うそつき - liar

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How many times can you recall being lied to?

Could you tell the person was lying?

"You should've let me hire movers."

"Now, where is the fun in that?"

Did you revel in the way it felt, to be lied to? The blissful feeling of ignorance?

I scooped up another box, holding the weight against my chest as I carried it into the bedroom, Shota following closely behind.

Or did you silently grovel in absolute disgust as you accepted the lies that were force fed to you?

"I'm pretty sure this is all of it." I winced, tossing the box labeled with 'bedroom', onto the bed with unmade covers and messy white sheets. I spun around with a huff, tucking some loose strands of hair behind my ear. "Not much of a difference, is there?" I laughed a bit breathlessly, dusting my hands off against one another. Shota smiled softly, gently placing the two boxes in his arms onto the floor, before reaching behind his head and adjusting the bun his raven colored hair was gathered into.

"We've been living together for months, this just makes it official." He said, patting the top of the box. "Have you decided what you're going to do with your old house?" He asked, rolling up the sleeves of his black sweater. My lips twisted into a concerning frown as I plopped down on the edge of our bed, swinging my feet like a child.

Today I decided to officially move in with Shota.

I finally gathered the rest of my stuff that had been hidden away at my old house, and dragged it here, to the place I had been living at since my legs were broken to bits. I probably could've done this sooner, Shota was always very clear about that, but given my history, this decision was much more difficult than it needed to be.

"I'm not really sure..." I trailed off, tapping my chin thoughtfully. I've considered a lot of options for my house. The house was technically in my name, my father transferred it to me when I turned eighteen, but he's still the co-signer, so I'd have to consult him if I were to sell it. Which means telling him why I'm selling it. I've thought about putting it on the market anyway, figuring out some kind of lie to tell my dad, but there is a nasty fear lingering in the back of my mind. "I don't need to decide right now though, do I?" I laughed nervously, shaking my head with slight blush.

What if Shota and I don't work out?

A vibrating ache shot through my chest for even thinking such a thing.

What if he ends up leaving me like everyone else?

It's not something I like to think about, but things have changed. When I first met Shota, I became dangerously entangled with the idea of letting him be my reason for living.

And while he still is.

I now have other people I couldn't stand to see cry if I were to pass in an untimely manner.

Shoto Todoroki. The brother I knew I had, but never knew I needed.

The kids of 1-A who have surprisingly made their way into the crevices of my heart.

Mirio, Nejire, Tamaki. Friends I've had for years, but never really acknowledged their love for me.


Someone I never imagined getting close to, much less being related to, who is now someone I can't imagine leaving alone.

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