16 - back to hogwarts

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AT long last September first has finally arrived and we've all boarded the Hogwarts Express for another year. Harry, Neville, Ginny, Luna and I manage to get a compartment together, while Ron and Hermione head off to the Prefects carriage for the second year in a row.

We all chat animatedly amongst each other; I fill Neville in on the events of my summer, Ginny plays with her new pygmy puff named Arnold, and Luna is rambling on to Harry about some random magical creature that may not even exist. But I learned last year to never question Luna about this random creatures she talks about. 

At around noon, someone knocks on our compartment door, sliding it open.  The boy standing in front of us looks like he's probably a third year at the most. "Professor Slughorn wants to invite Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter to his compartment for lunch." The third year announces. 

Harry, Ginny and Neville give each other questioning looks but get up to follow the third year. "I'll see you later." Harry says, leaning over to kiss me chastely on the lips before leaving. 

With the three of them gone, I'm left in the compartment alone with Luna. "You can go find a compartment with your other friends, I don't mind. I know I'm not usually people's first choice of companion." she tells me, peeking over her copy of The Quibbler. 

"No, I'm perfectly fine here, Luna. I don't mind your company. Besides, Dean and Seamus are probably just steaming up a compartment somewhere." I tell her. 

Neville and Ginny return to our compartment after they're done their lunch but Harry doesn't come back with them. In fact, he doesn't return to our compartment for the rest of the train ride to Hogwarts.


I don't see Harry again until he enters the Great Hall after the sorting.

"Why is he always covered in blood?" I huff, turning to Dean, Seamus and Neville. 

First he disappears for the entire afternoon and now he shows up all bloody, not even bothering to come say hi to me, he just sits down with Ron and Hermione at the other end of the table. I guess I could make my way over to him myself but Dumbledore starts his yearly speech and then we're all busy digging into our food.

Noting that Harry is most likely going to spend the rest of supper and probably the night as well whispering to Ron and Hermione about who knows what, I turn my full attention to my group of friends as they talk about their respective summers. 

Over the past few days since Diagon Alley, things seemed to be returning to normal between Harry. Or as normal as they can be when you're dating the only person to have survived the killing curse. I was thinking that maybe I was just reading too much into things. But now, this feeling I'm getting makes me think that maybe I do have the right to be worried about the fate of our relationship. 


A/N: This chapter is super short. It's more of a filler just to show that they're back at school. 

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