29 - the end

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THE battle is finished. The war is over. We've won. I can't hold back my excitement as I run across the destruction ridden courtyard and throw myself into Harry's arms. He picks me up twirling me around as he kisses me and I feel like I'm back at the Burrow, the summer before sixth year. That was the last time things were truly normal between us. But now. Now that Voldemort is dead, gone forever, maybe things will be normal forever. Or as normal as things can be when you're in love with The Chosen One.

"I thought I lost you." I whisper to him as I pull away from the kiss.

"You'll never lose me." He whispers back, pulling me in for another long kiss. 


Harry's POV

SHE was my last thought before the jet of green light hit my heart. When I thought I would take my last breath and never see her again. But here I am, alive, breathing and happy, holding the girl I love in my arms. I plant a soft kiss on her forehead, knowing that now's the time to tell her everything. Why I did it. Why I sacrificed myself. Why I told her to be safe and said I would do the same, but only a few hours later, trekked to the Forbidden Forest to sacrifice myself.

"There's a reason I could hear the horcruxes when we hunted them." I start. I already told Hermione and Ron this before I went to the forest so they stay quiet as I speak to y/n. 

"I think I've known for awhile. On the night Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow to kill me, my mother cast herself between us. When the curse rebounded, a part of Voldemort's soul embedded itself in me. After creating six horcruxes, his soul was so unstable, it created a seventh without him every knowing. Me. That's the reason why I could speak to snakes. That's the reason I could look into Voldemort's mind because a part of Voldemort lived inside me."

I take a deep breath before continuing a chill running down my spine at the memory of what I saw in the pensieve. Snape angry at the idea of me needing to die. Angry that I was only being kept alive to die at the proper moment. In his words, like a pig being raised for slaughter. But I don't see it that way. I was doing what was right. But Snape was in love with my mother, for his whole life. That's why he protected me but hated me. I'm the product of the woman he loved and the man he hated. 

"When I died it killed the part of him that was inside me. Fourth year, when he was brought back to full power in that graveyard, he used my blood which acted as sort of a horcrux. As long as he was alive, my blood running through his veins, I couldn't die. That's why I wasn't actually dead."

"Why didn't it work for him, the Elder Wand?" Hermione asks, knowing the story is over and saving y/n from having to say anything. 

"It answered to somebody else." I say, tapping the wand against the palm of my hand, as I look out over the water, the bridge we're standing on only partially destroyed. "When he killed Snape, he thought the wand would become his, but the thing is, the wand never belonged to Snape. It was Draco who disarmed Dumbledore that night in the Astronomy Tower. From that moment on, the wand answered him...until the other night when when I disarmed Draco at Malfoy Manor."

"So that means..." y/n breathes, putting the pieces together. 

"It's mine." I say proudly. 

"What should we do with it?" Ron asks eagerly. 

Hermione looks at him incredulously but there's still love in her eyes. "We?"

Ron is quick to defend himself. "I'm just saying...that's the Elder Wand, the most powerful wand in the world. With that, we'd be invincible!"

I don't tell him that I had the Resurrection Stone as well, before dropping it in the forest, hopefully to never be found again. Technically, I'm the master of death but the idea doesn't sit well with me. That's what Voldemort wanted to be and I don't want to be anything like him. So, instead I pull out the wand I got on my first ever trip to Diagon Alley. It's cracked in half, apparently irreparable, but if this is truly the most powerful wand in the world, maybe it can fix it. 

"Reparo!" I command, and my old wand quickly repairs itself. I slip it into my back pocket, before snapping the Elder Wand in half, destroying its power. Then I toss it into the abyss as y/n looks at me with a proud smile lighting up my face. 

"All that thing has ever done is cause trouble. And I think I've had enough trouble for a life time." I say, slinging my arm over y/n's shoulders as we walk back to the castle. 

"I love you." I whisper in her ear.

"I love you too." she whispers back, looking up at me adoringly with those e/c eyes of hers. 

In that moment, I know that one day I'm going to marry this girl.


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