12 - department of mysteries

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THE ministry is empty for this time at night, and after running around for what feels like forever, we finally find the Department of Mysteries. It probably would've taken longer if it wasn't for the fact that Harry remembered seeing it when he was here for his trial over the summer. 

"What is this place?" I ask, as we enter one of the many doors, finding ourselves in a large room lined with industrial shelves lined with glowing glass orbs of varying sizes. 

"No idea. But this is where I saw Sirius. He should be at the end of one of these aisles." Harry says. 

Harry leads us as we run down the aisles, searching for the place he saw in his dream until suddenly he comes to a stop. "I don't get it. This is where he's supposed to be. Sirius should be right here!" Harry says, clearly frustrated. 

"Harry, look this has your name on it." Ron says, looking at a shelf filled with the glass orbs. 

"Don't touch it Ron." Hermione warns. "You don't know what it could do."

But Harry doesn't seem to heed Hermione's warning as he advances closer to it and takes it off the shelf. We wait with bated breath for something bad to happen, but everything is calm. Until various swirls of dark smoke appear, and suddenly we're surrounded by witches and wizards in masks. 

"Hand over the prophecy, Potter." one of the masked wizards says, his voice cold and despite his face being covered, I can visual the sneer on his face. The voice sounds familiar. Too familiar. Then, confirming my suspicions, he waves away the mask, revealing none other than Lucius Malfoy. "No." Harry denies.

The other wizards and witches who I now take to be death eaters remove their masks and I see various faces that I recognize from the front cover of the Daily Prophet months ago when there was a mass breakout of Voldemort supporters, or as they call themselves, death eaters.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." Neville breathes beside me, recognizing the witch with thick black hair, long eyelashes and heavily hooded eyelids. In other circumstance she would almost be considered beautiful. 

"Neville Longbottom, is it? How's mum and dad?" she taunts, taking a few steps closer to us but still maintaining some distance. 

"Better now that they're about to be avenged." Neville declares, drawing his wand. Bellatrix does the same but Lucius holds her back. 

"Now, now, Bella. Play nice." He scolds. "Just hand over the prophecy and no one will be hurt."

Prophecy? So that's what the glass orb is. And if it has Harry's name marked on it, then it must be about him. 

"I'm not handing it over to you." Harry says again before whispering under his breath to the group of us. "When I give the signal, we fire and run."

"You dare disobey us, you filthy half-blood?!" Bellatrix yells, taking a few more steps even closer to us. 

"Now!" Harry yells, prompting us all the send out a flurry of spells before making a run for it, each of us heading in different directions. 

I'm running down one of the aisles alone as a death eater chases me, flying beside me in a cloud of black smoke. "Stupefy." I yell, pointing my wand at his face. The death eater falls away as I continue running, when I almost run into Neville's chest. 

"Y/N, lets go!" Neville yells, grabbing my hand and tugging me along with him. 

We run as fast as we can, blasting spells to the side and over our shoulders as we go until we run into the rest of our group. "What are we going to do?" Ginny asks.

"Through here." Harry says, pointing to the closest door. We all run into the room and although it's silent at first, I start to hear a sudden burst of whispers. 

"Do you hear that?" I ask. 

Hermione gives me a confused look. "Hear what?"

"The whispers."

"There are no voices, y/n." Neville tells me. 

"I hear them too." Harry says. "Me too." Luna agrees.

Harry slowly starts advancing towards what looks like a shimmering veil. "Be careful Harry." I warn. But he seems like he's possessed, entranced by the need to get closer and closer to the archway.

Before I can approach him or warn him to stay back, I'm surrounding by thick black smoke. Everything is pressing in on me and a cold hand is clamped on my shoulder. Then the claustrophobia disappears and I'm standing at the edge of the room, a wand held to my throat by none other than Bellatrix Lestrange. I struggle against her, noticing that all the others are being held around the room, except for Harry, but there's no escaping her iron grip.

Lucius Malfoy is standing in front of Harry, approaching him slowly. "Hand over the prophecy Potter and none of your friends will be killed."

"Don't give it to her Harry." I shout but Bellatrix digs her wand further into my neck.

The look in his eyes and on his face tells me that he's going to hand it over just to save us. But as the orb transfers from his hand to Lucius', it slips through their fingers, crashing to the floor and shattering into a million little shards of glass. The murmurs of a raspy voice fills the room but it's gone so fast I can't discern what it said.

Lucius pulls his wand out quickly, ready to fight but before he can, the room fills with swirl of white smoke as members of the Order land around us. Kingsley Shacklebolt, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks and Sirius Black. They immediately start fighting and the death eaters holding us hostage have no other choice but to defend themselves, causing them to let us go. 

We're launched into battle once again, curses, hexes and defensive spells being fired every which way until every last one of Voldemort's followers have been stunned or petrified, except for Lucius who is in a furious battle with Harry and Sirius and Bellatrix who is nowhere to be seen. The thought makes me uneasy. She's never one to shy from a fight, meaning she has some sort of plan. 

Just when Harry disarms Lucius and he's fallen to the ground stunned, Bellatrix reappears on the outskirts of the room.

"Avada Kedavra!" she yells, a jet of green light firing from the end of her wand. 

"No!" I yell, watching as the spell heads towards Harry and Sirius until it finally reaches its target. 

I hold in a breath, releasing it an a gasp when I see Sirius get hit before he slowly stumbles backwards, falling through the veil.

A/N: I'm sorry that I killed Sirius, please forgive me. I just think it's a very important plot point essential for Harry's character development and will also play a decent role in the relationship between Harry and y/n.

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