常に - always

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"(Y/n)? You look like you're a million miles away."

"Huh?" I glanced over at my best friend, who was holding two cones of cotton candy in between his fingers and giving me a twisted kind of expression.

Am I a million miles away?

"You've been staring off and biting your nails like you normally do when you're thinking of something more than existential." Tamaki tilted his head to the side, watching me closely as I grabbed the fluffier pick of his two treats, my lips pressing into the pink cotton, the food melting instantly as it came in contact with my tongue.

More than existential?

Tamaki intently followed my gaze, his eyes trailing my line of sight till finally falling upon Mirio and little girl known as Eri, as they danced around the grounds of UA at our iconic school festival. He glanced back at me, surprise flashing over his face as he spoke,

"Mirio? Are you two-?"

"What?" I shook my head, raising an eyebrow at Tamaki. "No, nothing like that." I mumbled, feeling my cheeks flush a specific tint of pink as I buried my mouth back into the cotton candy. I'm not entirely sure why I blushed, it was just an instinctive reaction.

Nothing special.

I mean, truth be told I was staring at someone, but not who Tamaki thought. No, I was gazing at the tall and lank man who was slinking so quietly around in the background. Floating from teacher to teacher, carefully listening to what each had to say before nodding and moving on. Never speaking. Never smiling. Not even as he tugged at the ends of his scarf to loosen it when Present Mic yanked on the wrapping jokingly.

Shota Aizawa.

My boyfriend and the current love of my life.

Last night, after running into Azaziel I pushed Shota for questions about the strange man in the most inconspicuous manner. I went about asking normal questions like who was Azaziel and how they knew one another.

My answers, however, were less than fulfilling.

'We went to school together.'

'We keep in contact occasionally.'

'He's an okay guy.'

Azaziel was just a regular old friend from Shota's past. Someone who he had fond memories with. So, how am I suppose to tell him I'm sure he's the one that killed my mother? Shota would never believe such a random accusation, even if I showed him the evidence I had gathered, he wouldn't. Shota is far too loyal to those he holds dear.

And knowing that made me feel more alone than I've felt in a long while.

I mean, in this, I am alone. I'm utterly alone. So maybe I have withdrawn myself from the Erasure Hero in particular. Maybe I had put some distance between us and avoided him at all costs, even taking the liberty to wake up hours earlier so I'd be gone before the sunlight even kissed his eyelids.

This probably isn't the healthiest thing to do and being who I am now, I can recognize that. But this is easier.

It's easier to do this rather than explain to him why my stomach is uneasy when he kisses me.

Or why our bed feels rigid and cold with him beside me.

Yeah. Time apart is easier.

"Mirio is still in love with you." Tamaki muttered while chomping into the blue swirly sweet treat in his hand. "He hasn't exactly hidden that fact." He spoke very nonchalantly about the blonde sunny boys feelings, nudging me forward as Mirio spotted us in the crowd. Mirio grinned widely, waving briefly before swooping Eri into his arms and jogging forward.

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