11 - escaping hogwarts

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HARRY and Hermione end up leading Umbridge out of the office a short while later to show her the 'secret weapon'. Although I have no idea what it is, I hope she's thought this all the way through and it ends with us on our way to the ministry to save Sirius. 


THANKS to Ginny's amazing talent when it comes to bat bogey hexes, the group of us manage to get out of Umbridge's office and immediately start running away from Hogwarts when we run into Hermione and Harry who are thankfully sans Umbridge. 

"So, what's the plan?" Neville asks eagerly.

"Sorry, Neville but there is no plan. I don't want any of you coming with me."

This doesn't discourage Neville in the slightest, if anything, it makes him more adamant.

"Dumbledore's Army was supposed to be doing something. Something real. Making a difference. Or was all that just words to you?" He presses.

"No, it wasn't." Harry assures us. 

"So, then it's settled. We're going with you." I say. Thankfully Harry doesn't argue. 

"Okay, so how do we get there?" Ginny wonders. 

"We fly of course." Luna says in her day dreamy voice.

We all turn to look at her questioningly. "Thestrals." she explains as if it was somehow the most obvious answer.


WE end up rounding up six thestrals so everyone gets their own while I ride with Harry. Once we're both mounted on the creatures and taking off, Harry leans in closer to me. His arms are wrapped around my waist as he presses his chest to my back. 

"Are you okay?" he whispers in my ear but before he can give me the chance to answer, he's whispering in my ear again. "Of course, you're not okay. You were just fucking tortured."

"Harry, I'm all right, really. I mean, yeah it was absolutely terrifying and bloody painful but it didn't last that long and I'm good now." I assure him but this doesn't seem to put his mind at ease.

"I'm so fucking sorry, y/n. It's all my fault that she did that to you."

"Harry, it's not your fault. I mean, were you the person who turned her into a sadistic bitch? No. So therefore, what she did wasn't your fault."

"Okay." he murmurs, placing a soft kiss on my neck.

We spend the rest of the ride in a comfortable silence and before I know it, we're landing outside the visitors entrance to the Ministry.


A/N: Super short chapter but the next chapter is the battle of the department of mysteries so shit is about to go down...

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