気持ち - feelings

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*This will be the only NSFW warning*

I pulled my knees to my chest as I sat on the hood on my car, waiting at the exact spot Shouta had given me. I stared up into the dark 4am sky, feeling a bit more tired than usual. Our meets were normally around the more decent time of 2am, two hours and a car drive more? That's asking a bit much for just some dick. I felt my mouth twist into an anxious frown. I pulled the hood of my sweater over my head, yanking on the strings so the hole tightened enough just to leave my mouth exposed. What am I doing here? What am I doing? Driving over for a quick fuck I could get literally anywhere else. At 4am, no less. Aren't I getting a bit in over my head here?

"Are you cold?" His voice made me jump, I hadn't even heard his footsteps. I yanked off the hood, waving my hands in the air, feeling my face flush a bright red.

"No, no, no, I'm fine!" I stuttered, feeling the heat on my cheeks settle as he sat next to me. "I was just thinking."

"About?" He asked, his shoulder pressing against mine as I let out a heavy sigh. You. I literally can't stop thinking about you. And that scares me. This summer was meant for me to have fun, for me to explore the world I was so shut off from for so long. It was my chance to escape from my past, my family, myself. And somehow I have become so entangled with the smell you leave on my clothes after I've spent hours naked against your body, and that scares me. There's so much wrong with the way I feel, but I can't seem to stop myself. I wish there was a word for that kind of feeling.

"School." I lied, trying to change the direction of our conversation. He rose an eyebrow, letting his palm support him as he leaned backwards.

"Ah, you want to be a hero?" Shouta said lowly and I shook my head quickly.

"God, no." I laughed. "I want to help people." I looked over at Shouta who had tilted his head to the side, trying to understand what I had just said. "Ah! I didn't mean to offend you. It's just..." I trailed off, my hands clamming into fists as I tried to think of a way to explain this. How do I explain my hatred of heroes to a pro hero? Specifically the pro hero I'm sleeping with. I struggled to find the words, opening and closing my mouth while letting out long breaths.

"I understand." He suddenly said, placing a hand up. I swallowed my words, glancing over.

"You do?"

"The distaste for heroes. Lots of people share your views. You don't have to limit your words because of me." He looked up into the night sky. "Besides, I find myself liking when you speak your mind." I couldn't help but stare at him as his eyes wondered else where. The tightening in my chest returned and my breath caught in my throat, I turned my head quickly swallowing back any tears. Speak my mind? I could never. All my life I've been kept quiet behind my family name. Polite smiles and nods from the bastard Todoroki. Someone who has no family at all.

"I just think it's such a selfish profession." I mumbled, the words escaping my lips faster than I could stop them. "Being a hero means demonstrating power. It means fame and hunger for more and more power." I ranted, disregarding the Erasure hero presence beside me. Hero. My definition of hero has always been my father. A fiery being with little regard for anyone but himself. If that is what a hero is, then who are we kidding by criminalizing people like Stain? Maybe he's right. Maybe the world does need to change.

"For some." He replied calmly. "For others it's how they repay the world." I could feel the anger burn in my eyes as I glared at him.

"Then why did you choose to become a hero, Eraserhead?" I hissed. The anger that had always been boiling inside me quietly began to bubble, fragments of it making its way to the surface. Shouta simply smiled softly, one of his hands rising up and resting on the top of my head as his fingers gently ruffled through my (h/c) hair.

"I became a hero to protect those I love." His tone of voice had shifted into a quieter sound. My heart throbbed in my chest as I thought of his words. Protect? Doesn't he know that being a hero does the exact opposite? I swatted his hand away, yanking on the collar of my sweater as I tried my best not to cry, not to release all of the pain that had been suffocating me for years. At least not in front of my fuck buddy.

"But what if they don't want you to be a hero." I spat. "What if you die and end up hurting them more than any villain ever could?" Shouta scoffed at my words, his fingers cupping my face as his lips twisted down into a frown. He stared at me for a moment, his eyes looming over mine with a certain kind of understanding. Or was it pity? He smirked, pinching my cheek.

"Some things require risk." He stated as I whined at the pain of him tugging at my skin. I pushed him away with a pout and scowl. He sighed, leaning back on my windshield. I fiddled with my finger anxiously. What am I doing? Didn't he meet me for sex? Did I just ruin our night?

"I'm sorry we came out here to do more...fun things, and it seems like I've brought the mood down." I chuckled nervously, laying down with him on my side so I could see his face. He tilted his head, his eyes showing an ounce of hurt for a moment.

"I just wanted to see you, (y/n)." He admitted and I felt the breath escape my lips. He smirked at my reaction, looking back up to the sky. I blinked staring at the side of his face. His pale skin dimly lit underneath the stars and moon. My body moved on it's own. My hand reaching out, grabbing his face and yanking him down to my level. He gasped as I pressed my lips against his gently. Oh, Shouta. I flung one of my legs over his, straddling his waist as I deepened our kiss. I want to tell you, Shouta. I do. The palms of his hands instinctively wrapped around my hips, his fingers digging into my skin as his touch snaked up my skirt. My hands traveled his chest, blindly searching for buttons or zipper to undress him with, even though I've done it so many times before. He smiled against my kiss, his own hands slipping underneath my sweater and skillfully unclip my bra. I want to tell you, Shouta, that I think you are the most interesting person in the world. The warmth in between my legs intensified, making my breaths become more rapid and uneven. I want to tell you how you make me forget about my family just by being present. I finally stripped him of the top half of his clothing, the pale skin of his bare chest making my face dust a soft red that Shouta probably couldn't see in this dark. I want to tell you that even though you had inadvertently ruined my summer vacation, you've somehow made me the happiest I've been in a long time. I could feel his member growing beneath me, pressing against my panties. I want to tell you that I think this is more than just sex, Shouta. I ground my hips against his, making him groan.

"Shouuttaaaa~" I moaned, feeling myself get wetter by the second. He hummed at the sound of his name being said, his lips pressed deeply into my neck while his hands sent tingling feelings along my skin wherever he touched.

"(Y/n), you're asking for trouble." He mumbled, his face buried in my thick locks of (h/c) hair. I smiled, having spent so much time with him, so much time in his bed, I knew what made him tick by this point.

"What if I am, Shoutaaaaa~?" I teased. With those words, his capture weapon levitated, wrapping around my wrists and yanking my body off of his. I let out a small squeak as he held me there my arms pinned above my head, my knees trembling with excitement. He slid off my car, tossing off his clothes as he watched me intently.

"I'm starting to think you enjoy being tied up, (y/n)." Shouta snickered, tightening his restraints, making me gasp in pleasure.

"What if I do?" I said breathlessly. He offered me a devilish smirk as his response, flipping me onto my stomach so the lower half of my body hung off the hood of my car. I felt his fingers wrap around my panties, tearing them down agonizingly slow. I bit my lip, trying to stop myself from making any more tasteless sounds. He pressed his chest against my back, his lips reaching my ear, as he teased my entrance making me release a breathy moan.

"I guess that makes us the perfect match, doesn't it (y/n)?"

But I don't think I'll tell you how I feel anytime soon, Shouta.

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