20 - love potion

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Harry's POV

WITH my continuous lessons with Dumbledore and trying to figure out what Malfoy is up to, formulating a plan to win y/n back gets pushed to the back of my mind. And although my feelings of love for her haven't changed, things seem to be more complicated now that Blaise Zabini has become an added obstacle. 

I didn't anticipate their date to Slughorn's Christmas party to accumulate to anything but I've noticed the pair spending and increasing amount of time together. The winter winds are starting to slowly warm up and by the beginning of March, I'm starting to lose all hope. But any thoughts of y/n are pushed to the back of my mind when I walk into my dormitory to find Ron staring longingly at the moon. 

"It's beautiful, isn't? The moon." Ron says, turning around to face me as he clutches a crimson red pillow against his chest. 

"Divine. Had ourselves a little late night snack, did we?"

"I can't stop thinking about her, Harry." Ron confesses.

I can't help but roll my eyes at how ridiculous he sounds. "Honestly, you know, I reckon she was starting to annoy you."

"She could never annoy me. I think I love her."

Love? Since when is Ron in love with Lavendar? I honestly thought her mere presence was starting to piss him off. 

"Oh...brilliant." I say, because I'm not sure what I should say.

"Do you think she knows I exist?"

The question startles me. "Well, I'd bloody well hope so, she's been snogging you for three months."

"Snogging? Who are you talking about?"

"Who are you talking about?"

"Romilda, of course. Romilda vane." He says, almost like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I burst out laughing. "Okay, very funny." 

Somehow my comment prompts him to throw the now empty box of chocolates at my head. I dodge it and it lands beside me on the bed. "What was that for?"

"It's not joke! I'm in love with her!"

I'm momentarily startled and then I glance between the empty box of chocolates and Ron's dazed and dreamy expression. Merlin, he's been drugged. 



I burst into the hospital, worry coursing through my veins. Rumours have been flying through Gryffindor tower all afternoon about someone being drugged with an extremely aged love potion and then being poisoned after being relieved of the affects of the Amortentia.  

With all my anxiety about Harry possibly getting drugged with love potion (which seems to have finally happened), the thought of him being accidentally poisoned never crossed my mind. Because the idea is absolutely absurd, yet it seemed to have happened. 

"Harry?" I call out when I walk into the hospital wing. Once I round the corner I see him standing by one of the beds, seemingly healthy. "Are you okay? I heard that someone was drugged with love potion and then poisoned. So I thought..." I trail off when I see the redhead laying in the hospital bed, Hermione sitting by his side and holding his hand. 

"I'm fine. Ron accidentally ate a whole box of chocolates that Romilda Vane left me for Christmas. They aged so long it made the love potion stronger and then when I took him to Slughorn to get a remedy, we had some mead which was apparently poisoned. He was the one to take the first sip." Harry explains.

"Well, I'm glad to know you're okay." I say, and before I can think better of it I'm wrapping him in a hug. A very awkward hug as he pats my back gently his body stiff. I guess that tells me that he doesn't have any feelings for me anymore, I think to myself as I pull away. 

"Oh shoot, I should probably go. I promised Blaise we would study together. I'll see you guys later." I say before heading out of the hospital wing. 


SOMEHOW my study session with Blaise in his dormitory has turned into a snogging session. There's no denying that he's a good kisser and my heart rate speeds up as his lips work their way to my jaw, nipping slightly at the skin before he starts sucking on the sensitive part of my neck. I let out a groan, relishing the feeling of his warm lips on my cool skin. 

But when he moves to start unbuttoning my shirt, I snap out of my daze. This feels wrong. 

"Blaise, can we slow down?" I ask. 

He looks up at me through his eyelashes. "Yeah sure." he says before sliding up the bed to lay down beside me. 


BLAISE has been amazing with my request to take things slow, but I know better than to think this will last forever. He's a guy and guys inevitably always want sex. And although we've been dating and hanging out for quite a few months now, we haven't made anything official. And I don't know if I want to because as much as I try to deny it, I'm still in love with Harry so much it hurts. I don't know if I'll ever get over the boy who lived, nor do I think I ever want to.


DUE to Ron being poisoned, yet another Gryffindor Quidditch player is out of commission for the next game. I'm still filling in for Katie and now Cormac is filling in for Ron but so far the match we're playing has proved that he's insufferably arrogant. 

"Oi, that's not how you beat a bludger. This is how!" Cormac yells from his place in front of the goal hoops, snatching a bat from one of the beaters. He's clearly not taking losing very well. And before anyone can stop him, he's hitting one of the bludgers. The bludger flies across the pitch but instead of hitting someone on the opposing team, it hits an unsuspecting Harry right in the head, causing him to fall off his broom, falling down to the ground below.

A/N: I feel like this chapter is terribly written and all over the place but don't hold it against me please.

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