1 - at the hog's head

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FIFTH year. Both exciting and intimidating. Not only do we have OWLs to worry about but now that we're a month into the school year, it's becoming quite clear that there's another factor contributing to the anxiety of this year. We pretty much have a useless Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who looks like a toad. Well, not pretty much. We do have a useless piece of shit DADA professor who has an uncanny resemblance to a toad. 

But I'm not a stranger to the strange DADA professors we've had. 

First year there was Professor Quirrell who unbeknownst to the school was being possessed by Voldemort for the entirety of the school year and tried to steal the philosopher's stone. 

Second year there was Professor Lockhart. He fooled almost everyone in the magical world into thinking he was some great wizard who managed to banish the Bandon banshee, take down ghouls, hags, trolls, vampires and werewolves. But when it came time to rescue Ginny Weasley from the depths of the Chamber of Secrets, he somehow managed to have a memory charm rebound onto himself. Turns out he was nothing but a fraud, stealing other people's stories for his own profit and then wiping their memories. How he was sorted into Ravenclaw during his time at Hogwarts will be the greatest mystery of our time. 

Third year there was Professor Lupin who was hands-down the coolest DADA professor we've ever had but once the information of him being a werewolf leaked, he resigned from the teaching position. 

Then last year, Professor Moody who wasn't actually Professor Moody, but Barty Crouch Jr. a Death Eater continuously taking Polyjuice Potion, was using his position to plan a way for Harry Potter to be killed in the tri-wizard tournament and help bring Voldemort back. 

Now here we are in fifth year, with the useless, toad-like Professor Umbridge who refuses to teach us how to defend ourselves against dark magic. Which during a normal and peaceful time, would be questionable already. Add on to the fact that the most powerful dark wizard in history is now at large once again, we're all screwed. 

That brings me to the Hog's Head on the first Hogsmeade trip of the year. Whispers were swirling around the Gryffindor common room all week about the meeting being held here by Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and the one and only Harry Potter. The same Harry Potter who I've been helplessly crushing on since third year. Yet despite being in the same house and year as him, I've pretty much gone completely unnoticed in his eyes. We're acquaintances at the very least. I wouldn't even consider us friends, and I guess it helps matters that I share a dormitory with his best friend Hermione Granger.

But today is different. Today he seems to have taken note of my presence and not just in an acquaintance sort of way. I'm sitting in the front row with Seamus, Dean and Neville, my best friends. "Hey y/n." Harry nods at me when I take a seat. His smile is genuine and we maintain eye contact for quite sometime, bringing a swarm of butterflies to my stomach. "Hey Harry." I wave, blushing slightly. 

It doesn't take long for the bar to fill up with students from Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, everyone eager to hear what Harry has to say to us all. I catch a few girls eyeing him appreciatively which includes Cho Chang. I can't say I blame them, he's an overly attractive guy with his messy jet black hair, tall stature, defined jawline and emerald green eyes. Add onto the fact that he's so sweet, caring and kind, it makes my ovaries ache. I mean, how is it fair for a guy to be that insanely attractive, brave, selfless and kindhearted? 

"All right, it looks like everyone who wanted to be here has arrived so lets get started." Hermione says, standing up from her chair at the front of the room. "So, as you all know we have a useless professor who refuses to teach us how to defend ourselves against the growing evil which leaves us with only one option, to teach ourselves. And who better to teach us than someone who has come face to face with a lot of dark magic." She continues. 

Harry hasn't even started talking yet and everyone is already enraptured except for Zacharias Smith who has let out an unattractive snort. 

"I'm sorry but how do we know that you're even telling the truth about all this stuff? I mean, how are we supposed to believe that a first year boy took down a possessed professor, and the same boy killed a basilisk in second year. Or  that you-know-who was actually at the graveyard that night?" Zacharias questions. 

I roll my eyes at his audacity. He's a completely arrogant jackass. "Shut it Zacharias." I snap at him. Harry gives me a thankful glance before standing up to speak. 

"Look, if you guys are here to get an exact rendition of what went down that night you may as well leave because I'm not going to talk about it." He says stiffly before turning back to his two best friends. "I told you guys that this would be a waste of time." He whispers, although not quiet enough for those in the first row to not hear. 

"Is it true that you can produce a patronus charm?" I ask abruptly. I don't want him to dismiss us all and forget the idea of teaching us, not only because I would love to spend some time with him but also because I need to learn how to protect myself from getting killed when the time comes for there to be a war.  I need him to know that majority of us do believe in him and what he has to say and want his help. 

"Yes, he can. A fully corporeal one. I've seen it." Hermione pipes up. 

"And he really did save the philosopher's stone in first year." Ron says.

"And he saved me from the chamber of secrets during my first year." Ginny contributes. 

"Yes, but I didn't do any of that on my own. I had loads of help." Harry interjects. 

"We're not asking you to turn us into world-renowned aurors, mate. We just want to learn how to defend ourselves." Seamus tells him to which everyone nods along in agreement. 

"Alright then, lets figure out a plan." Harry decides, regaining some of his confidence. 


"THANK you for doing this." I say gratefully to the trio as I sign the piece of parchment titled Dumbledore's Army. I set the quill down, glancing up from the paper and immediately making eye contact with Harry. "I'll see you later." I smile, before heading to the door where my friends are waiting for me. 


Harry's POV

"WELL, at least one good thing came out of today's meeting." Hermione says, smiling brightly as we walk back to Hogwarts. "Oh yeah. And what was that?" I ask curiously, wondering what has her so happy. "Y/N couldn't take her eyes off you." 

I feel myself blushing which hardly ever happens. Y/N Y/L/N also known as the girl who I've fancied since third year. I had every intention of asking her to the Yule Ball last year but by the time I actually mustered up the courage to ask her, the word around the common room was that she was already going with Neville. Since then, I've managed to figure out that she's not dating him, they're just friends, but still I don't think she's into me. 

But maybe with these meetings, I'll get the chance to spend a little one on one time with her. 


A/N: This is my first fanfiction. No, Temperance Nixon is not my real name, but it's a pen name I came up with that sounded very Harry Potter-esque in my eyes. Anyways, don't forget to add this to your library so you're notified of updates and follow me too! 

I love you and I hope you have a great day!

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