出演者 - stars

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The tiniest, twinkling lights, shimmer in the furthest out places. Taunting me. Mocking me for having something as feeble, as fickle, as feet. Teasing me for being something as fragile as human.


Huge celestial bodies made of helium and hydrogen that hang in the sky quadrillion miles away. They're free and they're beautiful in a world so tethered by rules.

The Galaxy is a big place filled with tidal waves of emotions, mostly stimulated from impulsive things like the beating thing that resides in our chest.


They're like stars. Ticking time bombs. Lightyears away and out of our reach. Beautiful and free, but wild and very dangerous.

I outstretched my hand to the sky, extending my fingers to cover the flickering lights above.

"Most embarrassing moment off the top of your head, go." I blurted out, pointing at the man who was half awake, laying in the grass beside me. Shota let out a huff, opening his eyes and blowing up strands of hair that were resting over his face. He made a grumbling noise as his eyes glazed over the starry sky, the faintest smile dancing on his lips as he thought about what I asked him. I rolled onto my side, admiring the tired man as he snickered to himself. His dark grey t-shirt slightly damp from laying the grass for so long, so late at night. His pale skin glowing underneath the even paler moonlight, his softer features seeming more prominent in times like these.

"One time, I watched as Mic mistook Wash, The Pro Laundry Hero, as an actual laundry machine and shove his dirty underwear into the guys mouth." He chuckled softly, shutting his eyes as he laughed.

"Shota I meant embarrassing for you!"

"It was embarrassing to watch." He said, slightly out of breath as he turned to face me, propping his head up with arm."Your turn."

I curled my arms into my chest, the grass tickling my face as I tapped my fingers thoughtfully against my chin.

Embarrassing moments? I have loads, but which one am I willing to tell Shota.

There was the time I got my ankle stuck in the boys bathrooms toilet and Nejire sat with me till the firefighters came.

Or the time Mirio and I got caught making out by Midnight, and he phased away to avoid being seen, leaving me a panting mess in front of the R-rated hero who, then proceeded to lecture me about how healthy masturbating was for a girl my age.

And how could I forget the time Kamui and I-.

"I believe off the top of your head means you don't think about it." Shota pointed out, yanking me out of my thoughts. I shook my head, letting out a deep sigh as I went with my last embarrassing moment from my trip down memory lane.

"Fine, fine. The first time I slept with Shinji, Mountain Lady almost walked in on us, so I had to sneak out his bedroom window completely naked. Made for a fine walk home." I snorted, remembering the time like yesterday and honestly wishing it never happened in the first place. "Add that with splinters in the most unpleasant places and you got yourself the most embarrassing moment in the history of moments."

"The first time you slept with Shinji? You mean, Kamui? Kamui Woods?" Shota asked. I nodded, tucking a few (h/c) strands behind my ear.

"We were...something for awhile, until I decided to move onto the next." I shook my head. Kamui Woods was not my first relationship, he was my first 'fuck buddy'. I never invested too much into him, but I was with him enough to keep a couple of his t-shirts and him have a million of my hair bands. 

"How come I never knew you had a thing with Branch Man?" Shota asked, the sound of hurt ringing through his words. I tilted my head as I watched his eyebrows furrow in distaste.

"Is the great Shota Aizawa jealous?" I teased, extending my arm forward to poke his cheek. He lurched away from my touch, a flash of pink taking over his face.

"Shota Aizawa does not get jealous."  He snorted confidently, laying onto his back once more to avoid my gaze. "Especially not over a tree." I laughed, wrapping my hands around his arm and pulling myself against his body so my head would rest on his chest.

"Jealousy is cute on you." I said, making his eyes narrow over the stars above. "Don't worry, there is only one person in the world for me." I smiled, hugging his torso till his muscles softened and he picked up his head with a smirk. His arms circled my body, flipping me on to my back so he was straddling me.

"And who might that lucky guy be?" He joked, my lips parting in surprise as his hand and gently grabbed the end of my chin. "Certainly not Kamui Woods. I don't think anyone can make you melt they way I do." He scoffed. My eyebrows scrunched together as I thought of something snarky to say. I opened my mouth to speak, but was quickly silenced by Shota and his actions.

His fingers slipped up from my chin and dipped into my mouth, his darkened eyes locking with mine. "Were you going to say differently, (y/n)?" He asked, his touching swirling against my tongue as I closed my lips around his fingers. I could feel my legs twitch, the immense heat in between them making me squirm. His free hand snaked down, creeping underneath my skirt and into my panties. His touch grazed my entrance, the wetness already pouring out of me. "Now I want you to beg." He hummed, his monotoned voice drawing out the ends of his words and sounding even sexier than usual. He pumped his fingers in and out of my mouth, his touch advancing from my entrance to inside. He softly fingered me, careful to be almost too gentle, knowing I would ache for something more rough.

"S-S-Sho..." I moaned, my voice muffled by his hand still. He let out a breathy groan, adjusting himself further so his fingers pushed deeper.

" I love hearing you moan." He exhaled, as he began to quicken the pace making me squeak underneath the pressure. "Tell me you want it." He ordered, removing his fingers from my mouth and wrapping his touch around my throat. I swallowed hard, my tongue hanging out slightly as I could feel my chest rise with anticipation. Of course I fucking want it.

"Shota what if someone sees? This is a public park." I said, a bit worried. Yes, it was public, but it was also past midnight and the only people wandering around a park at this time are homeless people and us. But still, the idea of some homeless guy getting off to me getting off, made me uncomfortable.

"Aren't you the girl who started sucking my dick with the Ex-Number One hero in the same room?" Shota smirked, retracting his fingers from inside me and loosening his hold on my throat. I felt my cheeks darken a beet red as I struggled to form a sentence.

"Well-. That was just-. That was different!" I stammered. Shota grinned, already knowing the kind of effect he had on me, as he gave me a shrug.

"Well, if you didn't want to you could've just said so." He sighed, plopping back over into the grass with a devious look on his face. I frowned. I knew what he wanted me to do. I let out a huff of a air, turning back onto my side to look at the man. His hair spread against the grass beneath him, as he grinned, watching the stars above. Do I really want to be fucked in a public park at 1AM? Shota's lips pursed softly, as he scratched his chin aimlessly. By this man? Yes I do.

"Sho, please?" I said quietly. He glanced over, the smile still resting on his lips.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Just, please?"

"Please what?"

"Please Daddy?"

"I'm going to fuck you so hard, you won't be able to walk again."

Tomorrow is the Siege of the Yakuza Residence.

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