きらめく - sparky

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The world is a terribly dark place.

"(Y/n)." His voice shook me from my thoughts, my hands wrapping around the strap of my bag that crossed over my chest. I blinked, glancing over at the man who I had agreed to meet. Dabi rose an eyebrow, a black bandana pulled up to his nose, with a hood over his head as he tried to conceal who he was, for good reason. His blue eyes glimmered curiously as he glanced over my shoulder to see what I was distracted by.

We were walking to my old house together rather than meeting there, per my fault since I ended out lying to Shota about where I was actually going. I told him after school I'd be going to Neji's and he insisted on giving me a ride rather than having me take the bus. And of course, my old place was across town from where Nejire lived. This ended out in me calling Dabi (once Shota was out of sight), begging him to pick me up himself.

Unfortunately, Dabi doesn't have a form of transportation.

And instead of having me walk five or six miles alone, he agreed to meet me halfway, even after I insisted I'd make it on my own.

"Oh, those guys." Dabi mumbled, stepping beside me as I stared at the TV's broadcasting the news from a store window.

"The infamous up and coming terrorist group, that refers to themselves as 'The Order of Evolution', have created yet another devastating disaster."

The camera flickered over to a house, reduced to ashes with a small girl clinging to a police officer crying, screaming her heart out as she struggled to endure whatever tragedy she had just been thrusted into. Because that's what these people do. They paint other people's lives in the deepest colors of sorrow and despair till all they breathe, see, and feel is fucking pain.

These people only exist to remind others how disgustingly evil other humans can be.

I frowned, forcing myself to look over at Dabi with a heavy heart.

"Boss doesn't care for them much," Dabi mumbled, taking off down the street with his hands shoved back in his pockets, "they get a lot of publicity for spreading their gospel around and getting their kicks out of torturing..well..."

"Quirkless people." I muttered, skipping lightly to catch up with him and fall into his pace.

"And half breeds." Dabi corrected me, I shot a glare in his direction, lightly hitting his shoulder.

"Don't call them that." I hissed, Dabi raised an eyebrow, his eyes squinting slightly as I could tell, even underneath that mask, he was flashing me that mischievous smirk he always wore before instigating something.

"Them? Or you?" He teased, making my pout morph into a scowl. Dabi chuckled, raising his hands, "Hey, I got nothing against half breeds. We all bleed the same." I scoffed, my nose scrunching up at the sound of the word.

Half breeds. A cruel term tagged onto those born from a quirkless parent and a parent had a quirk. The Order of Evolution believed these kind of people were the very spawns of Satan and that they should have their insides turned out. It disgusted me how prejudice people could be over something so fickle, so irrelevant. To forget about someones base, who they are, and only care about what power they possess.

"How reassuring." I sighed, my fingers gently finding some loose strands of (h/c) and tucking them behind my ear. I could see Dabi still watching me intently from my peripheral vision, his eyes narrowing over my face. He looked like he wanted to say something, something that haunted his soul, or at least rattled his bones.

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