I haven't eaten properly.

It's been nibbles here and there of whatever food I'm given, I can't even find it in me to eat more than a bite without feeling sick.

I'm disgusted by my insides so violently that I would rather claw my own eyes out than look in a fucking mirror. 

"Dominant foot forward, (y/n)."

I can't even think straight anymore.

My thoughts are plagued with doubts and possibilities.

Things like: how close are Shota and my mothers killer?

Is he aware of the massacres he's committed?

And what are the odds that my mothers killer almost sweeps me off my feet and into his bedroom? Was I being targeted? Was he watching me?

"(Y/n), are you even listening?"

Come to think of it, the introduction he gave when we met that night was strange. I was too distracted back then to think anything of it, that some random man knew my name and face without giving me anything of his.

Was he stalking me?

Did Shota, unbeknownst to him and I, save me indirectly?

Or did he save me on purpose? Did he know?

Has he known all along?


"Fuck! I'm trying!" I shouted, sending a lackadaisical high kick into the mans palm, losing my footing in the process and stumbling backwards onto the ground below. I groaned in frustration, slamming my hands against the hardwood floor.

Shota rose an eyebrow at my outburst, standing up straight from his hunched over position, and tightening the high ponytail his hair had been gathered into.

"You're off today." He mumbled, opening and closing the hand I had failed to hit properly. "Do you want to skip todays training?" I looked up at him, heaving and wiping the sweat from my brow with a scowl on my face.

Today was Tuesday. Which meant it was one out of three days where Shota physically destroyed me.

And not in the way I like.

Ever since I had been able to comfortably walk around, Shota had taken it upon himself to train me in basic hand to hand combat. Since I had become some kind of hero, and had my fair share of run ins with villains, he insisted I learn it for self defense.

And what can I say? It wasn't a bad deal. Learning from an independent pro hero, one that has to rely on not only his strengths but his smarts to find his way out of any pinch? It's better than learning from someone like All Might, who can smash his way out of anything.

Because it's not like I can do that.

"I'm not off." I lied, scrunching my nose up as Shota extended a hand to help me to my feet. I sighed, taking his offer, having him hoist me up with ease, "I'm just stressing myself out over the festival tomorrow." Shota smirked at my words, turning away from me and pulling a bottle of water off the table behind him.

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